A group of college students develop an underground network that helps women get abortions in the pre-Roe vs. Wade Chicago.

Exiled artist and poet Mustafa embarks on a journey home with his housekeeper and her daughter; together the trio must evade the authorities who fear that the truth in Mustafa's words will incite rebellion.

A documentary about the legendary series of nationally televised debates in 1968 between two great public intellectuals, the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Intended as commentary on the issues of their day, these vitriolic and explosive encounters came to define the modern era of public discourse in the media, marking the big bang moment of our contemporary media landscape when spectacle trumped content and argument replaced substance. Best of Enemies delves into the entangled biographies of these two great thinkers, and luxuriates in the language and the theater of their debates, begging the question, "What has television done to the way we discuss politics in our democracy today?"

(Nanook of the North, USA 1922) Robert J. Flahertyn klassikko kertoo eskimoperheen elämästä vaikeissa olosuhteissa. Pääosassa on metsästäjä ja kalastaja Nanook, joka kuoli nälkään pian elokuvan valmistuttua. Uusi restauroitu versio.

A drug cartel boss is arrested in a raid and coerced into betraying his former accomplices as part of an undercover operation.

A Midwestern husband and father announces his plan to have a sex change operation.

A husband and wife struggle with their consciences after they try to conceal a terrible crime committed by their teenage daughter.

James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his mother's battle with a serious illness faces a series of setbacks that force him to assume more responsibility. With the pressure on him mounting, James must find new reserves of strength or risk imploding completely.

John Shaft on piinkova dekkari. Richard Roundtree esittää nokkelaa, kovaa ja itsevarmaa yksityisetsivää, joka joutuu taistelevien rikollisjärjestöjen väliin jäljittäessään kidnapattua naista. John Shaft on muutosten aikakauden ikoni, joka katsoo totuutta silmiin - hyvässä ja pahassa. Ernest Tidymanin romaaniin perustuvan elokuvan on ohjannut Gordon Parks.

A road trip through Louisiana transforms three strangers who were originally brought together by their respective feelings of loneliness.

Andreas Dresen's adaptation of Clemens Meyer's novel about a group of East German friends right after the fall of the Wall.

As her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor with marriage troubles of his own. In each other's company they find the courage to get back on the road and the strength to take the wheel.

Aikamiespoika Owen on kyllästynyt äitinsä jatkuvaan simputukseen. Mies punoo juonen päästääkseen äidin päiviltä ja höynäyttää aisaparikseen kirjoituskurssinsa opettajan Larryn.

Becky Something oli aikanaan yksi grungen suurimmista tähdistä. Uransa huipulla hänen bändinsä soitti loppuunmyydyillä areenoilla. Siitä ei ole edes kovin kauan, mutta tie alas huipulta voi olla jyrkkä, ja yhtäkkiä Becky onkin alkoholisoitunut entinen tähti. Hän saa kuitenkin virtaa uudesta naispunkkareiden sukupolvesta. Kysymys kuuluukin: riittääkö se saamaan hänet irti riippuvuudesta ja yksinäisyydestä?

On a romantic getaway to Iceland, a young American couple wake up one morning to discover every person on Earth has disappeared. Their struggle to survive and to reconcile the mysterious event lead them to reconsider everything they know about themselves and the world.

Kohtalokas onnettomuus tekee Januaryn työkyvyttömäksi ja aiheuttaa muistinmenetyksen. Hän ei voi muuta kuin palata kotiinsa Britanniaan perheensä hoivattavaksi. Mukaan tulee pitkäaikainen poikaystävä Callum. Heidän saapuessaan mikään ei herätä Januaryn muistoja, eikä erikoinen perhe lainkaan hyväksy Callumia. Pian käy selväksi, että Januaryn lapsuudenkodissa on jotain vialla. Ja varsinkin vikaa on hänen perheessään. Nyt January uskoo, että hänen lähdölleen monta vuotta sitten oli hyvät syynsä, ja alkaa Callumin kanssa selvittää totuutta. Pian he huomaavat, ettei perhe ole ollenkaan niin rakastava kuin teeskentelee olevansa.

Vanessa proudly shares all her personal information, selfies and family photos with her online friends and is thrilled to welcome her 10,000th follower. Little does she know that her new fan is actually the biological mother of her adopted daughter Lacy and has been trying to track her down for seven years. Now that she knows all the family's movements and whereabouts, her cyber stalking turns into the real thing. Inserting herself into the family's lives and affections, she soon becomes indispensable as sous chef in Vanessa's restaurant and is always ready to babysit Lacy - just waiting for the right moment to abduct her - For she will stop at nothing to get her daughter back - not even murder.

Aspiring artist Ali must rebuild her life after a tragic accident kills her husband and their young child, and leaves her blind. Life in the dark proves to be a daunting task, so, at her doctor's suggestion, she hires a caretaker named Jeff to help her adjust with the transition. Jeff's aid proves to be indispensable, she even meets and quickly befriends her new neighbor, Linda. Before long, she is embroiled in a fight for her life from an obsessive predator. Will she learn to protect herself using her only remaining senses in time to save her life?

Apnea presents a week in the life of Chris and her friends. Chris does not want to sleep. Afraid of her sleep apnea and her own unconsciousness, Chris stays up several nights in search of some sort of sense to her life that she did not see during the day, always living on the edge of her own body, and of existence itself, and dragging everything around with her.