Weaving two stories set 30 years apart, First of May is about a middle-aged man looking back at his teenage years, dreaming of his first and possibly only love. At the center of the drama is Bai, a 17-year-old student living with her single mother Wong Lei, and her grandmother. Bai gradually falls for her admirer/stalker Yeh, who is always walking behind her and her best friend Wen Wen wherever they go.

Sabo visits a grave-site where he reflects back on his childhood with his brothers Luffy and Ace. After a flashback of his past Sabo travels to the Kingdom of Dressrosa and meets up with a fellow member of the Revolutionary Army to discuss their next mission. Unbeknownst to Sabo, Luffy and his crew are also on the island searching to destroy an artificial Devil Fruit factory.

A family man attempts to undo the deadly contract he made with a stranger during an evening of drunken depression.

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, an orphaned teen must battle a ruthless warlord to save the girl of his dreams.

A group of rock-music-loving students, with the help of the Ramones, take over their school to combat its newly installed oppressive administration.

Джак е истински отшелник и бездомник. Той мрази света, бил е престъпник, но след няколко нашумели дела е бил принуден просто да изчезне. Той е напълно антисоциална личност, човек, който е свикнал да бъде сам, но напоследък външния свят упорито и все повече и повече започва да го безпокои и тормози. Това пробужда в него още повече гняв и ярост. Виждайки човешкия род като нищо повече от месо с пулс, Джак няма интерес да се сближава с никого. За него сприятеляването с някого в крайна сметка означава да го изяде за да преживее още хилядолетия ...

In 2015, Christopher Nolan curated a selection of short films by the surrealist animators the Quay Brothers to be distributed as a touring 35mm presentation. The three films—"In Absentia" (2000), "The Comb" (1991) and "Street of Crocodiles" (1986)—were accompanied by this brief portrait of the brothers at work in their London studio.

3 locations, 760 hours of investigation, condensed into a hair raising 90 Minutes! The most thorough paranormal investigation ever conducted! A location so active as exorcist had to be flown in! With its violent land lawless past, Old Town Saginaw may be one of the most haunted places in the United States. Running through Old Town like a main artery is the infamous Hamilton Street. What will investigators uncover amongst the centuries-old structures? What lurks in the shadows awaiting them? Watch the disturbing evidence unfold as investigators spend an astonishing 24 months exploring prohibition-era tunnels, a former mortuary and a hotel/saloon inhabited by a malevolent demonic entity. Witness the most thorough paranormal investigation ever conducted!

Brothers David and Matthias have contrasting personalities. Long since grown up – one with a wife, the other a girlfriend – they unintentionally meet at their parents' holiday home. Games and plots about power and dominance with unforeseen consequences.

Teenage Marie lives on a small island with her father and catatonic mother. Virtually friendless and sullen, Marie begins to experience frightening changes in her body that mark her as a dangerous threat.

After the death of their college age son, Anne and Paul Sacchetti relocate to the snowswept New England hamlet of Aylesbury, a sleepy village where all is most certainly not as it seems. When strange sounds and eerie feelings convince Anne that her son's spirit is still with them, they invite an eccentric, New Age couple to help them get to the bottom of the mystery.

В Германия полицията арестува психопат, който къса части от телата на жертвите си и ги храни с тях. В Австралия Филип Джаксън и сътрудникът му в отдела за борба с виртуалните престъпления, откриват сайтове, посветени на този вид фетиш. Посетителите на сайтовете залагат помежду си, коя от измъчваните жени, ще умре най-бързо. Филип започва да разследва един от заподозрените и открива смразяващи кръвта факти - извергът храни своите жертви с останките на мъртви жени.

A documentary filmmaker turns his lens on an enigmatic conspiracy theorist who claims he's found the entrance to a vast underground city populated entirely by monsters.

In the teeming, multicultural metropolis of modern-day London, a seemingly straightforward missing-person case launches a down-at-heel private eye into a dangerous world of religious fanaticism and political intrigue.

A fancy garden party turns into upper class prey when a colony of killer wasps mutates into seven foot tall predators.

Over 20 years after his death, local legend and benefactor Jimmy Bones returns as a ghost to avenge those who killed him and restore his neighborhood.

Хенри по прякор Бес е популярна рок звезда с всички производни. Наистина, неговата слава е останала в миналото. За да се разсее, той решава да замине на почивка в Чили. И развлеченията не го оставят да чака - местни пирати похищават красивата му жена и искат за нея откуп от 1 млн. долара. За да изплати парите той е принуден да направи редица нелогични неща, които го довеждат до комични ситуации. Федералните също се намесват и му забраняват да отиде на среща с похитителите. Сега Хенри - човек, който никога за никого не е отговарял през живота си, измисля план, как да измами федералните и да си върне жената.

A group of grad students have booked passage on the fishing trawler Harbinger to study the effects of global warming on a pod of Orcas in the Bering Sea. When the ship's crew dredges up a recently thawed piece of old Soviet space wreckage, things get downright deadly. It seems that the Russians experimented with tardigrades, tiny resilient animals able to withstand the extremes of space radiation. The creatures survived, but not without mutation. Now the crew is exposed to aggressively mutating organisms. And after being locked in ice for 3 decades, the creatures aren't about to give up the warmth of human companionship.

A kid is hypnotized by a scientist to kill his parents and ends in a mental institution. As a grown up he returns to seek revenge over the scientist.

"Делта Форс" са изправени пред ново, още по-опасно предизвикателство. Новата им задача е да открият и обезвредят безмилостен и неуловим терорист, който умее да превръща пленниците си в атентатори-самоубийци. Никой не знае как точно става тази трансформация и именно поради тази причина мисията на "Делта Форс" се усложнява многократно. Битката срещу притежаващия контрол над човешкия дух тиранин ще постави на истинско изпитание всеки един от членовете на елитния военен екип.