Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Since the moment they met at age 5, Rosie and Alex have been best friends, facing the highs and lows of growing up side by side. A fleeting shared moment, one missed opportunity, and the decisions that follow send their lives in completely different directions. As each navigates the complexities of life, love, and everything in between, they always find their way back to each other - but is it just friendship, or something more?

A story set in the 90s and in the outskirts of Rome to Ostia. A world where money, luxury cars, night clubs, cocaine and synthetic drugs are easy to run. A world in which Vittorio and Cesare, in their early twenties, act in search of their success.

100 miles north, a bit east and up, is Pinchcliffe, the home of bicycle repairman Reodor Felgen and his two assistants, Solan Gundersen and Ludvig. Sponsored by oil sheik Ben Redic Fy Fazan, they build the car "Il Tempo Gigante" to race against Reodor's former assistant Rudolf Blodstrupmoen, who has stolen one of Reodor's inventions to become a world racing champion.

On the planet Ygam, the Draags, extremely technologically and spiritually advanced blue humanoids, consider the tiny Oms, human beings descendants of Terra's inhabitants, as ignorant animals. Those who live in slavery are treated as simple pets and used to entertain Draag children; those who live hidden in the hostile wilderness of the planet are periodically hunted and ruthlessly slaughtered as if they were vermin.

Film leiab aset aastal 2045, kui maailm on kaose ja kokkuvarisemise äärel. Lunastust leitakse geniaalse ja ekstsentrilise James Halliday loodud kallist virtuaalreaalsuse universumist OASIS-est. Kui Halliday sureb, jätab ta kogu oma üüratu varanduse esimesele, kes leiab kuhugi OASIS-esse peidetud digitaalse lihavõttemuna. Nii saabki alguse kogu maailma haarav võistlus. Kui osalema asub ebatõenäoline kangelane Wade Watts, ootab teda kaelamurdev ja tegelikkust moonutav aardejaht müstikat, avastusi ja ohte täis fantastilises universumis.

2016. aastal said maailma kinosõbrad tuttavaks Marveli universumi kõige omapärasema antikangelasega. Selleks on endine eriväelane ja palgasõdur Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), kellest äärmuslike ja ta välimust pöördumatult moonutanud eksperimentide tagajärjel sai surma külvav ja kontrollimatult teravmeelitsev üliinimene Deadpool. Nüüd on Deadpool tagasi! Olles hädavaevu üle elanud sõraliste eluohtliku rünnaku, asub moonutatud välimusega sööklakokk (Wade Wilson) täitma oma unistust saada Ebbingi kuumimaks baarmaniks, õppides samas elama ilma maitsmismeeleta. Selleks, et oma ellu uuesti vürtsi saada, peab Wade võitlema ninjade, yakuza kõrilõikajate ning seksuaalselt aktiivse koertekarjaga, rännates mööda maailma, avastamaks perekonna, sõpruse ja maitse tähtsus - ning teenimaks välja oma kohvitassil seisev tiitel "Maailma parim armastaja".

Peter Parker and his friends go on a summer trip to Europe. However, they will hardly be able to rest - Peter will have to agree to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of creatures that cause natural disasters and destruction throughout the continent.

A town—where everyone seems to be named Johnson—stands in the way of the railroad. In order to grab their land, robber baron Hedley Lamarr sends his henchmen to make life in the town unbearable. After the sheriff is killed, the town demands a new sheriff from the Governor, so Hedley convinces him to send the town the first black sheriff in the west.

In a small town in Maine, seven children known as The Losers Club come face to face with life problems, bullies and a monster that takes the shape of a clown called Pennywise.

When a young mother's home birth ends in unfathomable tragedy, she begins a year-long odyssey of mourning that fractures relationships with loved ones in this deeply personal story of a woman learning to live alongside her loss.

"SNL" star Michael Che takes on hot-button topics like inequality, homophobia and gentrification in this stand-up set filmed live in Brooklyn.

Trying to reverse a family curse, brothers Jimmy and Clyde Logan set out to execute an elaborate robbery during the legendary Coca-Cola 600 race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway.

It took a lot of cajoling to get Bob, a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish-Italian eatery. Once there, he's smitten instantly not with his date but with the sharp-witted waitress. Everything seems to be going great until an unbelievable truth is revealed, one that could easily break both of their hearts for good.

A couple off for a romantic weekend in the mountains are accosted by a biker gang. Alone in the mountains, Brea and John must defend themselves against the gang, who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.

After nuclear warfare has decimated Earth, tyrants using service robots to enslave the population are met with a rebellion.

Four everyday suburban guys come together as an excuse to escape their humdrum lives one night a week. But when they accidentally discover that their town has become overrun with aliens posing as ordinary suburbanites, they have no choice but to save their neighborhood - and the world - from total extermination.

When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore and his wife Alma flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister?

A kindly occupational therapist undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time.

A group of friends on vacation in a seeming island paradise are stalked by an unrelenting great white after an accident leaves them stranded and left for dead.