Skurkene fra populære Disney-filmer samler seg i Musehuset med planer om å overta det. Skurkene tar snart over huset og sparker ut Mikke, Donald og Langbein. Det er opp til Mikke og vennene å beseire ondskapen og få Musehuset tilbake til det normale.

Return is a methodical construction of the approach of an individual towards an unseen goal, which assumes metaphorical significance. Viola moves toward the camera/viewer, pausing every few steps to ring a bell, at which point he is momentarily thrust back to his starting place, and then advanced again. Finally reaching his destination, he is taken through all of the previous stages in a single instant and returned to the source of his journey.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Timothy Dalton er elegant og dødelig som superagent James Bond i dette turbo-drivende action-evenyret. Armert med en Aston Martin smekkfull av finesser og sin rett til å drepe, må agent 007 stoppe en truende våpen-konspirasjon direkte tilknyttet det sovjetiske militærets øverste kommando.

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.

A horror short with no dialogue (Advised to watch with headphones)

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

To år har gått siden Jesse og Willy så hverandre sist. På en campingtur med fosterforeldrene finner Jesse sin gamle venn og de har det like fint sammen som før. Gleden får en brå stopper når en oljetanker går på grunn og Willys familie blir splittet og er i fare. Jesse, vennene Randolph og Nadine må hjelpe Willys søster som er full av olje. Willy sirkler sint og fortvilet rundt henne... Jesse må satse alt på at Willy stoler på ham for å kunne redde Willys familie.

Sirkus Sarouch ankommer Paris og Quasimodo fengsles av alt det spennende. På sirkuset viser den mystiske Sarouch sine magiske triks, men det som fortryller Quasimodo mest er den vakre Madellaine. Quasimodo blir forelsket! Når Quasimodo får vite at Madellaine er tvunget med til Paris av den ekle Sarouch, blir han involvert i en fartsfylt jakt gjennom Paris' gater og torg...

Når Sara tar Beethoven med seg på sommerferie sammen med den originale onkel Freddie til en gammel gruveby, kommer den skøyeraktige hunden til å "grave opp" den manglende ledetråden til en legendarisk og skjult skatt. Nå vil alle være bestevenner med Beethoven fordi oppdagelsen hans fører til et frenetisk anfall av skattejakt blant byens heller skrullete skikkelser. Men eventyret viser seg å inneholde mer enn de hadde regnet med når de møter spøkelsene som passer på byens dypeste hemmelighet. Den prisvinnende rollelisten med Dave Thomas, John Larroquette, Faith Ford, Kathy Griffin og Daveigh Chase som spiller i denne nye og morsomme eventyrfilmen for hele familien.