自钏路一别,高桥七美(吉高由里子 饰)和矢野元晴(生田斗真 饰)这对情意浓浓的小情侣,彼此可能谁也没想到,这次分别竟会如此之久。最初的日子里,他们按时发短信、传照片、打电话,相互鼓励。元晴在继续学业的同时,不得不背着学校打工贴补家用,虽然也结识了千见寺亚希子(比嘉爱未 饰)这样的好友,但越来越残酷的现实却将他的自信和乐观击得粉碎。渐渐的,他中断了和七美的联系,仿佛从她和好友竹内匡史(高冈苍佑 饰)的世界中凭空消失了一般。多年过去,如愿考取东京的七美也面临就职的重要时刻。只是无论时光如何流转,她对那个人的思念与寻找从未停止,这注定是七美,同时也是元晴一生的负累……


This final True-Life Adventure would also appear to be one of the best, as we go into the South American jungle to observe the jaguar. Jungle Cat is more intimate than its kin, allowing individual animal characters to be developed. Central to the cast is a pair of jaguars (one ebony), whose fighting leads to love and, not long after, two babies (one resembling each parent).

In the winter of 1968, in a small village in the mountains, the story follows three children who embark on a daring quest to evade the ominous Monster of Many Noses, a formidable figure deeply ingrained in Catalan folklore. This sinister character is known for hunting down children who have spun too many lies on the final day of the year. But the children are not the only ones gripped by fear; the film also explores how lies from the past can have a haunting presence. The film follows a proven formula of taking a deeply rooted legend from Catalan folklore and transforming it into a universal story. The Monster of Many Noses is a captivating exploration of history, myth, and the human condition.

克里希纳(Krishna)的梵文原意是“黑天”,印度教崇拜的大神之一。他是天神毗湿奴(Vishnu)的第八个化身。他从小就以牧童的形象出现,善于助人,喜欢吹笛子,并技艺高超,平时用羽毛来装饰自己的头,而且经常和牧牛女嬉戏跳舞。他象征着爱与神圣的喜悦,全身皮肤均为蓝色,好莱坞科幻大片《阿凡达》中的人物形象就是以“黑天大神”克里希纳的原型塑造的。电影讲述了一个孩子经黑天宿主,在人间除恶助善的故事,该片是一部真人版3D动画儿童片。玖熹·查瓦拉近年来已经鲜有作品问世了,不是给这部片配配音,就是帮那部片串串场。这次玖熹·查瓦拉又选择参演了这么一部儿童片,不过她在片中的戏份还是比较吃重的。《我乃黑小天》的第一制片人Nandan Mohato,是玖熹·查瓦拉与赫里尼克·罗斯汉的私人助理,而第二制片人Pomilla Hunter是卡特莉娜·卡芙的御用发型师。显而易见,这三位大牌都是本着友情关系特别出演此片。

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

After the difficult birth of their first child, Anneke becomes addicted to pills. After an attempted suicide, she is admitted to a psychiatric clinic.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.


A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.

After the title, a white screen gives way to a series of frames suggestive of abstract art, usually with one or two colors dominating and rapid change in the images. Two figures emerge from this jungle of color: the first, a shirtless man, appears twice, coming into focus, then disappearing behind the bursts and patterns of color, then reappearing; the second figure appears later, in the right foreground. This figure suggests someone older, someone of substance. The myth? Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2012.

A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.

A group of girls are dancing, when one of them steps out and finds a hammer lying on the floor.