It's officially Spring Break at Monster High, and Lagoona takes her gilfriends across the sea to the Great Barrier Reef, but they are ship wrecked and end up on a mysterious skull shaped island. Here they enjoy the local hospitality until they realize that they are being used by a slippery showman named Farnum to lure the rarest, most mysterious monster of them all, "the Beast" into a trap. Frankie is taken by the Beast but tables turn and she ends up rescuing him and returning with him to Monster High. The story goes to high voltage when they realize that Frankie has inadvertently led Farnum to the location of the greatest gathering of monsters anywhere...Monster High.

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang become involved in a supernatural mystery in Egypt.

When five ragtag freshman first meet in detention, it seems they have nothing in common. But, through music, they form an unbreakable bond and discover they have the makings of the greatest high school garage band in history! In the face of incredible odds, Olivia, Stella, Wen, Mohini and Charlie find they can make a real difference when they learn to lean on each other and let go of everything holding back their dreams.

Kai išeina Grahamo šeimos matriarchas, jos dukra pradeda skleisti paslaptingas ir vis baisiasnes paslaptis apie savo kilmę.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Asterikso purbrolis susiduria su bėda Britanijoje – jį puola romėnų kariuomenė. Taigi mažasis Asteriksas ir jo draugas Obeliksas susiduria su sudėtinga misija. Jie privalo padėti.

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

Lola is a striking teenaged girl who is on the cusp of adulthood and longs to rush into the adult world of independence, freedom and sexual exploits, but is tenaciously held back by her mother.

The story of R&B singer and actress Aaliyah; namely, the highs and lows of her career, her romantic pursuits, and the events leading up to her death in 2001 at the age of 22.

Vasaros atostogų metu klube organizuojamas talentų konkursas, kuriame dalyvauti apsisprendžia Trojus, Gabrielė, Rajanas, Čadas, Teilor bei Šarpėj.

Šiuolaikiniame Niujorke gyvena iš pažiūros paprasta paauglė Klerė Frei, tačiau jos gyvenimas akimirksniu apsiverčia. Kiek maištinga ir į meną linkusi raudonplaukė netikėtai tampa paslaptingo nužudymo liudininke – nukeliavusi su geriausiu draugu į naktinį klubą ji pamato ginkluotą trijulę. Tačiau tiek nusikaltimą, tiek žudikus, kurių kūnai išmarginti nepažįstamais ženklais, matė tik ji viena. Netikėta liudininkė sudomina paslapčia veikti besitikėjusius jaunuolius. Įvyksta lemtinga Klerės pažintis su tvirtu, žavingu ir kraują stingdančiu Džeisu. Paaiškėja, kad auksaplaukis drauge su bičiuliais priklauso jauniems kovotojams, turintiems angelų kraujo. Jie – Prieblandos medžiotojai, rizikuojantys gyvybėmis ir išeinantys į gatves grumtis su demonais, kad išlaikytų gėrio ir blogio balansą. Jau netrukus vienas iš demonų taikosi užpulti ir Klerę, kurią spėja išgelbėti tik Džeiso vikrumas.

Set several years after the first film, Ariel and Prince Eric are happily married with a daughter, Melody. In order to protect Melody from the Sea Witch, Morgana, they have not told her about her mermaid heritage. Melody is curious and ventures into the sea, where she meets new friends. But will she become a pawn in Morgana's quest to take control of the ocean from King Triton?

Melanie Carmichael labai pasisekė – jai ne tik pavyko pasprukti iš Alabamos, bet ir šio bei to pasiekti. Melanie ruošiasi tekėti už Niujorko mero sūnaus, tačiau tam yra šiokių tokių kliūčių – pasprukdama iš Alabamos ji pamiršo nutraukti pirmąją sanduoką...

Belle, the Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the rest of those zany castle residents use their imaginations to embark on three magical, storybook adventures. This direct-to-video anthology serves as a "sequel" to Disney's animated hit film. In "The Perfect World," Belle and the Beast learn about forgiveness. In "Fifi's Folly," Lumiere's girlfriend is jealous of his bond with Belle. And in "Broken Wing," the Beast learns to be kind to an injured bird.

Paskutinius metus mokyklos suole trinantis Kventinas (akt. Nat Wolff) iki ausų įsimylėjęs gražuolę kaimynę Margo (akt. Cara Delevingne). Bet yra viena smulkmena – nors jie mokosi vienoje mokykloje ir gyvena šalia vienas kito, jaunuoliai beveik nepažįstami. Nuo vaikystės iš meilės žaviai merginai dūsavęs Kventinas nedrįsdavo nė svajoti, kad Margo, kurios gyvenimas buvo virtinė neįtikėtinai įspūdingų nuotykių, galėtų atkreipti dėmesį į šį eilinį vaikiną, kol vieną vakarą... ji tiesiog išdygo jo kambaryje.

The true story of Jimmy Adams, a V.P. of a $30 billion hedge fund, who loses his job and winds up working as a waiter at a waffle shop. Amidst the greasy madness of the 24-hour diner, Jimmy befriends Edward, an ex-con grill master who serves up hard lessons about life, finance, and grits.

Overeducated and underemployed, 28 year old Megan is in the throes of a quarterlife crisis. Squarely into adulthood with no career prospects, no particular motivation to think about her future and no one to relate to, Megan is comfortable lagging a few steps behind - while her friends check off milestones and celebrate their new grown-up status. When her high-school sweetheart proposes, Megan panics and- given an unexpected opportunity to escape for a week - hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year old Annika and Annika's world-weary single dad Craig.

Sara, Lucía, Sofía and Claudia are sisters, 4 modern women with very different personalities, who come together at their mother's funeral, after which they discover the man they've all called "dad" throughout their lives is not really their father. They embark on a quest to discover who their real fathers are, discovering more about themselves, their mother, and their lives.

An architect's desire to speak with his wife from beyond the grave using EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), becomes an obsession with supernatural repercussions.

Niutonų šeimyną ištinka keistas dalykas – Betovenas staiga tampa labai paklusnus ir geras šuo. Pasirodo, kad bežaisdamas parke jis susikeitė vietomis su turčiaus šuneliu… Ar pavyks abiems dručkiams grįžti namo?.. Juolab, kad turtuolio tarnas rezga labai piktus kėslus…