Bivši gangster Noodles se konec 60. let prejšnjega stoletja po 35 letih vrne v New York, v svoje nekdanje revirje jugovzhodnega Manhattna. Osiveli starec, ki ga je povozil čas, se z grenko nostalgijo spominja časov odraščanja na umazanih ulicah, bliskovitega vzpona v judovski mafiji, ki je cvetela v času prohibicije, in prijateljevanja s temperamentnim Maximilianom.
The short-tempered Daffy Duck must improvise madly as the backgrounds, his costumes, the soundtrack, even his physical form, shifts and changes at the whim of the animator.
Resnična zgodba o skupini novinarjev časopisa The Boston Globe, ki so leta 2002 razkrili množično spolno zlorabo otrok v katoliški cerkvi. Kljub pomanjkanju denarja in načrtnem zanikanju odgovornih, se odločni novinarji prebijajo preko gore arhivskega gradiva in birokratskih ovir, razkritje resnice in prekinitev molka pa očrni najvišje predstavnike cerkve, pravnike in politike po vsem svetu.
When the popular, restless Landon Carter is forced to participate in the school drama production, he falls in love with Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's minister. Jamie has a "to-do" list for her life, as well as a very big secret she must keep from Landon.
A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.
Scenarij, ki sta ga napisala Ben Affleck in Matt Damon bo oživel pod režijsko taktirko enega najbolj znanih, najveckrat nagrajenih in najbolj cenjenih ustvarjalcev v filmskem svetu, Ridleya Scotta. Film, ki je umešcen v Francijo, v 14. stoletju, je epska zgodba o izdaji in pravici, prikazana s treh razlicnih stališc: dva viteza, cigar odnos je na preizkušnji zaradi izdaje, ter mlada ženska, ki poskuša preživeti v brutalni in zatiralni kulturi tistega obdobja.
An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.
Batman must face his most ruthless nemesis when a deformed madman calling himself "The Joker" seizes control of Gotham's criminal underworld.
40-year-old Bertrand has been suffering from depression for the last two years and is barely able to keep his head above water. Despite the medication he gulps down all day, every day, and his wife's encouragement, he is unable to find any meaning in his life. Curiously, he will end up finding this sense of purpose at the swimming pool, by joining an all-male synchronised swimming team.
A dropout comes to the aid of a chubby and suicidal high-school kid by recruiting him as the drummer for his upstart punk-rock band.
A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.
Vasica na koncu zaliva Geiranger na norveškem velja za eno najprivlačnejših turističnih destinacij na svetu. Nad njo se pne visoka gora Akerneset, ki neprestano preti, da se bo zrušila v fjord. Geolog Kristijan je več let delal v geološki opazovalnici zdaj pa se mu odpira prestižno delovno mesto v naftni družbi. Prav na dan, ko bi se moral z družino odpraviti proti novemu življenju v mestu, Kristijan začuti, da se v gori nekaj dogaja. Plasti se premikajo. Na vrhuncu turistične sezone nihče noče verjeti v kaj hudega. A gora se strese. In v tistem trenutku imajo vsi pod njo samo deset minut časa, da se umaknejo cunamiju, ki bo pogoltnil vse kar mu bo na poti.
One night per year, the government sanctions a 12-hour period in which citizens can commit any crime they wish -- including murder -- without fear of punishment or imprisonment. Leo, a sergeant who lost his son, plans a vigilante mission of revenge during the mayhem. However, instead of a death-dealing avenger, he becomes the unexpected protector of four innocent strangers who desperately need his help if they are to survive the night.
When her husband's sex game goes wrong, Jessie (who is handcuffed to a bed in a remote lake house) faces warped visions, dark secrets and a dire choice.
A fleet of Martian spacecraft surrounds the world's major cities and all of humanity waits to see if the extraterrestrial visitors have, as they claim, "come in peace." U.S. President James Dale receives assurance from science professor Donald Kessler that the Martians' mission is a friendly one. But when a peaceful exchange ends in the total annihilation of the U.S. Congress, military men call for a full-scale nuclear retaliation.
Animated shapes dance to Cuban music. This was one of the first animations to be painted directly onto the film.
Sixteen year old Sergei is the son of Boris, the head of the Batagi clan of reindeer breeders. Awarded the title of herdsman, with the clan's largest herd, he joins the Evenk tribe for the first time as they begin their summer cattle drive across the pastures of the Siberian mountains. As the tribe's only source of income, these reindeer are their pride and joy and they will stop at nothing to protect them from their most bitter enemy, the Wolf. Written by American Film Market.
Get ready for a howling good time as an all new assortment of irresistible animal heroes are unleashed in this great family tail! In an unlikely alliance, the outrageous Waddlesworth - a parrot who thinks he's a Rottweiler - teams up with Oddball - an un-marked Dalmatian puppy eager to earn her spots! Together they embark on a laugh-packed quest to outwit the ever-scheming Cruella De Vil.
Helle has been waiting forever for her workaholic husband Peter to retire, so they can enjoy the autumn of their life together. She really wants to travel and explore the world with him – but when Peter comes home from his last day at work, life takes a surprisingly new turn, as he has a big surprise for her; he is pursuing a new career as a wine importer and has invested all their savings in an exclusive vineyard in Austria! Helle and Peter split up and they each set out on a blazing journey of discovery, filled with new opportunities, problems and dreams… But can you start over after 50 years of marriage? And can you live without each other after all?
Julie preganja preteklost, zato trpi zaradi nočnih mor, halucinacij, slabih ocen in vedno slabšega odnosa s fantom Rayem. Nekega dne jo sostanovalka Karla povabi na počitnice na Bahame, skupaj z njima pa odpotujeta tudi Karlin fant Tyrell in sošolec Will. Tam se začnejo dogajati nenavadne reči. Čeprav se je zdelo, da je Julie vsaj za kratek čas ubežala preteklosti, se mora zdaj ponovno soočiti z njo.