Frații Sultan și Bekzat Ibrayev slujesc credincioși în Forțele Armate ale Kazahstanului și, în același timp, sunt în dezacordul familiei. Sultan este un ofițer de informații curajos, iar Bekzat este un pilot de luptă talentat. În timp ce o organizație teroristă internațională pregătește un atac atent planificat asupra facilităților importante din punct de vedere strategic ale țării, frații trebuie să se confrunte nu doar cu o amenințare de moarte, ci și cu o confruntare familială legată de tatăl lor decedat. Circumstanțele îi obligă să se unească pentru a salva vieți omenești, iar frații în cele din urmă înțeleg că patria și familia lor sunt cel mai valoros lucru pe care îl au.

Statul Islamic a distrus satul fraților Jose și Luis din sud-estul Africii. Fratele mai mare se alătură organizației, dar cel mic reușește să scape și este găsit de soldații ruși. Acum se teme că, dezvăluind locația grupării teroriste, pune viața fratelui său în pericol.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

While under the guise of taking his family on a weekend winter getaway, Loid's attempt to make progress on his current mission Operation Strix proves difficult when Anya mistakenly gets involved and triggers events that threaten world peace.

This unique cinematic experience dives deep into an artist’s work and reveals his life path, inspiration, and creative process. It explores his fascination with myth and history. Past and present are interwoven to diffuse the line between film and painting, allowing the audience to be completely immersed in the remarkable world of one of the greatest contemporary artists, Anselm Kiefer. Wim Wenders shot this unique portrait over the course of two years in stunning 3D.

Nancy, East of France. Summertime. Seeking to escape her troublesome family environment, Sophie, 15, jumps at the chance to get the spare keys to her wealthy friend Jade's house. While enjoying the spacious home she thought deserted for summer, she bumps into her friend's older brother Stéphane, who, as fate would have it, was also planning on staying. But instead of chasing her out, Stéphane will choose to leave the door open as an invitation to a summer Sophie never expected.

Kensuke Sonomura directs the legendary Hitoshi Ozawa in this ultimate V-Cinema actioner. Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime. When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly released and put in charge of a special task force to arrest him.

Story of an ambitious young doctor through unethical means intend to make a quick career. Now is primary in a luxury clinic where administers the sick with the same cynicism of his young years.

In the wake of her prom scandal, Princess Margrethe longs for normalcy as she struggles to maintain her perfect facade while dealing with family drama.

La începutul secolului al 19-lea, pugilismul era sportul regilor şi un tânăr boxer talentat a luptat pentru a deveni campion al Angliei.

Sayen urmărește o pistă până în zona pustie și pitorească a deșertului Atacama. Acolo, ea face echipă cu o tânără localnică pe nume Quimal, care caută să-i spele numele tatălui ei și să-și salveze orașul ca să nu devină un pustiu arid din cauză că Acteon a pus monopol pe apa din oraș.

In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, an ambitious vaudevillian takes his quartet from a honky tonk to the big time, while spurning the love of his troupe's star singer for a selfish heiress.

Nina is a successful TV star, but her life changes when she is diagnosed with cancer. Facing a personal crisis, she has to confront her deepest fears.

In the lawless West, The Cowboys, a notorious brotherhood of killers and thieves, reigned over the land with brutal fists and fast guns. Fate had finally caught up with them and now the merciless gang has but a single surviving member. When a deputized gunslinger takes up the call to hunt down the last Cowboy, the chase is on and the bullets fly, and only one of these hardened men can survive.

Fugând cu o geantă plină de bani după ce l-a jefuit pe fostul său șef al crimei – și o rană potențial mortală – Freddy se strecoară într-un autobuz care se îndreaptă într-o noapte ploioasă spre Georgia. Cu viața lui strecurându-i-se printre degete, Freddy are foarte puține opțiuni pentru a supraviețui.

Unable to process the death of his daughter, Detective Boyd embarks on a hunt for a serial killer who murders according to a brutal tribal ritual: Muti. The only person who can help Boyd is Professor Mackles, an anthropologist who hides an unspeakable secret. The line between sanity and madness thins as Boyd goes deeper into the killer’s world.

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

8 concurenți concurează în 8 jocuri mortale, clasice pentru copii. Ei caută faima dincolo de visele lor cele mai sălbatice, concurând pentru șansa de a prelua canalul YouTube al celebrului, dar evazivului, YouTuber mascat, cunoscut doar sub numele de „JaxPro”.

Several characters coincide during the Christmas holidays in the winter season of Saint Moritz.