Džo Gardeners ir skolotājs skolā, kurš ārprātīgi mīl džezu. Pēc veiksmīgas uzstāšanās klubā "Half Note", viņš nejauši iekļūst negadījumā, kas nošķir viņa dvēseli no ķermeņa. Tā rezultātā viņš tiek nosūtīts uz You Seminar - centru, kas palīdz attīstīt dvēseles un iegūt kaislības pirms tās tiek nogādātas jaundzimušajiem. Džo nākās lūgt palīdzību no citām apmācāmajām dvēselēm, jo tikai tā viņam izdosies atgriezties uz Zemes.

A group of people traveling on a stagecoach find their journey complicated by the threat of Geronimo, and learn something about each other in the process.

Kriss un viņa draudzene Roza dodas uz ziemeļiem apciemot viņas vecākus nedēļas nogalē. Sākumā Kriss notur ģimenes pārlieko viesmīlību kā nervozu mēģinājumu pieņemt meitas drauga izcelsmi, bet brīvdienu gaitā caur dažādiem nepatīkamiem atklājumiem viņam parādās patiesība, kādu nekad nebūtu varējis iedomāties.

Le Chiffre, a banker to the world's terrorists, is scheduled to participate in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro, where he intends to use his winnings to establish his financial grip on the terrorist market. M sends Bond—on his maiden mission as a 00 Agent—to attend this game and prevent Le Chiffre from winning. With the help of Vesper Lynd and Felix Leiter, Bond enters the most important poker game in his already dangerous career.

Robert Gould Shaw leads the US Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices of both his own Union army and the Confederates.

The Dashwood sisters, sensible Elinor and passionate Marianne, whose chances at marriage seem doomed by their family's sudden loss of fortune. When Henry Dashwood dies unexpectedly, his estate must pass on by law to his son from his first marriage, John and wife Fanny. But these circumstances leave Mr. Dashwood's current wife, and daughters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret, without a home and with barely enough money to live on. As Elinor and Marianne struggle to find romantic fulfillment in a society obsessed with financial and social status, they must learn to mix sense with sensibility in their dealings with both money and men.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Scenārists Pols Žavāls ir nolīgts pārrakstīt scenāriju jaunai filmai par Odiseju, kuras režisors ir Fricis Langs. Pols atklāj, ka viņa sieva Kamilla viņu nicina. Pret viņas gribu pāris apciemo filmas producentu Džeremiju Prokošu Kapri salā. Viņi apmetas skaistā mājā ar skatu uz Tirēnu jūru. Taču apkārtējā greznība un spožā saule tikai izgaismo Kamillas nicinājumu pret neveiksmīgo vīru un viņa mazvērtības sajūtu.

A college student, who sees a UFO, uses his exceptional math skills to investigate the sighting with his friends while the FBI follows closely behind.

Seven old college friends gather for a weekend reunion after the funeral of one of their own.

Two lads in Edinburgh embark on a non-violent spree of robberies. They dress up in clown masks and act as modern highwaymen, robbing coach loads of tourists in the highlands. In the process they become folk heroes to the locals. Their adventures make for a whimsical and gentle comedy, in the Bill Forsyth vein.

When two mysterious deaths mar an otherwise pleasant weekend in the English countryside, unflappable flapper Lady Eileen Brent teams up with the dashing Jimmy Thesinger to solve the dastardly deeds. Their sleuthing leads them into a world of espionage and international intrigue as they discover a secret society known as "The Seven Dials" and the attempted theft of top-secret government documents.

While planet Earth poises on the brink of nuclear self-destruction, a team of Russian and American scientists aboard the Leonov hurtles to a rendezvous with the still-orbiting Discovery spacecraft and its sole known survivor, the homicidal computer HAL.

Three single women in a picturesque Rhode Island village have their wishes granted - at a cost - when a mysterious and flamboyant man arrives in their lives.

The story of the life, loves and work of US writer Patricia Highsmith (1921-95), told through her unpublished diaries, her own voice and that of those who knew her, both family and close friends.

Jane Marple solves the mystery when a local woman is poisoned and a visiting movie star seems to have been the intended victim.

A bookshop clerk starts seeing the disfigured killer from her favorite 1950s pulp novels come to life and start killing people around her.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.

A seedy writer of sleazy pulp novels is recruited by a quirky, reclusive ex-actor to help him write his biography at his house in Malta.

A hallucinogenic summer noir cocktail spiked with suspense is concocted as the unexpected arrival of a stranger ignites an inferno of secrets and guilt, complicating the relationship between a father and his daughter.