In 1947, four German judges who served on the bench during the Nazi regime face a military tribunal to answer charges of crimes against humanity. Chief Justice Haywood hears evidence and testimony not only from lead defendant Ernst Janning and his defense attorney Hans Rolfe, but also from the widow of a Nazi general, an idealistic U.S. Army captain and reluctant witness Irene Wallner.

Un tânãr rãtãcitor intrã în case necunoscute si locuite în timp ce proprietarii sunt plecati de acasã. Petrece acolo o noapte sau o zi, ascunzându-se si rãsplãtind generozitatea proprietarilor prin spãlarea rufelor sau fãcând mici reparatii. Viata lui se schimbã când dã peste o tânãrã si frumoasã femeie într-o casã bogatã care este gata sã fugã din cãsnicia abuzivã si nefericitã în care este întemnitatã.

A portrait of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s young adulthood, set in the 1940s and 50s, in the electric capital city of Santiago. There, he decides to become a poet and is introduced, by destiny, into the foremost bohemian and artistic circle of the time.

After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.

A celebrated painter receives a visit from a cardinal's assistant, who informs him that his mother could become a saint.

După ce un marchiz bogat este ucis, moștenitorii familiei lui devin principalii suspecți, dar sunt luați pe rând la țintă de cineva care pare să fie adevăratul ucigaș.

Born of a chance meeting in Venice, Silvestro and Camilla's rocky romance unfolds over 10 winters as new lovers come and go but they are eternally thrust back into one another's arms.

Spanish photographer Francesc Boix, imprisoned in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, works in the SS Photographic Service. Between 1943 and 1945, he hides, with the help of other prisoners, thousands of negatives, with the purpose of showing the freed world the atrocities committed by the Nazis, exhaustively documented. He will be a key witness during the Nuremberg Trials.

WELFARE shows the nature and complexity of the welfare system in sequences illustrating the staggering diversity of problems that constitute welfare: housing, unemployment, divorce, medical and psychiatric problems, abandoned and abused children, and the elderly. These issues are presented in a context where welfare workers as well as clients struggle to cope with and interpret the laws and regulations that govern their work and life.

After growing up in Switzerland, 13-year-old Marta returns to a city in southern Italy with her mother and older sister. Independent and inquisitive, she joins a catechism class at a local church. However, the games and religious pop songs she encounters there do not nearly satisfy her interest in faith. Struggling to find her place, Marta pushes the boundaries of the class, the priest, and the church.

A French chef swears revenge after a violent attack on his daughter's family in Macau, during which her husband and her two children are murdered. To help him find the killers, he hires three local hit-men working for the mafia.

Turin, 1969. Nine-year-old Massimo’s idyllic childhood is shattered by the mysterious death of his mother. The young boy refuses to accept this brutal loss, even if the priest says she is now in Heaven. Years later in the 90s, adult Massimo has become an accomplished journalist. After reporting on the war in Sarajevo, he begins to suffer from panic attacks. As he prepares to sell his parents’ apartment, Massimo is forced to relive his traumatic past. Compassionate doctor Elisa could help tormented Massimo open up and confront his childhood wounds…

An idealistic, modern-day cowboy struggles to keep his Wild West show afloat in the face of hard luck and waning interest.

Ajutați de un agent antidrog dubios, doi afaceriști din lumea ierbii o înfruntă pe șefa unui cartel de droguri care vrea să le preia afacerea, răpindu-le iubita comună.

Demi Moore și Woody Harrelson îi interpretează pe Diana și David Murphy, iubiți din liceu care s-au căsătorit și sunt fericiți împreună. Diana este o agentă imobiliară de succes și David este un arhitect idealist care a construit casa visurilor pe malul oceanului ... dar recesiunea îi lovește. Brusc, David își pierde slujba și cei doi nu-și pot plăti ipoteca. Faliți, ei împrumută 5000 de dolari de la tatăl lui David și se duc la Las Vegas ca să încerce să câștige toți banii de care au nevoie. La început, câștigă 25 de mii de dolari, dar, în cele din urmă, pierd totul. În timp ce Diana este în magazinul cazinoului încercând să fure niște dulciuri, miliardarul John Gage (Robert Redford) o vede și este imediat atras de ea. John îi invită pe Diana și pe David la o petrecere fastuoasă și acolo îi oferă lui David 1 milion de dolari pentru o noapte alături de soția lui.

A parolee falls for a reclusive movie star while trying to evade a ruthless gangster.

Giada is a overachieving student who works to pay for college. Riccardo is a spoiled brat who answers her tutoring ad in order to improve his abysmal grades. She's shy and homely. He's handsome and brazen. As they say, opposites attract.

The friendship between two Southern Italy kids is tested by their meeting with a young girl who's attempted suicide after failing to get married. Based on the novel "Il paese delle spose infelici" (literally, "Village of the Sad Brides", which is also the original title of this film) this elegantly photographed coming-of-age tale has sensitivity to spare but its stylish, yet understated, attitude doesn't easily win viewers over.

A group of middle-aged time-share investors get ripped off and their desire for revenge is well-timed for them to be recruited by a bank clerk who feels the same about his employers.

A pair of newlyweds must fight to survive when their wedding reception descends into chaos and carnage when their guests become infected by a virus that turns them into hungry zombies.