在以色列并不存在民事婚姻与民事离婚,所有的结婚与离婚必须在犹太教拉比的裁决下才能成为“合法”,然而丈夫一方的权利往往凌驾于第三方的裁决人之上。《诉讼》正是在这样背景下所讲述的故事。 故事的主人公薇薇安·阿姆萨勒姆自三年前已经提出离婚,然而她的丈夫伊莱莎并不同意。即使伊莱 莎强硬地不肯妥协,薇薇安已经下定决心要争取自己的自由,然而宗教裁决人的态度却是暧昧不清。在三方拉锯的过程中,一幕幕悲剧与荒谬不断上演。

A dying woman is fighting to choose a new family to keep her four children together, after she's gone.

A dysfunctional family travels to Cuernavaca to celebrate their grandmother’s wedding.


Centered around a group of individuals, who come to experience magical moments over the course of one day. Full of the power of family, love and the spirit of forgiveness. Each individual comes to realize that Christmas, more than any other time of the year, is full of wonder and surprises.


故事发生在十九世纪末的伦敦,彼时对于尸体的研究已经到达了极致,死亡并非一切的终结,那些灵魂消散肉身却永存的人们被称为“尸者”,被视作廉价而又高效的劳动力。华生(细谷佳正 配音)是一名资历优异的医学生,他的好友Friday(村濑步 配音)死于非命,追寻着好友生前的意愿,华生违反政府规定私自将其制成尸者。华生的这一举动令他被卷入了名为“沃尔辛厄姆”的谍报机构中,和Friday一起,他们踏上前往阿富汗的旅途寻找《维克多手记》,手记的主人是弗兰肯斯坦博士,手记中记载了制造拥有意识的尸者The One的方法,而目前最有可能拥有手记者,是一位名叫卡拉马佐夫(三木真一郎 配音)的牧师。

Gooische Vrouwen (Vipers Nest) is based on a very popular Dutch TV series and can be described as a Dutch variation of Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives. The film tells the story of four girlfriends who live in the bourgeois area ‘t Gooi, where life always seems to run smoothly, but dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. A flight seems the only way out…

At the height of her career, investigative journalist Hannah Dunbar finds herself wondering what would have been had she stayed with the love of her life, Ben, 10 years before. When Santa Claus hears her “what ifs?” as a Christmas wish, he transports Hannah to a version of her life where she and Ben started a family.

NYPD detectives Luis and Eddie visit Paris to help gorgeous French designer Colette catch the black market thief who's ripped off her new handbag design. While Luis' girlfriend Vanessa and Eddie's wife Gloria remain in New York, the hopelessly unhip odd couple stumble through a glamorous high-fashion world brimming with charming cafes, wild nightclubs and corporate treachery.

  海伦(格温妮丝·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)终于如愿以偿嫁给了深爱杰克森(乔纳森·斯卡奇 Johnathon Schaech 饰),并且怀上了两人爱情的结晶。婚后没多久,海伦便跟随着杰克森回到了他的老家,在那里等待着他们的,是杰克森的母亲海伦的婆婆玛莎(杰西卡·兰格 Jessica Lange 饰)。   玛莎温文尔雅气度高华,海伦自信能够和她建立友好的关系,然而,随着时间的推移,海伦渐渐发现,玛莎对于杰克森似乎有着一种超越了常态的占有欲。玛莎对海伦的敌意和排斥从日常生活的每个角落散发出来,让海伦感到很不自在,更早的是,这位身世神秘的婆婆,似乎想要将海伦和她的孩子从杰克森的世界中彻底除掉。

Bitter rivals on the stage, the show-business stars Polia Moliakova and Foma Mykhailovskyi, unexpectedly finding themselves in each other's bodies, try to return their lives back, but to achieve their goal, they will have to solve opponent's family and romantic problems.

Jailed for his reckless driving, rambunctious Mr. Toad has to escape from prison when his beloved Toad Hall comes under threat from the wily weasels, who plan to build a dog food factory on the very meadow sold to them by Toad himself.

A young man is unable to break up with his girlfriend and decides to hire an agency that specializes in ending relationships.

Young Ivan Drago's newfound love of board games catapults him into the fantastical and competitive world of game invention, and pits him against the inventor Morodian, who has long desired to destroy the city of Zyl, founded by Ivan's grandfather. To save his family and defeat Morodian, Ivan must come to know what it is to be a true games maker.

Jefferson 每年都和他的好友 Curtis 去当滑雪场的临时工,他们把这段待在山坡上的日子当作是渡假。然而 Jefferson 遇见并爱上了 Stephaniemei,他也开始思考自己的生活是不是在混日子……


An obnoxious meter maid and social media junkie, Michael fakes his own death to see which of his many friends will attend his funeral.

本片讲述了处于青春期躁动时期的性启蒙事例:生性腼腆的迈克(瑞恩•平克斯顿 Ryan Pinkston 饰)总是无法对暗恋女生表白;弗瑞德(迈克尔•塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)本想约会网恋女孩,却走错了房间;当查克(弗兰奇•莫尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)小心翼翼地试探女友南希(克里斯廷娜•迪罗萨 Christina DeRosa 饰)得到肯定后,他享受到了性爱的快感,然而对方如狼似虎的样子却令他仓皇逃窜…… 学校新来了一个讲述青春期性教育的老师(约翰`法利 John Farley 饰),他的第一堂课就是让男孩女孩们自由组合,选择可能产生性行为的伙伴,此后,几乎每堂课他都以独特的方式讲授性知识,让那些青葱懵懂的学生体会到比性事更重要的东西……

Two men must struggle to travel to Prague for Champions League Football Final match.