Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.

In June 2013, Laura Poitras and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden. She brought her camera with her.

The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

Taking place at the Concentration camp Buchenwald at the end of March 1945, prisoner Hans Pippig discovers in a carrying case of an incoming prisoner a Jewish child. If reported the three-year-old is sure to die. On the other hand, a violation of the rules of the camp would threaten the long prepared uprising of the concentration camp prisoners against the SS.

Filmas darbība risinās 19. Gs. Francijā. Žans Valžāns, kuru jau gadiem meklē nežēlīgais policists Žavērs, apsola parūpēties par fabrikas strādnieces Fantinas meitu Kozeti. Šis liktenīgais lēmums izmaina daudzas dzīves.

When a new threat capable of destroying the entire planet emerges, Optimus Prime and the Autobots must team up with a powerful faction known as the Maximals. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, humans Noah and Elena will do whatever it takes to help the Transformers as they engage in the ultimate battle to save Earth.

Lara ir pusaugu meitene, kura nolēmusi kļūt par profesionālu baletdejotāju, tāpēc piesakās prestižajā Antverpenes baleta skolā. Kad viņu tajā uzņem, Lara kopā ar savu tēvu un sešgadīgo brāli pārvācas tuvāk skolai, un šķiet, ka viņas nākotne ir daudzsološa un rožaina. Taču Lara nelīdzinās citām meitenēm – viņa piedzima kā zēns un nu ir sākusi hormonterapiju, lai sagatavotos dzimuma maiņas operācijai. Taču pārmaiņas ķermenī nenotiek tik ātri, kā Larai gribētos. Neiecietīgie vienaudži, dzimuma disforija un augstās prasības pret sevi meiteni novājina gan fiziski, gan morāli.

Martin Scorsese and the Rolling Stones unite in "Shine A Light," a look at The Rolling Stones." Scorsese filmed the Stones over a two-day period at the intimate Beacon Theater in New York City in fall 2006. Cinematographers capture the raw energy of the legendary band.

Lola is a striking teenaged girl who is on the cusp of adulthood and longs to rush into the adult world of independence, freedom and sexual exploits, but is tenaciously held back by her mother.

Twenty-something Richard travels to Thailand and finds himself in possession of a strange map. Rumours state that it leads to a solitary beach paradise, a tropical bliss - excited and intrigued, he sets out to find it.

Looking to mine for gold, greedy industrialist Bartholomew Bogue seizes control of the Old West town of Rose Creek. With their lives in jeopardy, Emma Cullen and other desperate residents turn to bounty hunter Sam Chisolm for help. Chisolm recruits an eclectic group of gunslingers to take on Bogue and his ruthless henchmen. With a deadly showdown on the horizon, the seven mercenaries soon find themselves fighting for more than just money once the bullets start to fly.

Pie no darba atlaista zemūdenes kapteiņa vēršas noslēpumains klients, piedāvājot vadīt ekspedīciju, kura meklēs Melnajā jūrā nogrimušu ar zeltu piekrautu zemūdeni. Vēloties nopelnīt un atriebties bijušajam darbdevējam, kapteinis savāc komandu no krievu un angļu jūrniekiem un dodas ceļā. Tomēr drīzumā viņš saprot, kādā riskantā pasākumā ir iesaistījies.

Francija, 1809. gads. Apburošais kapteinis Nevils gatavojas precēties ar naivo Polīnu. Sākas karš, un kapteinis tiek izsaukts uz fronti, atstājot savu topošo sievu ar salauztu sirdi. Polīna ir nobažījusies, mēnešiem ilgi nesaņemot ziņas no sava līgavaiņa. Viņas māsa nolemj rakstīt viņai vēstules Nevila vārdā, lai viņu uzmundrinātu. Taču viss izgāžas, kad negaidīti atgriežas Nevils.

Paul is a down-on-his-luck screenwriter who picks up a drifter and offers him a place to stay. However, when the deranged stranger takes Paul hostage and forces him to write, their unhinged relationship brings buried secrets to light.

In Search of Beethoven offers a comprehensive documentary about the life and works of the great composer. Over 65 performances by the world's finest musicians were recorded and 100 interviews conducted in the making of this beautifully crafted film. Eleven interviews are included in the Extras and Six complete movements.

Antoine is a lawyer living in New York. On his way back to France for the final round of a job interview, Antoine finds himself sitting right next to his ex-girlfriend Julie. With a seven-hour flight ahead of them, they are going to have to speak to each other.

Alex, Antoine and Manu meet Jean, a loner who ignores the pleasures of friendship. Little by little, they learn to know each other, to appreciate each other. Jean is moved by the complicity and affection that fuels the relationship with his new friends.

France, a factory worker, lives with her three daughters in Dunkirk. The factory where she worked has been closed, leaving France and all of her workmates without a job. She decides to go to Paris to look for work. There she finds a cleaning job at the home of a rich man, Steve, whose world is radically different from her own. As their paths keep crossing, she discovers that her employer played a part in closing the factory in Dunkirk...

An innocent young man becomes enamored with a mysterious girl. He is lured into "Black Hole" - a dark, obscure video game world of avatars with deadly serious intentions in the real world.