Because of a technical defect an American bomber team mistakenly orders the destruction of Moscow. The President of the United States has but little time to prevent an atomic catastrophe from occurring.

The story of Elwood P. Dowd who makes friends with a spirit taking the form of a human-sized rabbit named Harvey that only he sees (and a few privileged others on occasion also.) After his sister tries to commit him to a mental institution, a comedy of errors ensues. Elwood and Harvey become the catalysts for a family mending its wounds and for romance blossoming in unexpected places.

Hilarity ensues when a falsely accused fugitive from justice hides at the house of his childhood friend, which she has recently rented to a high-principled law teacher.

A mountain man who wishes to live the life of a hermit becomes the unwilling object of a long vendetta by Indians when he proves to be the match of their warriors in one-to-one combat on the early frontier.

A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.

Markantni Veliki Leslie (T. Curtis) uistinu je jedinstven junak s početka 20. stoljeća, neustrašiv i plemenit pustolov čista srca uvijek prikladno odjeven u snježnobijelu odjeću. Njegov zakleti i najveći neprijatelj je podli profesor Sudbina (J. Lemmon), u crnoj odjeći koji kao prepoznatljivo obilježje njeguje i crne brkove. Nakon što Leslie uz suradnju svog odanog pomoćnika Maxa (P. Falk) uspije šefove automobilske industrije uvjeriti da bi organiziranje utrke od New Yorka do Pariza bilo izvrsno za njihov posao i prosperitet, Sudbina upravo tu utrku odluči iskoristiti za konačni obračun s njim.

Widowed Welsh mother Anna Loenowens becomes a governess and English tutor to the wives and many children of the stubborn King Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the King have a clash of personalities as she works to teach the royal family about the English language, customs and etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party for a group of European diplomats who must change their opinions about the King.

Teenager Susan Turner, with a severe crush on playboy artist Richard Nugent, sneaks into his apartment to model for him and is found there by her sister Judge Margaret Turner. Threatened with jail, Nugent agrees to date Susan until the crush abates.

An advertising executive dreams of getting out of the city and building a perfect home in the country, only to find the transition fraught with problems.

A marching band of Germans, Italians, and Japanese march through the streets of swastika-motif Nutziland, serenading "Der Fuehrer's Face." Donald Duck, not living in the region by choice, struggles to make do with disgusting Nazi food rations and then with his day of toil at a Nazi artillery factory. After a nervous breakdown, Donald awakens to find that his experience was in fact a nightmare.

A conman poses as a war relief fundraiser, but when he falls for a charity worker, his conscience begins to trouble him.

Roger Willoughby is a renowned fishing expert, who, unbeknownst to his friends, co-workers, or boss, has never cast a line in his life. One day, he crosses paths with Abigail Paige, a sweetly annoying girl who has just badgered his boss into signing Roger up for an annual fishing tournament.

It's Valentine's Day again and Charlie Brown dreams the seemingly hopeless dream to receiving a valentine from anyone. All the while, the rest of the gang have their own trials whether it be Linus' struggle to get the biggest card he can for his beloved teacher, or Lucy trying to get some token from Schroeder while Snoopy and Woodstock are having fun spearing valentines on each other's nose.

New York, lijepa žena u potrazi za poslom Cathy Timberlake (D. Day) dolazi na burzu kako bi se raspitala ima li kakvog posla. Na ulici pokraj nje prođe luksuzna limuzina i zalije njezin kaput vodom iz lokve. Bogataš iz limuzine Philip Shayne (C. Grant) zamoli svog pomoćnika Rogera (G. Young) da pronađe nesretnu prolaznicu kako bi joj se ispričao. Roger pronađe Cathy i dovede je Philipu. Između lijepe žene i iskusnog i bogatog zavodnika odmah planu iskrice. Nakon što je nekoliko puta izvede i pokaže joj svoj budući stan, Cathy se ozbiljno zainteresira za Philipa, no on ne pokazuje namjeru ozbiljno se vezati.

Grof Victor Rhyall i njegova žena Hillary imaju financijskih problema i prisiljeni su dopustiti turističke posjete njihovoj palači. Među posjetiteljima je i naftni bogataš, Amerikanac Charles Delacro kojem se iznad svega svidi grofova žena...

Svijet je oduševljen kada svemirska letjelica s posadom sastavljenom od svjetskih astronauta sleti na Mjesec, ali je šokiran kada astronauti otkriju staru britansku zastavu i dokument u kojem se navodi da je Mjesec uzet za kraljicu Viktoriju koji dokazuje da astronauti nisu prvi ljudi na Mjesecu.

Drama critic Larry Mackay, his wife Kate and their four sons move from their crowded Manhattan apartment to an old house in the country. While housewife Kate settles into suburban life, Larry continues to enjoy the theater and party scene of New York.

A by-the-book Captain is ordered to capture a strategic village in Italy. The Italian soldiers are willing to surrender, if they can have a festival first. The lieutenant convinces the Captain this is the only way. Because of aerial reconnaissance, they must look like they are fighting. To sort this out an intelligence officer is sent in. Meanwhile the festival gets complicated with the Mayors daughter.

Tripper is the head counselor at a budget summer camp called Camp Northstar. In truth, he's young at heart and only marginally more mature than the campers themselves. Tripper befriends Rudy, a loner camper who has trouble fitting in. As Tripper inspires his young charges to defeat rival Camp Mohawk in the annual Olympiad competition, Rudy plays matchmaker between Tripper and Roxanne, a female counselor at Northstar.

Documentary about the current hustler scene in Berlin. Based on interviews with former and active prostitutes, the realities of male prostitutes in Berlin are treated. The film is objective, and records the hustler scene as a social Submilieu, which is characterized by both tragic fates, as well as everyday things and routines. Not only the direct sale of sexual services is discussed, but also other aspects associated with male prostitution: poverty, drug addiction, AIDS, crime, migration, love and partnership.