David McVicar's spellbinding production of LE NOZZE DI FIGARO is set in 1830s post-revolution France, where the inexorable unravelling of an old order has produced acute feelings of loss. In the relationship between Finley's suave, dashingly self-absorbed Count and Röschmann's passionately dignified Countess, which lies at the tragic heart of the opera, the sexy ease between a feisty Figaro (Erwin Schrott) and a sassy Susanna (Miah Persson) is starkly absent, the tenacious spark between Marcellina (Graciela Araya) and Bartolo (Jonathan Veira) suggesting what might be rekindled. The production is superbly complemented by the beauty of Paule Constable's lighting and Tanya McCallin's evocative sets. Antonio Pappano conducts (and accompanies the recitatives) with invigorating wit and emotional depth.

Loose: The Concert is the first live DVD from the Canadian pop singer-songwriter Nelly Furtado. It is a recording of Nelly Furtado's live performance at the Air Canada Centre, in Toronto, Canada, on April 4, 2007. The set includes all Furtado's hit singles and live versions from her third studio album Loose starting with her first single "Promiscuous" to "Do It", and almost everything in between, combined with her singles from her previous studio albums Whoa, Nelly! and Folklore such as "I'm like a Bird", "Turn Off the Light", "Força" and "Powerless (Say What You Want)".

A provincial, Julie Moret, is hired as a servant in a Parisian bourgeois residence. She is courted by one of the Bouquinquant brothers, Léon, who does not take long to ask her to marry him. Alas, Léon turns out to be violent, alcoholic and lazy. Faced with her misfortune, Julie gets closer to her brother-in-law Pierre, the opposite of Léon, serious and hardworking, and they become lovers. The drama will rush when Julie becomes pregnant with Pierre.

Ranjit is a young man who has been assured a lucrative job. All he has to do is turn up for the interview dressed in a western style suit, but all the city laundries are on strike that morning, and his only suit is dirty.

A voyeuristic journey through the homoerotic work of Alair Gomes.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

Video installation, 2005, at LOKAAL_01 Breda 2007, Burning Marl, curator Frederik Vergaert in Seppenshuis Zoersel, 2005. A woman walking through 3 video images. Three screens display how the day’s light passes by: from the early morning light until late at night. Along with the woman the artist walks through the forest, in the same rhythm, the same pace. Off-screen she looks through the camera, fragmenting time. The age-old androgynous trees are a vertical constant along which the woman moves, as if in an interval between visibility and invisibility, between sound and silence, while the light keeps on evolving metabletically.

Bergman took one of his favourite plays to Copenhagen for a guest performance, which was even broadcast on Danish TV. In his Copenhagen The Misanthrope, Bergman maintained a dual approach. On the one hand, a production of Molière's play as a theatrical game performed in style and intellectually conceived; on the other hand, an exposure, through physical and psychological intensity, of the emotional tragedy in which Alceste and Celemine are both victims. Expectations were high prior to Bergman's production of The Misanthrope. A reviewer wrote, 'For the first time Molière's connection to the Danish stage is intercepted by a director whose forte is physiological tragedy, Strindberg over Holberg'. Many reviews had expected Bergman to put his very personal stamp on the production. Instead they experienced 'a clean Molière' and were struck by Bergman's faithfulness to the original mise-en-scene and to the classical rhythm of Molière's text.

Three years living in Sunset Park, living between the BQE and the Greenwood Cemetery, accumulating footage of junkyard cats, Park Slope strollers, burned out cars, flying birds.

Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy street dancer, arouses the desire of men, especially of Claude Frollo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame. The latter asks Quasimodo, the deaf and deformed bell-ringer of the cathedral, to kidnap the girl. Quasimodo, who has been adopted by Frollo and obeys his every word, captures the gypsy but she is saved thanks to Phoebus, a handsome captain, and his archers. Arrested by Phoebus, the hunchback is condemned to be flogged at the pillory. When Esmeralada, moved to pity by his lot, gives him water to drink, Quasimodo falls in love with her. Later, Phoebus is stabbed to death and Esmeralda is wrongly accused of the murder. Sentenced to hang, she is saved by Quasimodo who offers her asylum and... the love of his heart.

A young girl arrives in Hollywood determined to become a star in the movies but finds that attaining stardom is a lot more difficult than she counted on. However, she does become a star of sorts — as the owner of a dog who DOES become a movie star.

During the EU enlargement negotiations, Danish journalist Christoffer Guldbrandsen accompanied his country's prime minister, Fogh Rasmussen, during the three-month negotiations. What looked like a conventional documentary turned out to be a tangible political scandal: Rasmussen wore an invisible microphone at many meetings and thus "recorded the true opinion of his counterparts behind the scenes". The close-up film ensures "more openness about the background of politics", since not only the official announcements were documented, but also not so statesmanlike statements about problems and people."

Do hodiny a půl musí zaplatit výkupné, jinak ji zabijí! Tony West je úspěšný farmaceutický manažer žijící v LA se svou milující ženou. Po dni napjatého jednání s potencionálními zájemci, jde Tony domů, kde zjistí, že jeho žena pryč.....do 90 minut musí únoscům dát 50.000 dolarů, jinak jí zabijou. Vyzbrojen pouze mobilem a vlastním rozumem nemá jinou možnost, než se podřídit. Brzy si ale uvědomí, že vlastně nejde o peníze ale o informace, které má k dispozici a lidé, kteří to ví, jsou ochotni zajít hodně daleko, aby je získali. Jak víc a víc odkrývá tajems…

Fed up with the bullying from their classmates, Jorge and Emilio plan a shooting at their school.