Mortimer Brewster, a newspaper drama critic, playwright, and author known for his diatribes against marriage, suddenly falls in love and gets married; but when he makes a quick trip home to tell his two maiden aunts, he finds out his aunts' hobby - killing lonely old men and burying them in the cellar!

A young Tokyo salary man and his wife struggle within the confines of their passionless relationship while he has an extramarital affair.

A young husband and father, perfectly content with his life, falls in love with another woman.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

This film documents the coal miners' strike against the Brookside Mine of the Eastover Mining Company in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973. Eastovers refusal to sign a contract (when the miners joined with the United Mine Workers of America) led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included violent battles between gun-toting company thugs/scabs and the picketing miners and their supportive women-folk. Director Barbara Kopple puts the strike into perspective by giving us some background on the historical plight of the miners and some history of the UMWA. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with New York Women in Film & Television in 2004.

Šaltis, lietūs ir nuolatiniai rūkai supa pramoninį Ravenos rajoną. Vietinis fabrikas teršia aplinkinius ežerus, o praplaukiantys laivai kelia karantino vėliavas. Depresuota ir neurotiška Džiulijana, fabriko vadybininko žmona, bando atrasti pusiausvyrą ir susitaikyti su vienatvės kupinu gyvenimu pilkame industrine dykuma virstančiame mieste. Sutiktas inžinierius suteikia jai šilumos ir vilties, kuri vėl greitai išsisklaido. Filme vaidina viena svarbiausių režisieriaus aktorių Monica Vitti.

Iš kalėjimo išėjęs Arturas grįžta į nedidelį Toskanos miestelį, kuriame jo laukia karnavališka kapų plėšikų gauja, be sąžinės graužaties siaubianti tūkstantmečius skaičiuojančius etruskų kapus, o rastus istorinius artefaktus parduodanti juodojoje rinkoje. Arturas, anglas, kadaise respektabilus archeologijos mokslininkas, turi ypatingą talentą rasti senovines kapavietes. Pasiklydęs tarp gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų pasaulių, jis ieško lobių, neskirtų žmogaus akims, o kartu ir savo pražuvusios mylimosios Benjaminos.

An unemployed construction worker heading out west stops at a remote farm in the desert to get water when his car overheats. The farm is being worked by a group of East European Catholic nuns, headed by the strict mother superior, who believes the man has been sent by God to build a much needed church in the desert.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

Middle-aged suburban husband Richard abruptly tells his wife, Maria, that he wants a divorce. As Richard takes up with a younger woman, Maria enjoys a night on the town with her friends and meets a younger man. As the couple and those around them confront a seemingly futile search for what they've lost -- love, excitement, passion -- this classic American independent film explores themes of aging and alienation.

1930-ieji. Selestina atvyksta į Normandijos miestelį dirbti namų tvarkytoja. Ji – lengvabūdė, nerūpestinga mergina iš Paryžiaus. Jos naujoji darbo vieta – vienuolynas, priklausantis ponui Rabūrui. Tačiau netrukus po draugiška elegantiško ir rafinuoto vyriškio kauke Selestina įžiūri keistą elgesį, nepaaiškinamas manijas, kurios ima neraminti...

Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGBTQ+ movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.

Amerikietiškas vesternas, užauginęs nusikaltėlių, bankų ir traukinių plėšimo legendą -Jesse’ą Jamesą. Čia pokši šautuvai, verda konkurencinės kovos tarp gaujų ir klęsti korupcija. Bet pasirodo “Jameso” broliai ir susigrąžina tai, kas jiems teisėtai priklauso.

To escape neglect and abuse from his parents, a young boy plants some strange seeds and they grow into a grandmother.

James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.

Glimpses of Chaucer penning his famous work are sprinkled through this re-enactment of several of his stories.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Marc, a bipolar and paranoid filmmaker, cannot tolerate seeing his current project picked apart by his producers. The clips he’s been able to sneak a look at lead him to fear the worst. With his editor as an accomplice, he manages to spirit away the rushes to his aunt’s place in the Cévennes, to finish the film as he envisions it. Instead, its completion is constantly postponed, as he creates endless diversions and impasses, which alternate between the comic and the downright disturbing.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.