Luzhniki Stadium / July 21, 2019 Hardwired / The Memory Remains / The Four Horsemen / Harvester of Sorrow / The Unforgiven / Now That We're Dead / Moth Into Flame / Sad But True / Halo On Fire / Frantic / One / Master of Puppets / For Whom the Bell Tolls / Creeping Death / Seek and Destroy / Spit Out The Bone / Nothing Else Matters / Enter Sandman

Táto rodina sa na prvý pohľad javí ako celkom obyčajná. Dobré finančné zázemie, korektný a spravodlivý otec Calvin, vždy pekne upravená matka Beth a dospievajúci syn Conrad. Ako je potom možné, že mladý Conrad sa odrazu celkom zrúti? Zistiť to má psychiater, ktorý sa spolu s Conradom vydá na cestu odhaľovania jednej veľkej rodinnej tragédie. Pred našimi očami sa odkrýva tajomstvo, ktoré z obyčajného robí niečo celkom iné a ani Conrad si nemôže byť istý, na čo všetko si ešte spomenie.

Based on the incredibly true story of a Spanish man with Multiple Sclerosis who tried to finish an Iron-Man: 3,8km swimming, 180km cycling and 42 running. And he was told that he could not make 100 meters.

The legendary true story of the Red Dog who united a disparate local community while roaming the Australian outback in search of his long lost master.

Thomas P. Johnson bol obchodníkom, ktorý bol tak posadnutý túžbou po zisku a úspechu, že takmer nemal čas všímať si svoju manželku Carol a ich malého syna Briana. A potom prišla tragická autonehoda, pri ktorej jeho vozidlo vyletelo z vozovky a narazilo do stromu. Thomas P. Johnson zomrel na mieste. A potom sa prebudil ako šteňa, ktoré dostalo meno Kľučka (Fluke). Mohol by pred sebou mať celkom obyčajný a príjemný psí život, keby už ako šteňa neskončil v útulku, kde mu hrozí smrť a nemal všetky tie zlé a čudné sny.

V USA vrcholí predvolebná kampaň a súčasný prezident má výborné vyhliadky na znovuzvolenie, ale krátko pred voľbami sa v médiách objaví informácia o jeho sexuálnom styku s mladistvou. Jeho predvolebný tím sa okamžite stretne, aby minimalizoval škody a jeden z poradcov okamžite kontaktuje hollywoodskeho producenta so svojou víziou vojny v Albánsku, ktorú prezident hrdinsky ukončí. Trikový šot z neexistujúcej vojny na druhý deň vysielajú všetky televízie a na prezidentov škandál si nikto ani nespomenie. Protikandidát sa však nehodlá len tak vzdať...

An ambitious journalist who witnessed a hit-and-run years ago reboots his investigation led by newly emerged clues. As he beats the clock to save the only survivor after her sudden disappearance, layers of unimaginable dark truths around a corrupted system start peeling.

In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.

Filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it.

The planned reburial of a village elder goes awry as the corpse resurrects into a hopping, bloodthirsty vampire, threatening mankind. Therefore, a Taoist Priest and his two disciples attempt to stop the terror.

A mockumentary that chronicles the prevalence of doping in the world of professional cycling.

Prečo sme tak tuční? Stačia dve slová: rýchle občerstvenie. Čo by sa stalo, keby ste nejedli nič iné, než stravu z rýchleho občerstvenia po dobu celého mesiaca? Filmár Morgan Spurlock sa vydá na takú cestu a je to tá najriskantnejšia púť jeho života. Pravidlá? Tridsať dní nesmie jesť nič iné, než čo je v ponuke McDonalds, stravovať sa v tomto reťazci trikrát denne, musí si objednať všetko čo je v ponuke aspoň raz a musí si dať XXL menu, pokiaľ je k tomu vyzvaný. Zatiaľ čo Spurlock prežúva pod zlatými oblúkmi, prechádza cez celú krajinu a diskutuje s množstvom odborníkov na rýchle občerstvenie, s obyčajnými ľuďmi a navštevuje školy, firmy a politikov. Spurlockova mučivá hamburgerová diéta ho privedie k fyzickej a citovej premene, ktorá vás prinúti zamyslieť sa nad objednávkou ďalšieho Big Macu. Super Size Me je film ponúkajúci nový pohľad na jeden z našich najväčších národných zdravotných problémov, na obezitu.

The Xbox Originals documentary that chronicles the fall of the Atari Corporation through the lens of one of the biggest mysteries of all time, dubbed “The Great Video Game Burial of 1983.” Rumor claims that millions of returned and unsold E.T. cartridges were buried in the desert, but what really happened there?

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our largest environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. Since the 1960s the world population has nearly doubled, adding more than 3 billion people. At the same time, talking about population has become politically incorrect because of the sensitivity of the issues surrounding the topic- religion, economics, family planning and gender inequality. The film illustrates both the over consumption and the inequity side of the population issue by following Beth, a mother, a child-rights activist and the last sibling of a large American family of twelve, as she discovers the thorny complexities of the population dilemma and highlights a different path to solve it.

A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement that is financed and made possible by brands, advertising and product placement.

Liverpool, 1978: What starts as a vibrant affair between a legendary femme-fatale, the eccentric Academy Award-winning actress Gloria Grahame, and her young lover, British actor Peter Turner, quickly grows into a deeper relationship, with Turner being the person Gloria turns to for comfort.

Katya and her fiancé Andrey - successful young banker fly to Malta on holiday. At the diving center they accidentally meet Max - professional diver, secretly engaged in black archaeology and Katya's ex boyfriend so the adventures start...

A young, hipster entrepreneur crashes and burns on the eve of his company’s big launch. With his entire life in disarray, he leaves Manhattan to move in with his estranged pregnant sister, brother-in-law and three year-old nephew in the suburbs — only to become their manny. Faced with real responsibility, he may finally have to grow up — but not without some bad behavior first.

Two ne’er-do-wells from Quebec travel to New York City with a scheme to get rich quick selling Christmas trees.

A young, recently-released and unpredictable ex-con with bad luck, and a sexy, listless girl-next-door with a troubled family, become trapped in a downward spiral of crime and obsessive love, as they try to ditch their dead-end town for a better life.