Čien Fu niekaip nepritampa kung fu mokykloje ir atlieka daugiau durininko, o ne garbaus mokinio pareigas. Jis nuolat įsivelia į muštynes su kitais moksleiviais ir net mokytojais. Kartą senas kung fu mokytojas apsiima padėti nelaimėliui. Jis pradeda mokinti jaunuolį gyvatės smogimo technikos ir mokinys pasiekia puikių rezultatų. Ilgai netrukus Čien Fu tiek savo mokyklos mokinius, tiek reiklius mokytojus nustebina preciziška kovos technika.
The film is a parody of Disney's Fantasia, though possibly more of a challenge to Fantasia than parody status would imply. In the context of this film, "Allegro non Troppo" means Not So Fast!, an interjection meaning "slow down" or "think before you act" and refers to the film's pessimistic view of Western progress (as opposed to the optimism of Disney's original).
Vidutinio amžiaus vyras, prieš keletą metų netekęs savo žmonos, nutaria susirasti gyvenimo draugę. Šiam sumanymui entuziastingai pritaria ir jo paauglys sūnus. Savo draugo – šou verslo atstovo – padedamas, našlys organizuoja “kino bandymus” tikėdamasis tokiu būdu susirasti tinkamą merginą… Ir suranda!… Tačiau romantiška sentimentali istorija netikėtai virsta žiauria drama, atskleidžiančia tamsiausias žmogiškosios prigimties gelmes.
Friends since childhood, two lonely outcasts longing to be loved meet again. However, they must subdue a bloodthirsty demon residing in one of them.
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: "Dumplings", directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong; "Cut", directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea; "Box", directed by Miike Takashi of Japan. The first film "Dumplings" was extended and turned into a full-length theatrical film of the same name.
When Beth suffers a traumatic attack, her family and friends suggest she see a therapist to help her cope. However, her new therapist gives her more than she bargained for.
An unknown future. A boy confesses to the murder of another in an all-boy juvenile detention facility. More an exercise in style than storytelling, the story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case. Homosexual tension and explosive violence drives the story which delivers some weird and fascinating visuals.
On a desolate stretch of mountain road, a friendly truck driver who enjoys slaughtering hitchhikers meets a charming hitchhiker who prefers to butcher anyone who gives him a ride.
Ryūichi and his small gang of Triad vie for control of the Japanese underworld in a crime-ridden Shinjuku quarter while Detective Jojima tries to bring it down.
Šis japoniškasis spagečių vesternas, arba isternas, nukelia į Dievo apleistas Japonijos žemes, kur per amžius nerimsta nuožmūs dviejų klanų mūšiai, retinantys raudonųjų ir baltųjų gretas. Jie kovoja dėl nežinia kur paslėpto aukso lobio, bet niekaip neranda. Viskas pasikeičia, kai į miestelį atjoja keistas vienišas kaubojus ir pasisiūlo už pažadėtą didesnį atlygį savo pagalbą abiem kariaujančioms pusėms. Nepažįstamasis neskuba priimti sprendimo ir apsigyvena pas moterį Ruriko, kuri yra užsislaptinusi kovotoja. Vėliau ji išgelbėja nepažįstamąjį ir pasiūlo jam paslėptą auksą už tai, kad jis užbaigtų nesiliaujantį karą.
Vienišas dreifuotojas, kenčiantis nuo dalinio atminties praradimo, priima darbą prižiūrėti psichologinių problemų turinčią moterį apleistame name izoliuotoje saloje.
After a detective rescues a mute disfigured woman from being murdered, he takes her into his home to prevent her from staying in a mental hospital, a move which alienates his family and soon turns to obsession.
An unsuspecting user is sent through a turbulent series of splash portals when his government-enforced dating app malfunctions in the bathtub. Storm is set in the near future, where everyone has to live by the government’s Federal Relationship Compatibility Act – a policy which ensures that citizens are matched with only completely compatible individuals. If an individual cannot find a match which satisfies the government’s strict algorithm, they will be sentenced to a life alone in a permanent facility.
Two journalists set out to document their friend's journey to reunite with his estranged sister. They track her to an undisclosed location where they are welcomed into the remote world of "Eden Parish," a self-sustained rural utopia composed of nearly two hundred members and overseen by a mysterious leader known only as "Father." It quickly becomes evident to the newcomers that this paradise may not be as it seems. Eden Parish harbors a twisted secret. What started as just another documentary shoot soon becomes a fight for survival.
A scientist taints his mother's scientific experiment with his own drug that transforms pain into a pleasurable experience. Unfortunately for the three women involved in the experiment, the drug works a little bit too well.
Maira lives happily with Aiden, a doll maker and toy company owner. But Vanya, their adopted daughter and Aiden's niece, is still dealing with the loss of her birth mother. After Vanya plays Charlie's Pencil to summon her late mother, strange things begin to happen.
Max Fist claims he’s a hero from another dimension who has somehow landed on Earth and been stripped of his powers. Instead of treating him like a powerful champion, no one believes Max’s claims — except for a teenager named Hamster and his sister Indigo. The siblings convince Max to help them take out a local drug gang, where Max’s abilities are put to a violent and harrowing test.
Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.
Sheriff Reddle thinks there's a connection between a mysterious, invisible force that made his father kill his mother back in 1981. He sets out to uncover and stop the so-called "dammed thing" before it decimates the whole town by forcing the residents to kill each other and then finally... themselves.
A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina.