After the owner's bankruptcy, the crew is stranded on a freighter for months. Dealing with the stress of isolation, seafarers gradually surrender to madness and terror.

In the years of military coup, Turkey was unable to produce its own cars. But Pasha believed that Turkish people can produce their own cars so he ordered 2 cars. Gunduz and engineers with him must produce 2 cars in only 130 days!

In 1970s Mexico City, two domestic workers help a mother of four while her husband is away for an extended period of time.

Bekir loves Uğur, who loves Zagor, who is about to get out of jail. An already tense love triangle is thrown into turmoil on a hot summer night, when Zagor kills someone, and Uğur disappears.

U posljednjem dijelu trilogije „Kum“ postariji don Michael Corleone pokušava ozakoniti mafijaško poslovanje svoje obitelji te se odstraniti iz nasilnog podzemlja, međutim u tome ga priječe ambicije mladih. Dok pokušava povezati financije Corleoneovih s Vatikanom, Michael se mora nositi sa spletkama jednoga gladnijega gangstera koji želi poremetiti postojeći mafijaški poredak te s ljubavnom vezom svog mladog štićenika i svoje kćeri.

Sailors want to remain in their small world, which is warm and cozy and full of lies, but their routine life turns upside down when one of them gets mugged and badly beaten.

Tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata pobjegli ratni zarobljenik dospije do Tibeta, gdje upozna dalaj lamu, čije mu prijateljstvo potpuno promijeni pogled na život.

Nasukani u pustom motelu u Nevadi tokom gadne kiše, deset stranaca pokušavaju da shvate ko ih ubija jedno po jedno …

Philadelphijski zaštitar na sveučilišnom stadionu, inače bivši igrač footballa, David Dunn, jedini je preživjeli u katastrofalnoj željezničkoj nesreći. Ne samo da je preživio, nego je prošao bez i najmanje ozljede. I, mnogo neobičnije, , nakon nesreće shvaća da ga u životu prati sreća, kao da mu ništa ne može nauditi i kao da je neranjiv.

In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the laws of The City, are taken to The Hotel, where they are obliged to find a romantic partner in forty-five days or are transformed into animals and sent off into The Woods.

Year 1977, a September morning in Ankara... Yilmaz tries to rush his pregnant wife Neriman to the hospital and he crushes into Omer's car. This accident causes Omer's pregnant wife Inci, who was in the back seat, to have a pre-term labor. The babies are born on the same day. They see each other for the first time... This accident is the threshold of the coincidences that bring Ozgur and Deniz together.

The heroic story of two soldiers trapped in an ambush, fighting for their lives.

Oregon, 1851. Hermann Kermit Warm, a chemist and aspiring gold prospector, keeps a profitable secret that the Commodore wants to know, so he sends the Sisters brothers, two notorious assassins, to capture him on his way to California.

The murderous, backwoods Firefly family take to the road to escape the vengeful Sheriff Wydell, who is not afraid of being as ruthless as his target.

An orphaned Kurdish child (Hêjar) and a Turkish pensioner (Rıfat) are thrown together by circumstance. Rıfat, a widowed retired judge, refuses to get involved in politics. He is forced out of his solitude, when Hêjar the only survivor of a police raid on his Kurdish neighbors, takes refuge at his home. Gradually, he warms up to the kid and decides to reunite her with her family.

Ali is a young man whose life passes as a routine between his house and the little shop he owns. Everything changes when she meets Zeynep, a girl who's recently moved to the neighbourhood.

Radnja filma je smještena u 2159. godinu, a naš planet je uništen zbog prenapučenosti, zagađenja i ratova. Bogati su napustili Zemlju i žive u svemirskoj postaji Elysium gdje uživaju sav luksuz koji si mogu priuštiti. Max (Matt Damon) je također zapeo na Zemlji, a sve se dodatno komplicira kada bude izložen smrtonosnoj radijaciji. Ostalo mu je još samo 5 dana života, a on se trudi pronaći način da ode na Elysium kako bi se izliječio. Sad se Max mora vratiti kriminalnoj prošlosti, a istovremeno će ga tajnica Delacourt (Jodie Foster) pokušati spriječiti u naumu jer je jedna od zaduženih za to da ljudi sa Zemlje ne unište savršeni svijet Elysium...

Hüseyin is a young man who lives with his grandfather and grandmother in a village in Thracian Turkey. The two great loves of his life are his clarinet and Müjgan, a nurse. Although Hüseyin is content with his life, with his music and dreams of Mügan, due to an unexpected development he leaves his village. He ends up in Istanbul where he finds support first in his clarinet and then in the friendship of the singer Firuzan. Firuzan is a popular nightclub performer who is eagerly working on an album as she leads a colorful but complicated life. When Firuzan meets Huseyin, the course of events gives away to a hilarious adventure.

A group of gay teenagers are picked off by a mysterious killer during the first month of their senior year, while insecure boy Micah goes through a crisis of self-worth as he can't grasp why the killer has no interest in coming after him.