Rap grupa N.W.A. sredinom 1980-ih svojom sirovom i provokativnom autentičnošću uzdiže se s ulica Comptona i iz temelja mijenja hip-hop kulturu.

Susan Morrow živi neispunjen život sa suprugom Huttonom. Jednog vikenda, kad Hutton ode na poslovni put, Susan dobije paket od svoga bivšeg muža, Edwarda Sheffielda, s kojim se nije godinama čula niti vidjela. To je roman „Noćne životinje”, koji je on napisao. Susan odluči pročitati roman, koji je posvećen njoj…

Frustrirani muškarac uzima pravdu u svoje ruke nakon što nagodba oslobodi ubojicu njegove obitelji. Ne cilja samo ubojicu, već i okružnog tužitelja i sve ostale koji su bili uključeni u dogovor.

Kad tajanstvena mlada žena stigne u mali grad u Sjevernoj Karolini, njena nevoljnost da se pridruži zajednici poteže pitanja o prošlosti. Ona će polako skupiti hrabrost da započne vezu sa Alexom, udovcem sa dvoje djece. Ali mračne tajne počinju da ugrožavaju njen novi život.

A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis.

Pred Ethanom Huntom je vjerojatno najteži zadatak do sada, jer su mu protivnici članovi međunarodne organizacije odmetnutih pod imenom Syndicate. Jednako pripremljeni, vješti i ubojiti učinit će sve da zauvijek unište IMF.

A lawyer-turned-preacher living in a small Appalachian town is pursued by an eccentric man to represent him in court. Now involved in a case that ties into his own small-town life, the former attorney agrees to help a man.

Rat zbog droge na granici SAD-a i Meksika eskalira, jer su karteli počeli trgovati teroristima diljem američke granice. Kako bi pobijedio u ovome ratu, savezni agent Matt Burns (Josh Brolin) će se morati udružiti sa živahnim Alejandrom (Benicio Del Toro).

Pratimo priču o izumitelju Flintu Lockwoodu i oštroumnoj meteorologinji Sam Sparks i njihovom nastojanju da istraže zašto u njihovom gradu s neba ne pada kiša već hrana. Istovremeno, Flintov stari "prijatelj" Brent nastavlja ga maltretirati kao što je to činio kad su bili klinci, a Shelbourne se želi dočepati Flintovog posljednjeg izuma koji bi trebao svakome učiniti život ljepšim.

A story based on the life of a struggling Long Island single mom who became one of the country's most successful entrepreneurs.

Tom and Hannah have been platonic friends for 10 years. He's a serial dater, while she wants marriage but hasn't found Mr. Right. Just as Tom is starting to think that he is relationship material after all, Hannah gets engaged. When she asks Tom to be her 'maid' of honor, he reluctantly agrees just so he can attempt to stop the wedding and woo her.

When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the icy temperatures.

Rookie police officer Jessica Loren has been assigned the last shift at a closing police station and must wait for a hazmat crew to collect biomedical evidence. Ordered not to leave the station under any circumstances, Jessica comes to learn that it's more than just an outdated station, it's home to the ultimate embodiment of evil and his devoted bloodthirsty followers. Jessica is left to fend for herself in the Devil's playground.

A failed Broadway singer who now works as a production manager must save opening night on his new production by wrangling his eccentric cast and crew.

Based on a miraculous true story that drew the attention of the entire nation, is the dramatic, thrilling, and spiritual journey of Ashley Smith and Brian Nichols. After being taken hostage by Brian in her own apartment, Ashley turns to Rick Warren’s inspirational book, The Purpose Driven Life, for guidance. In reading from the book, Ashley not only finds purpose in her own life, but helps Brian find a more peaceful resolution to a harrowing situation.

Franssou, a charming Parisian English teacher, who shares part of her life with a boring middle-aged lover, dreams of another life. So, when she unexpectedly inherits 50,000 euros, she grasps the opportunity and goes to the French Riviera in order to take it easy in luxury. In the four-star hotel where she rents a room she comes across Stéphane, a strange guy who is in the process of arranging Elton John's next coming to the place. Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him. She knows Stéphane is at bay and decides to take advantage of it.

In 79 A.D., Milo, a slave turned gladiator, finds himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him.

After his girlfriend Georgia is murdered by European mobsters, Sam flees to Paris to hide out. Years later, he sees a woman in a Hollywood film who he's certain is Georgia. In L.A. to investigate, he encounters Kat who impulsively decides to help him on his quest. But when Sam meets the mystery actress face to face his life spins out of control.

Sword of Vengeance je priča o osveti, točnije priča o Normanskom princu koji se nakon godina provedenih u ropstvu vrati kući vođen samo željom da osveti svog oca kojega je ubio njegov vlastiti brat, prinčev ujak Earl Durant. A da si sproveo svoju osvetu u djelo princ uspije zadobiti povjerenje izgnanih farmera koje zatim povede u bitku protiv Duranta. No Duranta ima veliku i snažnu vojsku što će mnoge mnoge seljake koštati života! Ali da li je princ spreman žrtvovati sve njih da ispuni svoju potragu za krvlju?!

The story of a man who wakes up in bed suffering from memory loss after being in an accident, only to begin to suspect that his wife may not be his real wife and that a web of lies and deceit deepen inside the house where he soon finds himself a prisoner.