The Webslinger faces the ultimate challenge when his arch-nemesis discovers his identity and kidnaps his one true love, Mary Jane Watson.

Step brothers Drake and Josh must give a foster family the best Christmas ever or face years in jail for a Christmas party gone wrong.

Days after her friends disappear during a trip to a mysterious cave, a girl is approached by a grown man claiming to be one of her missing pals.

When Nami falls ill, the Straw Hats seek medical care for her on Drum Island. There they meet reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper and the Wapol Pirates.

Myles and Brody are best friends with two very different ways of finding love. Displeased with their current love lives, they make a pact to be together if neither finds love in ten year’s time. Now two months shy of their deadline, both friends set off to do whatever it takes to avoid ending up as each other’s last resort.

Wong Jing's sequel to All for the Winner and spin-off to God of Gamblers finds Chow Sing Cho looking up to Michael "Dagger" Chan in order to become Ko Chun's next disciple, but the two must put aside their differences when they discover that a gang boss is bent on ruining the God of Gamblers' name.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

Vodca Rakeťákov, Giovanni, konečne dopátral. V odľahlej oblasti regióne Johto našiel Mewtwoa, ktorého sa okamžite snaží odchytiť. Ash a jeho priatelia sú unesení Dominou, novou členkou Rakeťákov, a zároveň sa snažia zachrániť Pikachua, ktorého zase majú Jessie a James. Klonovia Pokémonov sú tiež odchytený, a tak sa stávajú návnadou pre Mewtwoa. Nastáva bitka medzi Mewtwo a Giovannim. Ako toto len môže dopadnúť?

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.

The Isle of Koumi, a beautiful island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island, people pass an old legend down from generation to generation that there was the Seabed Palace, an ancient ruin at the bottom of the sea, where the treasure of female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Reed was left. When Conan and his friends visit Koumi while on vacation, they meet some suspicious treasure hunters.

Tatie Danielle is a black comedy about a widow who is intent on ruining the lives of her great-nephew and his wife. Tsilla Chelton plays the title character, who mourns the death of her husband by tormenting everyone she meets. Eventually, she moves in with her nephew and his vain wife. Soon, her family is at war with Tatie, and takes off for Greece, leaving her in the care of Sandrine (Isabelle Nanty), an au pair who is as equally bitter as Tatie herself. At first the two don't get along, yet the two eventually become friends. However, Sandrine is invited to accompany an American student for an overnight stay at the beach, which would leave Tatie alone for a night. Angered, Tatie fires Sandrine, and while she is alone, she goes into deep depression, eventually setting the family's apartment on fire. The fire becomes a national story, with Tatie cast as a poor old lady and the family labeled as cruel and heartless villains.

Detektív sa snaží rozlúštiť záhadu zmiznutých detí a hlavných podozrivých: dvoch mladých žien, ktoré boli pred rokmi odsúdené za smrť dojčaťa.

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

Pete Garrison je agent americkej tajnej služby, ktorý kedysi zachránil život prezidentovi, keď skočil do cesty spŕške letiacich guliek. Teraz riadi ochranu prvej dámy. Peteov kolega a priateľ Charlie Merriweather naznačuje, že by sa s ním rád podelil o prísne tajnú informáciu. Než k tomu dôjde, je Merriweather zastrelený vo svojom dome. Prípad dostane na starosť vrchný vyšetrovateľ tajnej služby David Breckinridge, ktorý býval Garrisonovým ochrancom a donedávna aj jeho najlepším priateľom. Medzi skúsených agentov prichádza Jill Marin - tvrdá, moderná a ambiciózna mladá agentka, ktorú na univerzite školil aj Garrison. Trio sa spoločnými silami vydáva po stopách vraždy, ktoré vedú až k podozreniu, že niekto pripravuje atentát na prezidenta.

Eddie, Jimmy, Isaac, Ricky, Dinka a Terri pracujú v jednom chicagskom holičstve. Majiteľ Calvin sa ho snaží udržiavať, pretože ho po čase chce odovzdať svojmu synovi. Zrazu sa však okolo holičstva začne obšmietať istý Quentin Leroux...

Tiffani attempts to help her geeky but very cute friend Casey find true love - or at least a sexy hunk. Taken under Tiffani’s wing, Casey pretends to be Ryan, Tiffani's hot, straight, stripper ex-boyfriend, in order to seduce the smoldering Zack online, which works, until the real Ryan shows up!

In a well-known ski resort, a couple has the brilliant idea to open a "4-legged hotel" where people can stay during the Christmas holidays in the company of their beloved pets. Trouble begins when the place is invaded by dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and parrots (not to mention their owners!).

Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.

Školský rok sa končí a konečne prichádzajú dlho očakávané prázdniny. Malý Mikuláš s rodičmi a babičkou odchádzajú k moru do hotela Beau-Rivage. Mikuláš si na pláži rýchlo nájde nových kamarátov - Bena, ktorý tu nie je na prázdninách, ale žije tu, Freddyho, ktorému chutí všetko, dokonca aj ryby, Georgea, ktorý nehovorí rovnakou rečou, pretože je z Anglicka, Paula, čo stále plače, a Christophera, ktorý chce mať vždy pravdu a všetkých to pekne štve. Potom je tu však aj Elisabeth, dievčatko, ktoré sa na neho stále čudne pozerá a o ktorej je Mikuláš presvedčený, že ho s ňou chcú rodičia oženiť! Nedorozumenia sa začínajú hromadiť a šibalstvá sa začínajú. Jedno je isté - pre všetkých to budú nezabudnuteľné prázdniny...

Jack and Melissa are frightened by their son's bizarre and violent behavior; they soon learn that he is the gateway to the Apocalypse, and it will happen on his birthday, 11-11-11.