Četrdeset tisuća dolara gotovine koji slučajno dospijevaju u ruke Marion Crane (J. Leigh), tajnice trgovca nekeretninama, predstavljaju za mladu ženu preveliko iskušenje. Umjesto da ih položi na bankovni račun vlasnika tvrtke, nagonski ih uzima i pokušava pobjeći te započeti novi život. Putem prema mitskoj meti svih bjegunaca, Kaliforniji, zaustavlja se da bi prenoćila u malome motelu. Ugodna večer sa susretljivim i privlačnim vlasnikom, Normanom Batesom (A. Perkins), bit će posljednja u njezinu životu. Pokušavajući razotkriti tajnu, život će izgubiti i privatni istražitelj Milton Arbogaste (M. Balsam). A zamalo i njezina sestra Lila (V. Miles) koja zajedno s Marioninim ljubavnikom Samom Loomisom (J. Gavin) kreće u potragu za nestalom osobom koju vole svako na svoj način.
"Baby Jane" Hudson je 1917. dječja vodviljska zvijezda, a sestra Blanche živi u njezinoj sjeni. Promjena se dogodila 1935. kad je Blanche postala popularna glumica dok se Janeina slava uglasila. Godina je 1962. Jane i Blanche, u invalidskim kolicima, žive u vili koju je platila Blanche. Jane je u međuvremenu postala alkoholičarka, psihički je nestabilna i muči Blanche jer joj je "ukrala" slavu. Kad je Blanche obavijesti da će možda prodati kuću, Janeino stanje se pogorša kao i odnos prema sestri...
A psychologist is sent to a space station orbiting a planet called Solaris to investigate the death of a doctor and the mental problems of cosmonauts on the station. He soon discovers that the water on the planet is a type of brain which brings out repressed memories and obsessions.
Lou Bloom nakon bezuspješnog traženja posla odluči postati freelance TV reporter koji prati najcrnije od svih kronika – one noćne.
Čuvari Galaksije 2 nastavlja pustolovinu ekipe koja prelazi granice svemira. Čuvari se moraju boriti da održe svoju novostečenu obitelj na okupu dok otkrivaju tajnu pravog porijekla Petera Quilla. Stari neprijatelji postaju saveznici.
U svijetu budućnosti Tom Cruise je poručnik Wiliam Cage koji se bori u ratu protiv izvanzemaljaca. Odjednom, on se nađe zarobljen u vremenu, u posljednjem danu bitke na koji i umire. Prolazeći svaki puta nanovo zadnji dan svog života, Cage nakon nekog vremena postaje sve vještiji i sve spremniji dočekati smrt…
U ekspediciji u neistražene dijelove američke divljine, legendarnog istraživača Hugha Glassa brutalno je napao medvjed, a pripadnici njegovog tima, predvođeni Johnom Fitzgeraldom su ga tako teško povrijeđenog ostavili da umre u divljini. Vođen jakom voljom kao jedinim oružjem, okružen surovom zimom i neprijateljskim plemenima, Glass se bori za život, dok želja za osvetom nad dojučerašnjim prijateljima ne jenjava.
The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6 through 12th grade at age 17-18, and examines his relationship with his parents as he grows.
The mysterious disappearance of a kindergarten teacher during a picnic in the north of Iran is followed by a series of misadventures for her fellow travelers.
In the questionable town of Deer Meadow, Washington, FBI Agent Desmond inexplicably disappears while hunting for the man who murdered a teen girl. The killer is never apprehended, and, after experiencing dark visions and supernatural encounters, Agent Dale Cooper chillingly predicts that the culprit will claim another life. Meanwhile, in the more cozy town of Twin Peaks, hedonistic beauty Laura Palmer hangs with lowlifes and seems destined for a grisly fate.
An Innuit hunter races his sled home with a fresh-caught halibut. This fish pervades the entire film, in real and imaginary form. Meanwhile, Axel tags fish in New York as a naturalist's gofer. He's happy there, but a messenger arrives to bring him to Arizona for his uncle's wedding. It's a ruse to get Axel into the family business. In Arizona, Axel meets two odd women: vivacious, needy, and plagued by neuroses and familial discord. He gets romantically involved with one, while the other, rich but depressed, plays accordion tunes to a gaggle of pet turtles
A group of former high school classmates meets for a reunion 15 years after graduation, only to discover that any innocence or friendship is long lost.
PJ is the grandson of a wealthy zamindar and an irresponsible youngster who is spoilt by the pampering and excessive money. His grandfather writes a will with several conditions before he dies. He writes the will that PJ will inherit his entire wealth only if he completes his graduation as a common man without any luxeries. The rest of the story is all about how PJ learns about values and life as he achieves his goal.
Naftna platforma Deepwater Horizon u Meksičkom zaljevu nije vođena po propisima te je došlo do eksplozije platforme i velikog zagađenja uslijed curenja nafte. Uzrok katastrofe bila je erupcija nafte sa morskog dna koja je nastala nakon puknuća i eksplozije naftne platforme.
Alberto, post office manager of a small town in Brianza, under pressure of his wife Sylvia, is willing to do anything to get the transfer to Milan. Even pretending to be disabled to climb in the ranking. But the trick does not work and as punishment, he is transferred in a small town in Campania, which to an inhabitant of the north is equivalent to a nightmare ...
Valerian (Dane DeHaan) i Laureline (Cara Delevingne) su specijalni vladini agenti zaduženi za održavanje reda u cijelom svemiru. Valerian ima u planu romantičnu vezu sa svojom partnericom Laureline, međutim ona će ga odbiti zbog njegove opsežne prošlosti sa ženama. Pod direktivom Zapovjednika (Clive Owen), Valerian i Laureline su poslani na misiju u međugalaktički grad Alpha, rastuću metropolu koja je sastavljena od tisuću planeta. Alpha ima sedamnaest milijuna stanovnika koji su ujedinili svoje talente, tehnologiju i resurse za dobrobit svih. Međutim, nemaju svi na Alphi iste interese i ciljeve; nevidljive sile će dovesti cijeli grad u veliku opasnost.
A collection of seven vignettes, which each address a question concerning human sexuality. From aphrodisiacs to sexual perversion to the mystery of the male orgasm, characters like a court jester, a doctor, a queen and a journalist adventure through lab experiments and game shows, all seeking answers to common questions that many would never ask.
A wealthy broker, his loyal butler, and a poor street seller all see their social positions change in a twist of fate.
A happy-go-lucky Aakash who becomes the right hand man of a powerful politician who arranges for him to be married to his daughter Shraddha who falls in love with him, until he reveals the truth that he is already in love with another woman Meera.
A virtuous soldier Magadheera aka Puli (Tiger) vows to save his people from the rule of a cruel queen and her treacherous Marshal. Does good triumph over evil?