Baahubali a Bhallaldev sú bratia z mocného kráľovstva Mahishmati, ktorí sa zamilujú do krásnej princeznej Devaseny z malého kráľovstva Kunt. Devasena sa zamiluje do Baahubaliho, čím narušia zámery kráľovnej Matky a spôsobia rozkol v kráľovskom paláci. Ctižiadostivý Bhallaldev sa obáva popularity svojho brata a prikáže preto sluhovi Kattappovi zabiť Baahubaliho.

Even though Sam's father is hardly ever home because he is often away on business trips, he is able to connect with his son by teaching him how to pack a suitcase.

Two rival reporters team up to help prove the innocence of a man set to be hanged for the murder of a politician.

A doctor uses special eye drops to give himself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.

V roku 1978 došlo v detroitskej banke k veľkej lúpeži. Zlodeji ukradli dvadsať miliónov dolárov. Jedného z nich chytili, druhého čoskoro našli mŕtveho, ale tretí bez stopy zmizol. Peniaze sa nikdy nenašli, O sedem rokov neskôr chyteného zločinca prepustili z väzenia. Okamžite sa vybral do Miami, ale na druhý deň ho našli zavraždeného. Agenti FBI Doug Bennet a Steve Forest sa ujmú vyšetrovania spolu s policajtmi z Miami. Správne tušia, že niekde tu musel ukryť tretí lupič ukradnutých dvadsať miliónov. Ale kde? A kto je tým tajomným tretím zlodejom?

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

Elijah must balance his dream of becoming a master sommelier with his father's expectations that he carry on the family's Memphis BBQ joint.

When four thick-as-thieves friends arrive in Thailand, they quickly find themselves in over their heads. Fighting to stay alive, they employ their unique set of skills and unleash their fierce loyalty in a heart-pumping battle for survival.

A Baltimore teenager who picks up a second-hand camera starts snapping his way to stardom, soon turning into a nationwide sensation, with a fateful choice between his life and his art.

Set ahead of the 2012 London Olympics, the film follows Liam, an ex-con trying to win back the love and trust of his family. He has lost everything at the hands of a local crime syndicate run by Clifford Cullen, who has high-level connections in politics, finance and the police force. Liam's drive for redemption sees him caught up in a web of conspiracy, crime, and corruption.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

Počas vietnamskej vojny je americký vrtuľník, vyslaný na prieskum, ohrozený nepriateľom. Zmizne päť vojakov... Kým v Spojených štátoch sa po desiatich rokoch od konca vojny sa už iba spomína na mŕtvych a nezvestných, päť Američanov z vrtuľníka je stále držaných v neľudských podmienkach kdesi hlboko vo vietnamskej džungli. Bezcitný plukovník Yin, ktorý velí táboru, ich nepovažuje za vojnových zajatcov, ako to žiada príslušná konvencia, ale za sprostých zločincov, ktorí sa previnili voči vietnamskému ľudu. Podľa toho sa k nim aj správa. Kruté mučenie je na dennom poriadku. Yin je zameraný hlavne na plukovníka Braddocka, ktorý sa nechce podvoliť jeho vôli. Žiada od neho, aby podpísal, že súhlasí s tým, že Američania sa vo Vietname dopúšťali zločinov. Potom vraj jeho i ďalších zadržaných prepustia...

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Four friends visit a rural locality of Chile, are brutally attacked by a man and his son. After not finding help in the town, they decide to confront these men with the help of a pair of policemen. But in this way, they will discover that their attackers have in their blood the direct legacy of the darkest period of Chilean history and will have to face the most brutal enemy.

A seemingly perfect romance turns dark when a mother becomes convinced her daughter’s new boyfriend has a sinister connection to her own past.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Accused of murder and confined to a mental institution, Molly Hartley falls under the possession of a powerful demonic force. As she undergoes a monstrous transformation, a defrocked priest is her only hope of salvation.

Connor McLeod sa po smrti svojho učiteľa Ramireza vydáva do Japonska, aby sa tu naučil umenie kúzelníkov od ďalšieho nesmrteľného, čarodejníka Nakana. Ten je vo svojej jaskyni prepadnutý dávnym nepriateľom Kanom, ktorému sa síce podarí Nakana zabiť, ale zostane uväznený v jaskyni. Teraz, o niekoľko sto rokov neskôr, je pri vykopávkach Nakanová jaskyna odkrytá. Connor vytuší, že Kane je späť. Blíži sa chvíľa rozhodujúceho stretnutia...