About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Profile of the life and music of the legendary reggae singer.

#HeForShe is a movement for gender equality and women empowerment, and its aim is to engage men and boys to evolve their connection towards gender in which they do not act or feel as male chauvinists.

The biggest problem of the 19-year-old high school student Jana is the relentless everyday-life and time. She don't want to think about the remaining time until the next event. For her own interests, she prefer to use the time as she would like. But she becomes the victim of her own strategies..

Harry Goddard is a bigoted British military man. He has been involved in more than his share of heinous acts perpetrated in the name of national security. He has been taught from the beginning that Islam is evil and that Muslims are the enemy. An operation occurs where a completely innocent Muslim woman is murdered by a man under his control and this act pushes Goddard over the edge - his conscience will not allow him to continue. He tries to run away from the mental anguish by moving to western Canada but soon after his arrival, he finds himself involved with a Muslim brother and sister who have recently moved to Canada to escape the oppression in their homeland. The brother is gay and the sister is an artist who finds herself subject to unwanted marriage proposals from her fundamentalist cousin who has sponsored their move to Canada. Her suitor wants to circumcise her and his plan sets off a series of actions that exposes how the media can be responsible for perpetuating stereotypes.

Хайди решает посетить рождественский базар в Гейдельберге, чтобы представить свои авторские ёлочные украшения. В процессе продаж она знакомится с местным ремесленником, который не только вызывает у неё чувства, но также помогает ей восстановить свои утраченные связи и вспомнить о своих корнях

Jennifer Shannon is a garage sale shopping expert whose sharp observation skills allow her to uncover valuable antiques, as well as help her local police department investigate crimes. While arranging a charity garage sale event, Jennifer finds a body in the attic of a local residence. While working to crack the case, Jennifer offers support to her loving husband, Jason, whose upcoming birthday has sparked a mid-life crisis. As Jennifer prepares to buy him the perfect gift, she receives an urgent voicemail from Tina, pleading for her immediate assistance. When she responds, the garage sale-expert-turned-sleuth finds herself standing face-to-face with a killer.

Анжелика оказывается на Востоке. Захваченная в плен воинами арабского султана, она попадает к нему в гарем, но в очередной раз доказывает свою преданность и любовь к мужу. Единственное чувство, согревающее сердце Анжелики, — это надежда вновь обрести своего возлюбленного…

In the tiny town of Harmony, the people have been working so hard they've forgotten music even exists! Then, three determined little orphans set out to find a gift they can give the hardworking townsfolk. And with a little night-before-Christmas advice from kindly Mrs. Santa Claus, they give the town the most amazing present anyone could imagine: Christmas caroling!

The oldest preserved Ukrainian nature film.

In this concert film, originally broadcast on HBO, Foxx offers up his signature brand of comedy to a sold out crowd at the Paramount Theater in Oakland, California.

Noted celebrity photographer, Michael Grecco, sets out to capture the essence of the AVN Awards and Convention where the best in American Pornography is displayed, celebrated and honored.

After a failed operation that leaves several cops dead or wounded Officer Fong Jing wakes up at the hospital and discovers that he can see ghosts.

Report on a trout and pike fishing excursion on Lake Waconichi.

One night, you overslept because of too much work, now, you must wake up before your nightmare becomes a reality.

Старая легенда гласит, что кратчайший путь из деревни в школу проходит мимо загадочного дома, обитатель которого, старик, крайне опасен для детей и подростков, идущих в одиночку через лес. Дети смеялись над страшилкой, но короткой дорогой не ходили. Спустя годы бывшие школьники, ставшие подростками, смело шагают по кратчайшему пути, чтобы проверить легенду и развеять собственные страхи. Каково же было их удивление, когда они набрели на тот самый дом и страшный старик, ожидающий их давно, тоже был там…

Rites and operation of the circumcision of thirty Songhai children on the Niger. Material of this film has been used to make "Les Fils de l'Eau".