Filmed in January 2011 at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow as part of the annual Celtic Connections festival, this superb performance by The Richard Thompson Band is their first to be shot in high definition. The first half of the show focuses on Richard’s recent “Dream Attic” album with the second half given over to songs reaching back as far as his debut solo release “Henry The Human Fly” and up to more recent projects such as “Sweet Warrior” and “The Old Kit Bag”. Thompson’s distinctive voice and unmistakable guitar style are well to the fore and, as ever, his band are as good as it gets.

Show of solo singer Niall Horan from his latest album: Flicker. Recorded at Studio 1 in Dublin, this intimate and sensitive performance shows a side of Niall barely seen and explored, all with the participation of the incredible orchestra.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

A spurned love bird tries to get Sylvester to put him out of his misery.

A group of four friends, on the verge of the end of their academic life sets on a tour to Cox's Bazaar. Expecting to live their life at the fullest. But some unexpected events that take place on the tour make their worlds go upside down.

Feluda, the famous Bengali detective tackles an international buyer, a corrupt arts agent, numerous henchmen and impostors in this story that revolves around a painting of Jesus by the famous Italian painter Tintoretto.

A sus 35 años, la higienista dental, Olive Pappadopoulous, decide huir de Ciudad del Cabo hacia Grecia para intentar recomponer su corazón roto. Nada más llegar a la pequeña aldea de sus pardes, se deberá enfrentar a la hostilidad de los lugareños. Se hace amiga de un pequeño refugiado de 7 años quien le enseña a vivir una "buena vida".

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

The story revolves around a woman who has been forced to serve as a sex worker.

Dos niños y un adulto tienen un encuentro con una nave espacial extraterrestre en un pequeño pueblo. 25 años más tarde, los niños se reúnen como adultos en la misma ciudad que ahora está acosada por unas extrañas mutilaciones de ganado. Las cosas se ponen peor cuando las mutilaciones de ganado están unidas a asesinatos y mutilaciones humanas.

A una pequeña isla de la Polinesia, en la que el único forastero es un estricto pastor puritano, llega Morgan (Gary Cooper), un aventurero americano que se enfrenta al pastor, ganándose así la confianza de los nativos. Morgan llega a identificarse profundamente con el modo de vida de los isleños, y de su relación amorosa con una hermosa joven nace una hija.

After missing four years, the body of a little boy is found in the forest. An unlikely pair of police officers investigate the boy's death.

El Papa de Roma planea una reunión para reconciliarse con el jefe de la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Ucrania, algo deseado durante generaciones. Pero, inesperadamente, ocurre un hecho que pone en peligro tan importante cita: mientras el Papa se dirige a miles de peregrinos, una monja es asesinada por un ucraniano. El jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense asigna la resolución del caso a uno de sus hombres. El joven empieza por investigar la Russicum, un centro de estudios rusos situado en la ciudad del Vaticano. Se ve entonces envuelto en una compleja intriga de carácter internacional.

It has been 30 years since Title IX legislation granted women equal playing time, but the male-dominated world of sports journalism has yet to catch up with the law. Coverage of women's sport lags far behind men's, and focuses on female athletes' femininity and sexuality over their achievements on the court and field. While female athleticism challenges gender norms, women athletes continue to be depicted in traditional roles that reaffirm their femininity - as wives and mothers or sex objects. By comparison, male athletes are framed according to heroic masculine ideals that honor courage, strength, and endurance.

While on an archaeological expedition on a remote mountain, a group of young people stumble across a piece of jewelry that belonged to Belle Starr. One of them steals the piece and incites the wrath of Belle's ghost.

Around 1980, in Tunisia, Si Béchir, an old craftsman, sold his house and left the medina of Tunis with his family to settle in a new city on the outskirts of the capital. With his son Ali and his niece Aziza, the old man discovers a new way of life in a Tunisia in full change. Aziza becomes friends with Aïcha, a young actress, while Ali continues to fail in his little businesses. The arrival of a sheikh from the Persian Gulf will fuel all the desires in the city, including those of Ali. But the dream is short-lived.