Yks', kaks', kolme (engl. One, Two, Three) on vuonna 1961 valmistunut komedia, jonka ohjasi Billy Wilder. Elokuva sijoittuu kylmän sodan aikaiseen jaettuun Berliiniin ja siinä pilkataan idän ja lännen erilaisia yhteiskuntajärjestelmiä sekä saksalaista kansanluonnetta.

(Sullivan's Travels) Viihteen olemusta tutkiva komediaklassikko Hollywoodiin kyllästyneestä filmintekijästä, joka lähtee kulkurina etsimään oikeaa elämää. O: Preston Sturges. N: Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake. Mv.

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

A matriarch is poisoned during a family wedding reception and Aurora Teagarden vows to get to the bottom of the crime, especially when her mother, a friend of the dead woman, stands to inherit the bulk of the massive estate. 11th installment in Aurora Teagarden Mysteries.

When Jack and Sally announce that they're splitting up, this comes as a shock to their best friends Gabe and Judy. Maybe mostly because they also are drifting apart and are now being made aware of it. So while Jack and Sally try to go on and meet new people, the marriage of Gabe and Judy gets more and more strained, and they begin to find themselves being attracted to other people.

A dark domestic drama about the familial ties that bind and the ties that really bind.

Trilogian loppuosa liikkuu usealla aikatasolla ja Chan Wing Yan'in ja Lau Kin Mingin osuudet rikosvyyhdissä saavat syvempää taustoitusta.

Paolo is a sceptical 30-year-old who works unwillingly as a sales clerk in a Turin department store. Mia is a back-up singer in a band and lives her life haphazardly, which leads her to being practically homeless. One night, they bump into each other by chance, in a gay club in Turin. It will be the beginning of an emotional adventure and a journey across the country looking for the father of Mia’s baby.

The Plan Man is about a man who lives everything according to plan until he meets a woman who wasn't a part of it.

Marlo on nelikymppinen kolmatta lastaan odottava kahden lapsen äiti, jonka arki on jatkuvaa kamppailua. Perheen isä Drew tekee pitkää päivää töissä, joten kodin ja kahden lapsen hoitaminen jää Marlon tehtäväksi. Kolmannen lapsen syntyessä Marlon taakka käy jo lähes mahdottomaksi. Marlon rikas veli Craig huomaa pelottavan tuttuja muutoksia siskossaan ja ehdottaa hänelle apua lastenhoitajan muodossa. Ehdotettu lastenhoitaja on tosin hieman erilainen. Hän työskentelee vain öisin, jotta vanhemmat saisivat edes hetken rauhaa. Kun Marlon lopullinen romahdus lähenee, hän suostuu ottamaan avun vastaan ja soitaa Tullylle, tälle 20 ja risat -vuotiaalle innokkaalle yölliselle lastenhoitajalle. Tully on kuin onkin täydellinen. Hän leipoo muffineita, siivoaa, hoivaa Marloa ja auttaa kaikessa. Hän on kuin pelastava enkeli. Marlo voi vihdoinkin lepuuttaa hermojansa ja rauhoittua. Nuori ja huoleton Tully saa Marlon katsomaan elämäänsä tuorein silmin ja kaksikon välille syntyy kaunis ystävyyssuhde.

Father Maurice, a priest living in a residential college for priests in Rome, is called out one day to "exorcise" the devil from someone. The devil turns out to be in the form of a fun-loving man called Giuditta. What Father Maurice doesn't know is that this type of devil will turn his life around.

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.

Indian scout Tom Jeffords is sent out to stem the war between the Whites and Apaches in the late 1870s. He learns that the Indians kill only to protect themselves, or out of retaliation for white atrocities.

Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents. The mission of their visit is to marry her off to a super-wealthy corporate type and thereby start to turn around the losses their small kingdom is experiencing in its casino business. These less-than-noble intentions get derailed when Barnaba, a zany bus driver enters their lives and falls madly in love with the gorgeous Cristina. He is nuts enough to succeed in this romantic chase after royalty, as love seems to fuel his determination to rid Cristina of her elitism and to make her see his own irrepressible attractions.

A detective is hired to protect the life of a singer, who has recently inherited a department store, from the store's crooked manager.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Asso (Ace), the best poker-player in town, was killed in his wedding night, because he won too much against a bad loser. In the "final" game in heaven the clerk on duty also lost, so Asso can come back to this world as a ghost to search for a good man for his wife (widow). Who is good enough for the wife of Asso ?

Serafino, a young and innocent shepherd, inherits a huge fortune. He immediately starts spending the entire sum on presents for his friends, causing the envy of his family.

Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.

The famous Italian football coach Oronzo Canà has retired to a villa in Apulia. Now, old and tired, he is enjoying a quiet life there, cultivating his vineyard, when suddenly he is summoned to Milan, in northern Italy. There the elderly chairman of a great Lombard ("Longobarda") club is suffering from dementia and has lost his powers of judgement, and the club's manager has been fired. He has decided to bring back Oronzo Canà as trainer, remembering him from his great football team of thirty years before, tasking him with bringing the club back to its old winning ways. Oronzo puts his trust in the intervention of a Russian billionaire who has bought the club for promotion. But it is a deception.