A camera-roll film shot on Tri-X and hand processed, EW is a reflection on the construction of nonbinary identity through hair, interwoven with ideas about monstrosity.

Jurgen is an unknown electrician with a dream of pop stardom. His mother browbeats him into fame, while two managers compete for his contract. All Johnny really wants to do is get some sleep.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a country with a very strong social cohesion and the unprecedented admiration of the people for their leader, which is absolutely unique and incomprehensible especially from a Western point of view. The native Korean director Sung-Hyung Cho tries to understand this by accompanying several Koreans from different backgrounds in their daily lives. The film shows the country and its people in a way, as it is rarely done in Western media, non-judgmental and respectful towards the people.

Short - - Humberto Berlanga, Julian Bucio, Axel Cabello

Early abstract 3d stereoscopic animation by Norman McLaren collaborator Gretta Ekman.

Ten days of preparation for the Monte Carlo rally. The two Polish drivers battle with the technical shortcomings of the Polish Fiat 125 and overwhelming bureaucracy. They did not finish the race. An allegory of the country's industrial and economic problems.

Even after moving to beirut,salwa feels watched and followed,moving from hotel to hotel to feel safer,but only found it when falling in love with a young man who ended up The police along who's following her to arrest her for her crime against her husband in egypt.

Ola de calor de mediados de verano. Nikos y Alain, dos prostitutas y una proxeneta, Monica, se enredan en una peculiar relación después de conocerse en una calle oscura llamada POUTANA. Se enamoran, juegan con armas y hablan de juegos de cartas, dinero y castings teatrales. ¿Es este un juego de rol que han inventado los tres para pasar el tiempo en una casa de verano remota y vacía? ¿Han estado leyendo a Jean Genet? Ya sea una imagen especular de la realidad de los personajes o una representación elíptica de su percepción distorsionada y onírica, I Afroditi Stin Avli, al yuxtaponer referencias literarias y artísticas dispares, conduce a sus personajes aislados hacia la disolución. Y sin embargo, en su extraño lenguaje, presenta esta disolución como un triunfo.

Joon-woo is a passionate fireman who always pursues danger. Hyun believes rational judgement is the only way to save people in danger. The first day at their work place, Joon-woo jumps into the fire to save stranded people in the building in spite of an evacuation order and Hyun tries to stop him. They came to fight. Meanwhile, Ye-rin loves Joon-woo more than he loves himself...

Military farce starring Harald Juhnke and Gunther Philipp.

Enamorada de un revolucionario al que cree muerto, una muchacha se casa con un conde, que primero la traiciona y después la envenena. El revolucionario va a ver a su amada, que yace en estado cataléptico. Al besarla, ella despierta. El marido se sacrifica por la patria.

After their trip into the big city in the movie Chris once again is asked to baby sit Brad, Sara and Daryl for the night when a simple trip to the store turns into a hostage situation. Chris and the kids have themselves yet another adventure.

After quitting his job, a man decides to go after the one person responsible for ruining his life.

A Black teenager discovers that he has superpowers during a life-or-death encounter with a police officer

The film explores the idea of the moral dilemma a defence lawyer faces in his profession when all his values and truths are questioned, his life’s facts are brought into question and his entire psyche comes crashing down.