A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

1998年,在Jump Super Anime Tour '98上映的试作OVA,是全职猎人动画系列试播集。

A 3-way collaboration between Kamiusagi Rope, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, and TOHO Cinemas. The purpose is to promote a new TOHO theater opening up in Ueno on November 4, 2017. The collaboration video will also be available to view in TOHO Cinemas in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama from Ocotober 21 - December 1.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

在一个飘雪的夜晚,松鼠斯克莱特(Scrat)拿着一枚坚果穿越冰原。在经过某处时,偶然发现冰下放出亮光。斯克莱特从里面挖出一个奇怪的机器,这个机器将它和坚果带到了中世纪。它拔出了石头中的宝剑,继而受到城堡中的乱箭攻击。混乱之中,斯克莱特又被带到了角斗场,飞驰的马车让它无处藏身。原来这个机器是一个时间机,斯克莱特被迫随着机器做起了不知终点的时间旅行,旅途中各种险情频发,但即便如此,斯克莱特对坚果仍是情有独钟,念念不忘…… 本片为动画片《冰河世纪2》的配套短片,并荣获2007年安妮奖最佳动画短片奖。

Pippi Longstocking lives alone in Villekulla because her mother is an angel in heaven and her father is a pirate king in the Southern Seas. She befriends her next door neighbors, siblings Tommy and Annika, who are swept into Pippi's wild adventures.

La vida ha llevado a Julián Pérez por caminos equivocados, pero el destino le presentará a este hombre la oportunidad de encontrar su redención cuando es enviado a la misión más peligrosa y noble de toda su vida, una misión ordenada por la única autoridad que todavía respeta, su madre, Doña Elvira. Julián debe viajar hasta el otro extremo del mundo, a un lugar llamado Irak, a traer de vuelta vivo, a su hermano menor el soldado de infantería Juan Pérez. Con la promesa hecha, Julián Pérez regresa a su natal Sinaloa donde reclutará a un comando de elite, destinado a cumplir una misión suicida: viajar a Irak y salvar al soldado Pérez.

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

为纪念苏联卫国战争30周年,前苏联莫斯科电影制片厂于1970—1972年,拍摄了一部堪称前苏联电影史上耗资最巨、规模最大、场面最为壮观的战争题材影片———《解放》。影片从1943年苏联红军反攻(库尔斯克战役)开始,到强渡涅伯河,解放基辅,最后攻克柏林。分为五集,片长将近8个小时。导演尤里·奥泽洛夫为强调“纪实性”、“史诗性”,在影片中穿插了大量的真实历史文献镜头。影片还出现了不少历史人物,如斯大林、朱可夫、罗斯福、丘吉尔、希特勒、墨索里尼等。此外,影片还蕴涵丰富感人的故事情节,从苏、德两军统帅到普通士兵,从苏军反攻到德军覆没,成功地表现了一种攻无不克、战无不胜的革命乐观主义精神。 这是第三部。

卡然和基尚是多年的朋友,但他们却朝着完全不同的方向发展卡然是乡下的穷苦机修工,基尚是城里有钱的大老板卡然准备到异地工作,想赚更多钱,他希望基尚能照顾他的女儿,让她住在基尚家里基尚无法拒绝这个老朋友的要求,于是卡然的女儿——苏曼,住进了基尚的家里 基尚的儿子——普瑞姆,和苏曼建立了纯真的友谊.普瑞姆带苏曼参加朋友的聚会.却遭到了恶人的诽谤,并指控苏曼是想嫁给普瑞姆以谋取他家的财产.于是苏曼带着眼泪离开,并开始和普瑞姆保持距离而普瑞姆突然发现自己已经爱上了苏曼,在母亲和朋友的帮助下,普瑞姆赢得了苏曼的心可是后来,基尚听信了奸人的谗言,认为卡然故意将女儿安排在这,想谋夺他的财产他要将苏曼赶走,而卡然正好在这个时候回来了,当他看到老朋友这样污蔑自己后,伤心的带着女儿回到乡下普瑞姆不能忍受这种分离,公然反抗自己的父亲,并离开家,到乡下去找苏曼,希望能够和苏曼结婚,但却遭到了卡然的拒绝…..最终普瑞姆能不能和苏曼在一起呢? 故事又将如何发展 …


"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

Produced and directed by George Albert Smith, the film shows a couple sharing a brief kiss as their train passes through a tunnel. The Kiss in the Tunnel is said to mark the beginnings of narrative editing. It is in fact, two films in one, hence the 2 min length. Firstly, the G.A. Smith film here for the central cheeky scene in the carriage. The train view footage however is Cecil Hepworth's work, entitled 'View From An Engine Front - Shilla Mill Tunnel', edited into two halves in order to provide a visual narrative of the train entering the tunnel before the kiss and then leaving afterwards. More information about the filming of the phantom train ride can be found searching for the Hepworth film separately.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

这种骨头寒冷的颤抖的前传开始于1889年,内华达镇的拒绝镇,其中17人在神秘的情况下死亡。受到最近的事件的影响,填补了这个城镇的矿工离开了,直到没有任何东西离开,但是一个社区的外壳。剩下的居民可以到达死亡的最低点 - 但是他们必须这样做才能从地球上消灭。

Champion boxer Artyom Kolchin climbed all conceivable heights and became a national hero. He does not enter the boxing ring any more, rather choosing a coaching job and wild high life, including continuous TV appearances, hanging out and love affairs. One morning his daughter and his wife Vika meet him at home. Vika does not see the Artyom she once fell in love with in him any longer... The externally happy life of Kolchin comes to an end when the boxer he trains is almost killed during a match with the famous Kuerte. Artyom suspects that he used some forbidden technique. To obtain the proof, he has to go to Hong Kong where his long-time friend Vagit Valiev waits for him: he knows something about Kuerte which is not known to anyone else. To win, Artyom will have to enter the ring again.

Count Bobby should finally leave his lottery life and get married. The noble family needs a progenitor. But the count does not like this at all, and without further ado he pretends to be the "wrong way around". The horrified and shocked family then sends him to a very special kind of cure, to the city-famous Viennese whore Josephine Mutzenbacher. Count Bobby is thrilled, here he is in paradise...