Paris, France, 1942, during the Nazi occupation. Robert Klein, a successful art dealer who benefits from the misfortunes of those who are ruthlessly persecuted, discovers by chance that there is another Robert Klein, apparently a Jewish man; someone with whom he could be mistakenly identified, something dangerous in such harsh times.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

On the mystical island of Themyscira, a proud and fierce warrior race of Amazons have raised a daughter of untold beauty, grace and strength: Princess Diana. When an Army fighter pilot, Steve Trevor, crash-lands on the island, the rebellious and headstrong Diana defies Amazonian law by accompanying Trevor back to civilization.

Two friends who used to study physics together are forced to make tough decisions as their lives take different paths.

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.

Purl, an earnest ball of yarn, gets a job at a fast-paced, male-centered startup company. Things start to unravel as Purl tries to fit in with this tight-knit group, but she must ask herself how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for and if, in the end, it is worth it.

When Kimberly has a violent premonition of a highway pileup she blocks the freeway, keeping a few others meant to die, safe...Or are they? The survivors mysteriously start dying and it's up to Kimberly to stop it before she's next.

In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors.

After his revival in a hospital morgue, Jason fixes his vengeful attention on the Jarvis family and a group of hitherto carefree teenagers.

A couple's camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime.

„Gringo: Amator în misiune” se desfășoară în Mexic, unde Harold Soyinka, un om de afaceri mediocru, ajunge la mila trădătorilor lui colegi de corporație, a unui traficant de droguri local și a unui mercenar cu acute procese de conștiință. Trecut de la cetățean model în tabăra celor mai căutați criminali, Harold are nevoie de mult noroc pentru a supraviețui situației extrem de periculoase. Însă acțiunile lui ridică întrebarea: Și-a pierdut mințile sau totul face parte dintr-o strategie foarte inteligentă?

Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot intended to damage Italy. Together, they must fight against social media attacks of the opposition and get the country back on its feet.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Un grup de prieteni pleacă cu snowmobilul într-o excursie în vacanța de iarnă. Fac greșeala de a o lua pe un drum ocolitor și de aici încep problemele. Se rătăcesc și ajung într-un spital abandonat unde pacienții încep să-i vâneze.

Filmul prezinta viata a doua tinere, surori gemene, care dupa ce mama lor moare, se muta impreuna cu tatal la matusa lor, o femeie foarte bogata care nu sta prea mult pe acasa. Odata ajunse in casa matusii, fetele sunt inscrise la cel mai bun liceu din oras, liceu in care invatase si matusa lor. Din cauza matusii ,fetele nu sunt foarte bine primite in liceu de directoare. Din cauza ca sunt gemene si mai ales blonde trec printr-o serie de necazuri, ajungand chiar in pozitia de a fi exmatriculate din cauza ca sunt acuzate de copiat, lucru care este pus la cale de o colega de clasa mai invidioasa. Cu firea lor energica, Annie si Izzy reusesc chiar sa isi modifice uniforma scolara, fara a fi mustrate de directoarea scolii, din cauza aceasta si a multor alte peripetii fiind invidiate de Tiffany care are o pozitie privilegiata in liceu datorita statutului social.

Filmul o are în prim plan pe Allison, o tânără din înalta societate, plictisită de traiul fără griji pe care îl duce alături de iubitul și prietenii săi. Fascinată de cultura hip-hop, tânăra pornește spre un cartier rău famat al Los Angeles-ului, cu intenția de a experimenta senzații tari. Aici îl întâlnește pe Hector, un traficant mexican de droguri, care o prezintă prietenilor săi. După o noapte de petrecere, alcool și droguri, Allison și Emily, prietena sa, își exprimă dorința de a se alătura găștii lui Hector. Ca probă de inițiere, fetelor li se impune să facă sex cu membrii găștii. Deși la început sunt de acord, fetele se răzgândesc și acest fapt atrage mânia tinerilor, care o violează pe Emily. Urmează acuzații de viol, trădări, minciuni, confruntări între găști și chiar tentative de sinucidere.

When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns to her scientist boyfriend to take on the violent forces that paranormal experts are too frightened to face.

Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned.

As the streets of Los Angeles overflow with camera-wielding gawkers seeking to capture images of a bizarre police pursuit, the same people who sought to exploit the suffering of others for amusement on the Internet become the stars of a gruesome viral video from which no one gets out alive.

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.