Fight Club was a two-day professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event promoted by Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) that was held on October 8 and 9, 2022. Both nights of the event were held in Atlantic City, New Jersey; night 1 of the event took place at the Garden Pier at the Showboat while night 2 was held inside Showboat Hotel itself. The event aired on PPV via the FITE TV service.

A woman and her daughter are each forced to contend with an increasing pressure to marry, particularly from three men who knew her late husband.

Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.

Marty, a butcher who lives in the Bronx with his mother is unmarried at 34. Good-natured but socially awkward he faces constant badgering from family and friends to get married but has reluctantly resigned himself to bachelorhood. Marty meets Clara, an unattractive school teacher, realising their emotional connection, he promises to call but family and friends try to convince him not to.

On the outskirts of town, the hard-nosed Vienna owns a saloon frequented by the undesirables of the region, including Dancin' Kid and his gang. Another patron of Vienna's establishment is Johnny Guitar, a former gunslinger and her lover. When a heist is pulled in town that results in a man's death, Emma Small, Vienna's rival, rallies the townsfolk to take revenge on Vienna's saloon – even without proof of her wrongdoing.

In the Sengoku period, a woman and her daughter are raped and murdered by soldiers during a time of civil war. Afterwards, a series of samurai returning from the war through that area are found mysteriously dead with their throats torn out. The governor calls in a wild and fierce young hero to quell what is evidently an Onryō ghost. He encounters the two beautiful women in an eerie, beautiful scene. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

A young bank teller, literally allergic to paper money, becomes the worst nightmare of his best customer, a wealthy butcher who manages his business unscrupulously.

Nelly on juuri menettänyt isoäitinsä ja auttaa siivoamaan vanhempiensa kanssa äitinsä Marionin lapsuudenkotia. Hän tutkiskelee taloa ja sitä ympäröivää metsää. Yhtenä päivänä Marion lähtee yllättäen ja Nelly tapaa metsässä ikäisensä ja näköisensä tytön rakentamassa äitinsä lapsuudenmajaa.

What starts off as a conventional travelogue turns into a satirical portrait of the town of Nice on the French Côte d'Azur, especially its wealthy inhabitants.

Nainen katsoo entisen rakastajansa tavaroita pakattuna matkalaukkuihin. Aika kuluu, laukkuja ei haeta. Levoton koira ei ymmärrä, että isäntä ei tule enää kotiin. On kohdattava todellisuus.

This is the story of two completely opposite households: the Pavone are intellectual and bourgeois, the Vismara are proletarian and fascists. They are two tribes sharing the same jungle: Rome. A trivial accident brings these two poles together. The madness of a 25-year old youth will set them on a collision course, discovering the cards to reveal that everyone has a secret. People are never what they seem – but we are all predators in the end.

Ranskalaisessa Roubaix’n tehdaskaupungissa asuva Abel Vuillard (sympaattinen Jean-Paul Roussillon) otti vaimokseen huomattavasti nuoremman Junonin (Catherine Deneuve). Pariskunnan esikoinen Joseph kuoli pienenä leukemiaan, kun sekä pikkusisar Elizabeth (Anne Consigny) että uusi vauva Henri (Mathieu Amalric) osoittautuivat sopimattomiksi luovuttajiksi eikä heistä ollut veljensä pelastajiksi. Myöhemmin perheeseen syntyi vielä kuopus Ivan (Melvil Poupaud).Vuosikymmeniä myöhemmin joulu on lähestymässä ja Abel ja Junon toivovat aikuisten lastensa kokoontuvan yhteiseen joulun viettoon synnyinkotiinsa. Historia tuntuu toistavan itseään, kun jälleen yksi perheenjäsen tarvitsisi sopivan luovuttajan henkensä pelastamiseksi. Niin luovuttajan löytymistä kuin joulunviettoakin sotkevat vaikeat perhesuhteet ja vuosien jälkeen paljastuvat kaunat ja salaisuudet.

A struggling young writer finds his life and work dominated by his unfaithful wife and his radical feminist mother, whose best-selling manifesto turns her into a cultural icon.

A young man returns from Rome to his sister's satanic New York apartment house.

Harriet huomaa, että jotkin laulut vievät hänet ajassa taaksepäin - kirjaimellisesti. Hän rakentaa uutta romanssia nykyhetkessä, mutta musiikin ja muistojen luoma yhteys saa hänet samalla elämään menneen rakkauden uudelleen. Vaikka hän voisikin muuttaa mennyttä, kannattaako se?

A woman seemingly dies of fright after participating in a séance where she sees a vision of a Dunwich priest hanging himself in a church cemetery. New York City reporter Peter Bell investigates and learns that the priest's suicide has somehow opened a portal to Hell and must be sealed by All Saints Day, or else the dead will overtake humanity.

When a beautiful model, Alison Parker, rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize that an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... a mysterious gateway to hell.

A double leg amputated woman sits and writes a long meandering letter while her ineffective nurse attempts to attend to her stumps.