A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.

Un tempo Laida e Miggy erano innamorati. Ora sono obbligati a collaborare a livello professionale. E nessuno dei due, in realtà, ha dimenticato il passato.

When Abhoy gets engaged to Sabitri she starts to ridicule him as he is old fashioned and socially awkward. Will situations change for Abhoy?

Follows an assassin after completing a job.

Women attending a suffragette club meeting wear pants, boss their husbands, neglect their kids, play poker, and fight. Their husbands stay home to care for the children and run the household.

Four children and their ailing grandfather try to save sea turtles from poachers.

This is the third urban legend horror film based on the "Hitori Kakurenbo" game that has become a hot topic on the Internet. Rika, who tends to stay indoors, one day plays "Hitori Hide-and-Seek," a game she became interested in when she saw the game on a website. The next day, she commits suicide in front of her cousin who visits her room.

Mysterious giant beings called "Ryū no Shippo" (Dragon Tails) appeared across the world. Due to the danger it could bring, the Keroro Platoon did a worldwide research on the Dragon Tails, but Tamama suddenly disappeared during the research. Because of this, the whole platoon started their search for Tamama and ended up in Mont-Saint-Michel, France where they met mysterious girl named Sion, who holds the mysterious Ryū no Hon (Dragon Book). But little they know about the secrets about her and the worldwide calamity that would destroy the entire world, as they know it...

A buddha-like figure meditating on a high platform is fussily scrutinized by a whirring, clicking, mechanical bureaucrat.

During an interval in the proceedings of the court martial, the journalists enter into an animated discussion, resulting in a dispute between Arthur Meyer of the 'Gaulois', and Mme. Severine of the 'Fronde', resulting in a fight between Dreyfusards and Anti-Dreyfusards, in which canes and chairs are brought down upon the heads of many. The room is finally cleared by the gendarmes.

H*ART ON dives off the deep end of modern art. A film about the yearning to create, to mould everyday emotions into a meaningful life and, most of all, to live beyond one's death. A struggle that gets to the existential core of each of us. How do you find meaning in everyday fear, love, sex and loneliness?

Mentre passeggia lungo una striscia di spiaggia deserta, Geneva Miller è involontariamente testimone di un omicidio, diventando così a sua volta bersaglio predestinato dell'assassino. Tuttavia gli investigatori sono restii nel credere alla storia della donna; non c'è nessuna prova che sia stato veramente commesso un delitto. È evidente però che Geneva è molto agitata e si avanza l'ipotesi che, sconvolta dal recente fallimento del suo matrimonio, abbia inventato la storia di sana pianta. Ma l'uccisione di un poliziotto che proteggeva la donna fa comprendere che esiste veramente uno spietato killer che non esiterà davanti a nulla pur di mettere a tacere la scomoda testimone. Lunghe ore di paura e di angoscia attendono Geneva.

A young, lucky player, Todd is on a winning streak, claiming he’ll never lose, but what is he to lose once he joins the high rollers table?

Ofelia si rivolge ad Amleto e gli parla, ma lui in realtà non c’è. Il vuoto li divide. Lei parla da sola, sembra percorrere momenti della sua traiettoria e attraversare spazi diversi e tra loro lontani. Amleto dove sta? Vive la sua pazzia nel palazzo che è decaduto, trasformato nell’alloggio di un condominio moderno. Accanto a lui, Gertrude, la regina madre, cerca una sua dignità ma il destino la intralcia e, a tratti, orribilmente la trasforma