Robert Redford a Paul Newman v legendárnom filme o jednom geniálnom dostihovom podraze. Film je príbehom o priateľstve dvoch rozkošných podvodníkov. Johny, malý šikovný podvodník a jeho kumpán Luther omylom okradnú poslíčka, ktorý pracuje pre jedného z najväčších a najuznávanejších gangstrov – Lonnegana. Lonneganovi ľudia však z pomsty Luthera zabijú a Johny s Henrym si naplánujú ešte rafinovanejšie prepadnutie, aby Lonnegana celkom zničili.
Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.
A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.
Fictional documentary about the life of human chameleon Leonard Zelig, a man who becomes a celebrity in the 1920s due to his ability to look and act like whoever is around him. Clever editing places Zelig in real newsreel footage of Woodrow Wilson, Babe Ruth, and others.
Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.
Charley Varrick robs a bank in a small town with his friends, but instead of obtaining a small amount of money, they discover they stole a very large amount of money belonging to the mob. Charley must now come up with a plan to not only evade the police but the mob as well.
The story of Bobby Sands, the IRA member who led the 1981 hunger strike during The Troubles in which Irish Republican prisoners tried to win political status.
Sú najlepšie stráženým tajomstvom vo vesmíre. Agenti K a J pracujú pre neoficiálnu vládnu agentúru s názvom Muži v čiernom, ktorá zodpovedá za imigráciu a vôbec všetko, čo súvisí s aktivitou mimozemšťanov na Zemi. Sú našou najlepšou, poslednou a jedinou záštitou, keď sa blízke stretnutia stanú nepríjemnými. Pracujú v tajnosti a chodia v čiernom. Čierne obleky, čierne okuliare a dokonalý arzenál všetkého čo strieľa, vybuchuje a inak likviduje. Pred sebou majú len jedinú úlohu - zabrániť vesmírnym teroristom, aby sa zmocnili našej Zeme. Pri svojej práci stretáva dvojica sympatickú doktorku Laurel Weaverovú, ktorá sa v newyorskej pitevni v poslednom čase stretáva so záhadnými mŕtvolami.
The Driver specializes in driving getaway cars for robberies. His exceptional talent has prevented him from being caught yet. After another successful flight from the police a self-assured detective makes it his primary goal to catch the Driver. He promises pardons to a gang if they help to convict him in a set-up robbery. The Driver seeks help from The Player to mislead the detective.
Príbeh malého gangstra Charlieho (Robert De Niro), ktorý sa snaží prežiť v prostredí mafie a zároveň zápasí s vnútornými démonmi. Charlie vyrástol v newyorskom „Malom Taliansku“ a jeho profesionálna dráha mu bola od začiatku predurčená. Pracuje ako výpalník pre strýka, mafiánskeho bossa, ale snaží sa robiť všetko správne a nikomu neublížiť. Problémom pre neho je najmä priateľ z detstva a bratranec Johnny Boy (Harvey Kietel) – impulzívny bitkár, výtržník a zlodej bez vôle rešpektovať autority.
Mimozemšťan prichádza na Zem zo vzdialenej planéty. Jeho raketu zostrelia neďaleko chaty mladej vdovy Jenny. Nehmotný Starman má na výskum planéty len tri dni, potom sa musí vrátiť. Preto si vezme na seba podobu Jenninho mŕtveho manžela a požiada ju, aby ho odprevadila do Arizony, kde ho čaká materská loď. Vydesená Jenny sa ho najprv bojí, neskôr sa však medzi nimi prebudí úprimný cit. Horšie však je, že Starmana prenasledujú tajní agenti George Fox a Mark Shermin, aby ho využili na výskum...
New York City English professor Axel Freed outwardly seems like an upstanding citizen. But privately Freed is in the clutches of a severe gambling addiction that threatens to destroy him.
The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!
Johnny Kovak joins the Teamsters trade-union in a local chapter in the 1930s and works his way up in the organization. As he climbs higher and higher his methods become more ruthless and finally senator Madison starts a campaign to find the truth about the alleged connections with the Mob.
Agenti v čiernych oblekoch sa budú musieť vysporiadať s ďalšími príšerami z vesmíru, ktoré sa chystajú zrovnať našu planétu so zemou. V treťom dieli akčnej sci-fi komédie by sa pritom mal objaviť vo filmoch zatiaľ nevídaný prvok, a to cestovanie v čase. Značná časť snímky sa totiž bude odohrávať v minulosti. Agent J sa zo súčasného sveta vydáva za mladšou verziou svojho parťáka K - ktorý je údajne už dlhšiu dobu po smrti - aby našiel odpovede na svoje nevyjasnené otázky.
After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.
Welcome to the Secret Cinema, now featuring a series of films on the real-life misadventures of Jane, a New York City office secretary. See Jane being sexually harassed by her boss, Mr. Troppogrosso. See Jane get dumped by her boyfriend, Dick. See Jane humiliated in lots of ways. And here's the kicker: Jane doesn't know that her life is being filmed, or that she's being set up by some of the people closest to her. But she's starting to have her suspicions.
During the Vietnam war, an American soldier gets trapped beind enemy lines. A squad of his buddies sets out to rescue him.
Eccentric scientist Dr. Daniel and his shy assistant Max lead a quiet life on their space station, carrying out illegal research on androids, until they receive an unwelcome visit from three fugitives one of whom is female. Both Dr. Daniel and Max show an interest in her, but one of the other visitors has more sinister intentions.
Three middle-aged daddies visit California to have a marvelous time at the beach. When they learn that a nice apartment and an expensive cabriolet isn't enough for them to score with the chicks, they employ a student to help them. At first he's as disgusted of them and his job as his girlfriend, but soon they find out how to use the situation to everyone's benefit.