Stand-up comedian John Mulaney tackles such red-hot topics as quicksand, Motown singers and an elderly man he once met in a bathroom.

During the 1990s, hardworking Mi-soo and optimistic Hyun-woo meet at a bakery and fall in love while exchanging stories on a radio station, but while their paths keep crossing, the timing never seems to work out.

Japan is thrown into a panic after several ships are sunk near Odo Island. An expedition to the island led by Dr. Yemani soon discover something far more devastating than imagined in the form of a 50 meter tall monster whom the natives call Gojira. Now the monster begins a rampage that threatens to destroy not only Japan, but the rest of the world as well.

Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.

After a fishing boat is attacked, the sole surviving crew member realizes it is none other than a resurrected Godzilla. However, efforts to bring the story to light are suppressed by the Japanese government amid growing political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, who are both willing to bomb Japan to stop the monster.

After a meteorite unleashes a three-headed beast upon Tokyo, Mothra tries to unite with Godzilla and Rodan to battle the extraterrestrial threat.

An Okinawan prophecy that foretells the destruction of the Earth is seeming fulfilled when Godzilla emerges to return to his destructive roots. But not all is what it seems after Godzilla breaks his ally Anguirus's jaw. Matters are further complicated when a second Godzilla emerges, revealing the doppelgänger as a mechanical weapon.

A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

During an assignment, foreign correspondent Steve Martin spends a layover in Tokyo and is caught amid the rampage of an unstoppable prehistoric monster the Japanese call 'Godzilla'. The only hope for both Japan and the world lies on a secret weapon, which may prove more destructive than the monster itself.

Mining engineer Shigeru investigates the disappearance and death of his fellow coworkers when prehistoric nymphs are discovered emerging from the mines. After an attack on the local village, Shigeru heads deeper into the mines only to make a more horrifying discovery in the form a prehistoric flying creature. Soon a second monster appears as the two converge in Fukuoka.

Gaira, a humanoid sea beast spawned from the discarded cells of Frankenstein's monster, attacks the shores of Tokyo. While the Japanese military prepares to take action, Gaira's Gargantua brother, Sanda, descends from the mountains to defend his kin. A battle between good and evil ensues, leaving brothers divided and a city in ruins.

Reporter Goro Maki stumbles upon scientists conducting weather experiments on Sollgel Island in the South Seas. He discovers the island is inhabited by giant mantis and a woman named Saeko who's been cast away since the death of her father. The pair soon find a helpless infant monster that Godzilla must adopt and learn to raise as one of his own.

V roku 1973 došlo k prekvapivému útoku Egypta a Sýrie na Izrael. A práve vtedy, pri jednom z hliadkových letov havarovalo izraelské vojenské lietadlo, ozbrojené nukleárnou bombou. Tá bola, bezmála po štvrť storočia, náhodne nájdená kdesi v púšti a odovzdaná do nepravých rúk. Svet sa síce zmenil a "studená vojna" sa stala archaickým pojmom, lenže o to častejšie sú regionálne konflikty a terorizmus nadobudol takmer hrozné podoby. Počas tejto situácie nastupuje do CIA mladý analytik Jack Ryan, špecialista na bývalý Sovietsky zväz, ktorý dostáva zdanlivo rutinnú úlohu. Pri jej riešení však narazí na stopu, signalizujúcu, že bomba je aktivovaná a má byť dopravená do Spojených štátov a jej výbuch bude tým najdôraznejším varovaním veľmoci.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

A nuclear explosion in the far north unleashes Gamera, the legendary flying turtle, from his sleep under the ice. In his search for energy, Gamera wreaks havoc over the entire world, and it's up to the scientists, assisted by a young boy with a strange sympathic link to the monster, to put a stop to Gamera's rampage.

Smrteľný vírus vyhladí tisíce životov vo Veľkej Británii. Aby britská vláda zabránila ďalším úmrtiam, rozhodne sa postaviť stenu, ktorá zadrží nakazených v zemi vzniku epidémie – Škótsku. Ten, kto sa pokúsi o útek, zomrie. Samotná stena je takou masívnou bariérou, že sa nikomu nepodarí dostať von... ani dnu. Škótsko bolo pred zvyškom sveta uzavreté – navždy... Za 25 rokov sa takmer zabudnutý vírus nečakane objaví v Londýne. Vláda nemá na výber a musí za bariéru poslať elitnú jednotku, ktorej úlohou je objaviť prácu doktora Kana, ktorému chýbal na objavenie lieku už len malý kúsok. Za stenou ich čaká pekelný svet ruín. To, čo objavia presahuje aj tie najdivokejšie predstavy kohokoľvek z nás...

After a catastrophe destroys most of humanity, recluse Del lives in his small, empty town, content with the utopia he has methodically created for himself, until an interloper, young Grace, disrupts his solitude.

Po päťročnom odvolacom pojednávaní prepustia na slobodu mafiána Dina Morettiho. Verejnosť čaká, ako na túto skutočnosť zareaguje tajomný Pomstiteľ, ktorý má za posledných päť rokov na svedomí vraždy 125 gangstrov. Morettiho skutočne čoskoro zabije v jeho dome, ktorý Pomstiteľ vyhodil do vzduchu. Pretože sa tesne pred výbuchom objavil vo dverách domu, špekuluje sa, že mohol zahynúť. Tomu však poručík Jake Berkowitz, ktorého úlohou je Pomstiteľa chytiť, neverí. Myslí si, že Pomstiteľ je v skutočnosti bývalý policajt Frank Castle. Namiesto zabitého Morettiho sa vedenia gangu ujme Gianni Franco. Ten zistí, že bude mať problémy s japonskou mafiou, ktorú vedie bezcitná a nebezpečná Tanako, ktorá dá uniesť deti nových mafiánskych šéfov. Medzi Frankovými mužmi a japonskou mafiou vypukne regulárna vojna…

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.