Prvi put u povijesti Spider-Mana identitet našeg prijateljskog heroja iz susjedstva je otkriven i on više nije u stanju odvojiti svoj normalan život od visokih rizika super heroja. Kad zatraži pomoć doktora Strangea, ulozi postaju još veći, prisiljavajući ga da otkrije što uistinu znači biti Spider-Man.

An unemployed man learns that his ex-girlfriend was murdered. He suddenly finds himself travelling through time to his middle school years and has chance to change the future and save the girl. He aims to rise to the top of the most brutal delinquent gang.

When retired hitman’s wife goes on vacation with her friend, she asks him to look after the friend's teenage daughter. Things go awry when he is forced to use a little violence to protect the girl from juvenile delinquents, but then they are found dead and the girl is kidnapped.

A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked into the past to save their first love.

Detective Ma Seok-do changes his affiliation from the Geumcheon Police Station to the Metropolitan Investigation Team, in order to eradicate Japanese gangsters who enter Korea to commit heinous crimes.

Kada grupa prijatelja otkrije kako prizivati duhove pomoću balzamirane ruke, oni se zaljube u novo otkriće, sve dok jedno od njih ne ode predaleko i oslobodi zastrašujuće nadnaravne sile.

While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves difficult when Anya mistakenly gets involved and triggers events that threaten world peace.

When a young Master Ip stops a kidnapping, he ignites a turf war with a ruthless human-trafficking ring. In retaliation, the gang kidnaps one of Ip Man's close friends, forcing him to face the group's brutal boxing champion head-on.

Mir i spokoj su uspostavljeni u Belogorie. Zlo je poraženo i Ivan sada uživa u svojoj zasluženoj slavi. Okružen je porodicom, prijateljima i malim čudima iz modernog svijeta koja mu pomažu da vodi lagodan život. Ali kada se drevno zlo uzdigne i postojanje čarobnog svijeta bude ugroženo, Ivan se mora udružiti sa svojim starim prijateljima i novim rivalima. Krenuće na dugo putovanje izvan poznatog svijeta kako bi pronašli način da poraze neprijatelje i vrate mir u Belogorie.

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.

Eight short stories of seduction and illicit encounters between lovers, filled with humor and eroticism, which use a circular structure located in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a colonial city of Mexico.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

Avion se srušio u Tihi ocean. Potopljeni putnički avion visi na rubu ponora, a preživjeli se nađu zarobljeni u zračnom džepu. Zalihe zraka postupno nestaju, a među putnicima počinje borba za preživljavanje.

Priča o pomorskoj bitci kod tjesnaca Noryang 16. prosinca 1598., posljednjoj bitci Imjinskog rata. Korejska flota od 150 brodova, predvođena admiralom Yi Sun-Shinom, suprotstavlja se floti od 500 brodova japanskog agresora.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Kada je ubojici Morganu Gainesu ponuđen ugovor da ubije sedmoro ljudi, on brzo otkriva da su sedam 'meta' također ubojice unajmljene da ubiju njega. Jedini izlaz iz svega ovoga je ostaviti za sobom trag leševa i pronaći šefa operacije koji ih je sve angažirao. Morgan kreće u međunarodnu potragu za ljudima prikupljajući jedan po jedan trag. U međuvremenu, ubojice se fokusiraju na Sophie, ljubav Morganova života. Koriste je kao pijuna u svojoj smrtonosnoj igri, prisiljavajući Morgana na nemoguću žrtvu: jedini način da spasi njen život je da izgubi svoj.

The Swamp Thing returns to battle the evil Dr. Arcane, who has a new science lab full of creatures transformed by genetic mutation, and chooses Heather Locklear as his new object of affection.

Ghoulies II picks up a short time after the first movie, a few of the little nasties stow away on an amusement park ride and bring big bucks to a dying fair. The creatures are mad after an attempt to kill them, so the creatures go on a rampage through the fairgrounds, ultimately leading to an explosive conclusion!

A biological experiment goes bad, this time releasing a gaggle of mutated great white sharks with a taste for human flesh. Soon enough, shark expert Nick West is on the case, leading a crew to study them and eventually bring them back into captivity. West's plans hit a snag, however, when Australian shark hunter Roy Bishop is called in to wipe out the fishy menace.

A surrealist impression of psychic voyage via sexual union. Released posthumously, comprised of an extract from Foldes' unfinished feature-length animated film. Music by Pink Floyd.