As the deceased soul Ja-hong and his three afterlife guardians prepare for their remaining trials for reincarnation, the guardians soon come face to face with the truth of their tragic time on Earth 1,000 years earlier.

Veids Vilsons - specvienības kaujinieks, kurš pakļauts slepenam eksperimentam iegūst ne tikai neticamu spēku, veiklību un paātrinātu pašizdziedināšanos, bet arī nestabilu psihi. Apbruņojies ar jauniegūtajām spējām un pavisam melnu humora izjūtu, viņš tagad ir zināms kā Dedpūls un viņa mērķis ir cilvēks, kurš nesenā pagātnē ir izpostījis viņa dzīvi.

Vēsta par Kiju – pamestu meiteni, kura pieaugusi viena pati bīstamajā Ziemeļkarolīnas dumbrājā. Gadiem ilgi tuvējā pilsētiņā Bārklijkovā klīst baumas par „purva skuķi”, kas nošķir Kiju no sabiedrības. Kad viņa piesaista divu vietējo puišu uzmanību, Kija atver sirdi jaunai un pārsteidzošai pasaulei, bet kad viens no puišiem iet bojā, visu aizdomas nekavējoties krīt uz purva vientuļnieci.

Valdība apvienojusi pasaules lielākos ļaundarus un pavisam ķertus Belrevas cietuma ieslodzītos superslepenā specvienībā, kas tiek nosūtīta uz nomaļu un ienaidnieku apsēstu salu. Apbruņoti ar jaunāko tehnoloģiju ieročiem, viņi dodas cauri bīstamajiem džungļiem, lai veiktu bīstamu iznīcināšanas misiju. Kā jau parasti – viena nepareiza kustība, un ar viņiem ir cauri.

Dr. Lily Houghton enlists the aid of wisecracking skipper Frank Wolff to take her down the Amazon in his dilapidated boat. Together, they search for an ancient tree that holds the power to heal – a discovery that will change the future of medicine.

Anna, Elza, Kristofs, uzticamais ziemeļbriedis Svens un apburošais sniegavīriņš Olafs ir spiesti pamest karaļvalsti un doties vēl tālāk uz ziemeļiem. Ceļojums aizvedīs viņus pie seno leģendu pirmssākumiem un palīdzēs atklāt noslēpumus, kuri ir saistīti ar karaļvalsts pagātni.

Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

Stāsts par bezbailīgo Mulanu, kura uzdodas par vīrieti, lai iestātos armijā un cīnītos pret Ķīnas iekarotājiem. Būdama leģendāra kareivja meita, Mulana aizvieto savu slimo tēvu kaujas laukā, vēl nezinot, ka viņai būs lemts iemantot slavu, kā vienai no izcilākajiem karotājiem visā Ķīnas vēsturē.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

A guy who danced with what could be the girl of his dreams at a costume ball only has one hint at her identity: the Zune she left behind as she rushed home in order to make her curfew. And with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him, he sets out to find his masked beauty.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Reunited witch twins Camryn and Alex adjust to their new life as supernatural beings while at the same time trying to maintain a normal existence in this sequel to the magical Disney Channel original movie Twitches. But they soon find themselves going head to head with the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy their world. Luckily, their birth mother, the powerful Miranda, is on hand to help out.

Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog are best pals and the unsung heroes of the African savanna. This prequel to the smash Disney animated adventure takes you back -- way back -- before Simba's adventure began. You'll find out all about Timon and Pumbaa and tag along as they search for the perfect home and attempt to raise a rambunctious lion cub.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Clare and Aidan, after making a pact that they would break up before college, find themselves retracing the steps of their relationship on their last evening as a couple. The epic date leads them to familiar landmarks, unexpected places, and causes them to question whether high school love is meant to last.

"Vīri melnā" izpletušies, lai aptvertu visu pasauli, taču to pašu izdarījuši ļaundari, kas vēlas valdīt pār visumu. Lai visus noturētu drošībā, Aģents H un jauniņais aģents M apvienojušies šķietami nesavienojamā komandā, kas tomēr sekmīgi funkcionē. Kad citplanētieši, kas var ieņemt jebkuras dzīvības formu, ierodas uz Zemes, H un M sāk globālu misiju, lai glābtu aģentus un pasauli no viņu ķecerīgā plāna.

Laura and Massimo are back and hotter than ever. But the reunited couple's new beginning is complicated by Massimo’s family ties and a mysterious man who enters Laura’s life to win her heart and trust, at any cost.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.