This real-life thriller tells the story of one of Israel’s prized intelligence sources, recruited to spy on his own people for more than a decade. Focusing on the complex relationship with his handler, The Green Prince is a gripping account of terror, betrayal, and unthinkable choices, along with a friendship that defies all boundaries.

Четири неаполитански скеча, описващи семейния живот. Нежелани гости, нежелани жени и други нежелани произшествия, разказани с жив хумор и правдиви наблюдения над ежедневието.

In the center of the story is the life of the indigenous people of the village Bakhtia at the river Yenisei in the Siberian Taiga. The camera follows the protagonists in the village over a period of a year. The natives, whose daily routines have barely changed over the last centuries, keep living their lives according to their own cultural traditions.

Daft Punk Unchained is the first film about the pop culture phenomenon that is Daft Punk, the duo with 12 million albums sold worldwide and seven Grammy Awards. Throughout their career Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo have always resisted compromise and the established codes of show business. They have remained determined to maintain control of every link in the chain of their creative process. In the era of globalisation and social networks, they rarely speak in public and neither do they show their faces on TV. This documentary explores this unprecedented cultural revolution revealing a duo of artists on a permanent quest for creativity, independence and freedom.

During the chaotic final weeks of the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese Army closes in on Saigon as the panicked South Vietnamese people desperately attempt to escape. On the ground, American soldiers and diplomats confront a moral quandary: whether to obey White House orders to evacuate only U.S. citizens.

The Roth family leads a quiet life in a small village in the German Alps during the early 1930s. After the Nazis come to power, the family is divided and Martin Breitner, a family friend, is caught up in the turmoil.

Canadian actress and filmmaker Sarah Polley investigates certain secrets related to her mother, interviewing a group of family members and friends whose reliability varies depending of their implication in the events, which are remembered in different ways; so a trail of questions remains to be answered, because memory is always changing and the discovery of truth often depends on who is telling the tale.

An in-depth look at the torture practices of the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, focusing on an innocent taxi driver in Afghanistan who was tortured and killed in 2002.

A building collapses and the authorities have to find the causer.

A behind-the-scenes look at San Diego Comic-Con, the world's largest comic book convention, and the fans who attend every year.

Johnny Flynton is a 2002 American short film directed and co-written by Lexi Alexander. Johnny Flynton is good at one thing: boxing. He's not too bright, and there's clearly some issues in his past, but what's worse, when he's boxing, his temper flares up. His wife, Samantha, tells him she's pregnant. Meanwhile, he's got an exhibition match with local boy Artie Duane. Johnny lets him get a few punches in to look good, but when Artie starts taking cheap shots, Johnny can't stand by and overreacts. He runs home, where he's in high spirits, but that proves his downfall. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.

The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened? feature film documents the process of development of the ill fated "Superman Lives" movie, that was to be directed by Tim Burton and star Nicolas Cage as the man of steel himself, Superman. The project went through years of development before the plug was pulled, and this documentary interviews the major filmmakers: Kevin Smith, Tim Burton, Jon Peters, Dan Gilroy, Colleen Atwood, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and many many more.

When a rebellious teen is arrested and sentenced to an equine therapy camp, she forms a connection with a spirited thoroughbred that she helps train with the guidance of the ranch's no-nonsense owner.

Това е история за 13-годишно момиче, която живее в бедно село в Хималаите - Непал. Тя ходи на училище и полага тежък труд, с който помага на семейството си да оцелее. Въпреки тежкия си живот, тя намира радост във всичко, което я заобикаля. Когато семейството й изгубва всичко, което са имали, нейният приемен баща я запознава с богата и красива жена, която уверява момичето, че ще я вземе на работа в дома си. Тя се съгласява, изпълнена с надежди за бъдещето. Но скоро става ясно, че е продадена за проститутка и трябва да "работи", докато не изплати дълговете на семейството си. Животът й се превръща в кошмар, но тя успява да се сприятели с част от другите момичета в публичния дом и с малко дете, което е син на една от тях. Но скоро в бордея пристига човек, който иска да й помогне и тя е изправена през тежки избори.

Студент в частно училищно заведение използва връзките си, за да създаде мрежа за трафик на наркотици в училището.

В новия си апартамент в Осло, крехка незряща жена постепенно създава балон от своите фантазии. Дали нейните истории са измислица или така изглежда пълната слепота?

After serving time in prison, former drug addict Sherry Swanson returns home to reclaim her young daughter from family members who have been raising the child. Sherry's family, especially her sister-in-law, doubt Sherry's ability to be a good mother, and Sherry finds her resolve to stay clean slowly weakening.

A look at what happened after Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan was filmed in the Romanian village of Glod. It follows the life of one girl who longs to escape the poverty as foreign lawyers arrive with the promise of suing 20th Century Fox for millions of dollars.

One hundred superstar comedians tell the same very, VERY dirty, filthy joke--one shared privately by comics since Vaudeville.

Действието на филма се развива през 1865-та година, а в центъра на сюжета са три млади жени - Луис, Огуста и Мад. Братът и бащата на Луис и Огуста са станали жертви на Гражданската война, а Мад е бивша робиня, която е била спасена от двете сестри. Разчитащи единствено една на друга трите жени прекарват дните си в отдалечена къща и правят всичко възможно да живеят без да привличат вниманието на преминаващите в близост хора от големите градове. Но ситуацията се променя когато Луис бива ухапана от диво животно. Принудена да отиде до града за до помогне на сестра си Огуста привлича вниманието на безскрупулните войници Мойсей и Хенри. Скоро, местонахождението на къщата е разкрито и трите жени се оказват в центъра на опасна битка срещу няколко жестоки войници, които убиват всеки имал нещастието да се изправи срещу тях.