On Monday, September 10, 2012, Jacqueline Sauvage shot her husband the back three times. She then learned that their son had just committed suicide. And so the most publicized trial in recent years commenced.

Machin egy igazi munkamániás, aki mindennél jobban értékeli a csendet. Machine egy képzett zongoraművész, aki épp a nagy áttörést jelentő koncertjére készül. A probléma mindössze az, hogy kettejüket csak egy fal választja el egymástól.

Yann who is trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to cope with his life generally and especially bereavement decides to look up Thomas, his best friend from high school. Thomas is thee same crazy character as he ever was and between them they cook up a plan to rearrange Yann's birthday party from their high school days and get all their old friends to come along. This means locating their friends and a journey to visit and convince some of them to join in their plan. How their friends have changed, their lives and the revelations provide plenty of humour. But why is his friend Thomas just the same as he ever was ?

Samir Amin is a fulfilled writer, Nobel Prize for Literature, who lives in Paris, far from his native country, Algeria.He systematically refuses all the invitations made to him. Until the day when he decides to accept to be made "Honorary Citizen" of Sidi Mimoun, the small town where he was born.But should he again meet with the inhabitants of this city, who year after year became the heroes of his various novels?

Lake is in a straight relationship with Desiree but finds himself becoming attracted to men at the pool. When he cannot control his desires any longer, he starts working at an adult home and begins a relationship with a much, much older man.

Charlotte régi barátnőjével Mélodie-val csalja barátját, Michát. A férfi ugyan nem gyanakszik, viszont meglehetősen elhanyagolva érzi magát, így ő is megcsalja Charlotte-ot, szintén Mélodie-val. Mélodie számára ez kész káosz, mindkettőjüknek hazudozni kénytelen, miközben őrzi mindkettőjük titkát, ráadásul szerelmes is - mindkettőjükbe.

Thirty-year-old Camilla, realizes that she doesn't have the life she deserves and decides that the only destiny worthy of her is that of a royal princess.

Following his release from a seven-year stretch in prison, Mario Diccara discovers that his affairs with the underworld aren't completely settled. His brother Patrick, a priest, suggests that he stays with elderly Father Etienne in a small village in Ardeche until the conflict blows over. But their plan takes an unexpected turn when Father Etienne dies.

Mathieu owes everything to his friend Vincent : his house, his job, and even his life, ten years ago. With their wives, they are an inseparable quartet, and live the easy life on the French Riviera. But Mathieu discovers Vincent is cheating on his wife.

A married father of three, lives in Créteil doing odd jobs and spends his time at the local PMU bar. One day, to please his daughter, he promises a little too quick to take the whole family on vacation to ski. The only problem: if he breaks his promise, his wife will divorce him.

Damien is a pawn in a primary school, and leads a quiet life. To rescue one of his young students, Bahzad, and his mother from imminent expulsion from the land, Damien reconnects with his parents' militant past and convinces his sister Mélanie, who has become a formidable business lawyer, her best friend Rudy and a bunch of unlikely pals to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law by solidarity. And very quickly to be completely exceeded.

Lou napjai azzal telnek, hogy gyorskaját eszik, játszik a macskájával és kémkedik a szomszéd után. Azonban amikor édesanyja szerelmes lesz, élete a feje tetejére áll.

On a night of April 1957, Albertine, a brillant and rebel 19-year-old girl, jumps from the wall of the prison where she’s serving a sentence for a holdup. In her fall, a bone from her ankle breaks: the astragal. She is rescued by Julien, a justice fugitive, and so is born a burning passion between them. He takes her to Paris and hides her. But while he leads his gangster life here and there, the young woman struggles for her freedom and against the wounds inflicted by Julien’s absence, and writes poetry.

Before the court of the Inquisition, the scientist Galileo defends his position in favor of Copernicus' thesis that the Earth revolves around the sun.

"Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne", a tiny village hurt by the financial crisis and the desertification. Its last hope : Start back the Smoked Salmon factory. The only issue : Insurances require a permanent doctor on site. But it s has been 5 years the previous doctor retired without setting a replacement. The whole village,supporting their surly major Germain, will try everything to convince the very Parisian Doctor Maxime Meyer that happiness is only at Saint-Loin-la-Mauderne! This movie is the french remake of the Canadian movie 'la Grande Seduction'

In a world where digital technology has invaded our lives, some of us end up cracking. Addict or technophobe, with family or at school, at work or in love, SELFIE tells the comic and wild destinies of Homo Numericus on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Frezura és Musztafa két jó szívű, Borat-hasonmás pásztor Taplisztánból, amely egy kis ország Közép-Ázsiában, melyről még soha senki nem hallott. Annak érdekében, hogy az országot a nemzetközi reflektorfénybe állítsa, a taplisztáni elnök fia úgy dönt, hogy kipróbálják a "terrorreklámot": megbízza a két, inkább naiv mint gonosz pásztort életük legfontosabb küldetésével: pusztítsák el a párizsi Eiffel-tornyot! Hogy elérjék a céljukat, át kell vágniuk az elképzelhető legellenségesebb területen: Franciaországon. Franciaország messze eltér attól, amit a leírásokból hallottunk: korzikai nacionalisták, túlbuzgó rendőrök, tisztességtelen taxisofőrök, erőszakos fociultrák, zsémbes alkalmazottak, barátságtalan pincérek, kafkai közigazgatás és orvosi műhibák, ezek nem kímélnek senkit.

Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...

Birch, a young man living in the Catskill Mountains, reunites with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.

A nagyszájú Damien miután csalt a testőr vizsgáján a kiégett Alfonsó mellé kerül, akit azzal bíztak meg, hogy védje meg az énekesnő, Jal-Y életét, akit volt barátja mindenáron szeretne holtan látni.