The daughter of a right-winger, schoolgirl Jing Qiu is sent to the countryside for reeducation, and tasked to help write a textbook. There she meets Lao San, a young soldier with a bright future ahead. Despite the class divide and parental disapproval, romance blooms against turbulent times.

In a small Jewish community in a pre-Revolutionary Russian village, a poor milkman, determined to find good husbands for his five daughters, consults the traditional matchmaker – and also has words with God.

Državni tožilec Jim Garrison začne na lastno pest raziskovati atentat na Kennedyja, ki se je zgodil 22. novembra 1963 v Dallasu, saj uradni izjavi FBI-ja ne verjame. Svoj nos velikokrat vtakne tja, kamor ne sodi, zato trpi tudi njegova družina. Film je bil nominiran za osem oskarjev, med drugim tudi za najboljši film.

Nathan, 16, lives alone with his father Stephane. A newcomer in high school, he is invited to a party and falls in love with Louis, a boy in his class. They find themselves out of sight and kiss each other, but someone takes a picture of them. Soon, the photo is published on Facebook and a storm overtakes their lives as they face bullying and rejection.

In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.

Po literarni klasiki "Daleč od ponorelega sveta" britanskega avtorja Thomasa Hardyja posneta zgodba spremlja življenje Bathshebe Everdene (Carey Mulligan); samosvoje, odločne in svobodomiselne mladenke, ki nepričakovano podeduje kmetijo svojega strica. Finančno neodvisna, čedna in trmasta Batsheba se ne podreja strogim načelom pretežno moškega sveta v času viktorijanske Anglije in kljubuje težavam pri vzpostavitvi uspešne pridelovalne dejavnosti. Samozavestna ženska nehote pritegne tri zelo različne snubce; Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts) je ovčji pastir, ki ga prevzame njena sproščena narava, Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge) je čedni in razuzdani narednik v kraljevi vojski, William Boldwood (Michael Sheen) pa premožni in skrbni veleposestnik v zrelih letih, ki išče primerno soprogo.

Sredi sedemdesetih let se je Robyn Davidson, naveličana hrupnega življenja v mestu, odločila, da bo sama prehodila 2700 kilometrov dolgo pot čez prelepo, a negostoljubno avstralsko puščavo. Sedemindvajsetletnica, ki naj bi jo na poti spremljali le zvesti pes Diggity in štiri nepredvidljive kamele, je imela en sam cilj: doseči obalo Indijskega oceana. Po dveh letih priprav in dela na kameljih farmah je morala najti še način, kako zbrati denar za odpravo. Revija National Geographic je bila pripravljena sponzorirati njeno pustolovščino pod pogojem, da privoli v občasne obiske njihovega fotografa. Robyn se je le nerada sprijaznila, da bo morala žrtvovala nekaj svoje samote. Sčasoma se je izkazalo, da fotograf Rick le ni tako slaba družba...

The professional mercenary Sir William Walker instigates a slave revolt on the Caribbean island of Queimada in order to help improve the British sugar trade. Years later he is sent again to deal with the same rebels that he built up because they have seized too much power that now threatens British sugar interests.

Fifteen-year-old Charlotte Flax is tired of her wacky mom moving their family to a different town any time she feels it is necessary. When they move to a small Massachusetts town and Mrs. Flax begins dating a shopkeeper, Charlotte and her 9-year-old sister, Kate, hope that they can finally settle down. But when Charlotte's attraction to an older man gets in the way, the family must learn to accept each other for who they truly are.

This war drama depicts the U.S. and Japanese forces in the naval Battle of Midway, which became a turning point for Americans during World War II.

A man trying to put his life back on track gets some advice from an unexpected benefactor -- the ex-footballer Eric Cantona.

Eastern discipline meets the Western need for spirituality

When athletic teen Mari Collingwood opts to hang out with her friend Paige in town rather than spend an evening in with her parents vacationing at the family's remote lake house, it marks the beginning of a night no one is going to forget.

Leta 1962 feministka Barbara Novak napiše knjižno uspešnico o negativnih plateh ljubezni. Kljub priljubljenosti mnoge moške odvrnejo njena napredna stališča, med njimi je tudi avtor Catcher Block, ki sklene, da se bo Barbara zaljubila vanj.

An advertising man is slowly sliding downhill. When he is fired from his job in Detroit, he signs up for unemployment. One day they find him a job: teaching thinking skills to Army recruits. He arrives on base to find that there is no structure set up for the class.

Four skaters follow their idol on his summer tour in an attempt to get noticed, get sponsored, and become stars themselves.

When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher stops a brilliant thief from getting away with a multimillion-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with 12 rounds of near-impossible puzzles and tasks that he must somehow complete to save the life of the woman he loves.

Fall into puppy love with “the world’s worst dog”, who now has a frisky voice and an attitude to match. Join Marley for his mischievous puppy years, as he and his summer pal, Bodie Grogan, wreak havoc on a neighborhood dog contest. Marley outwits Dobermans, Shepherds and Collies, while stealing hearts in his own unique and lovable way. Get your paws on MARLEY & ME: THE PUPPY YEARS and fetch big laughs for the whole family!

In this musical comedy, Valerie is dealing with her philandering fiancé, Ted, when she finds that a trio of aliens have crashed their spaceship into her swimming pool. Once the furry beings are shaved at her girlfriend's salon, the women discover three handsome men underneath. After absorbing the native culture via television, the spacemen are ready to hit the dating scene in 1980s Los Angeles.