Christopher Reeve portrayed the Man of Steel in four Superman films and played dozens of other roles that displayed his talent and range as an actor, before being injured in a near-fatal horse-riding accident in 1995 that left him paralyzed from the neck down. After becoming a quadriplegic, he became a charismatic leader and activist in the quest to find a cure for spinal cord injuries, as well as a passionate advocate for disability rights and care.
Wallace and Gromit open a bakery, accidentally getting tied up with a murder mystery in the process. But when Wallace falls in love, Gromit is left to solve the case by himself.
Radnja se odvija u fantastičnom svijetu gdje žive vile, gusari i izgubljeni dečaci. Gospođa i gospodin Darling imali su troje dece: djevojčicu Wendy i dječake Johna i Michaela. Bili su dobri roditelji, a imali su i “dadilju”, psa Nanu, koja se izvrsno brinula o djeci. Ali jedne večeri gospođa Darling je uspavala djecu i upalila im noćne svjetiljke te su gospođa i gospodin Darling otišli na zabavu, a Nana je bila vezana u dvorištu. I tako su djeca bila sama u kući. Kad su zaspala, u sobu su ušli vila Zvončica i Petar Pan. Djeca su se probudila i upoznala se s nepozvanim gostima. I tako su saznali da je Petar pobjegao od roditelja jer nije želio odrasti. Uz pomoć vilinskog praha djeca su odletjela s novim prijateljima u izmišljenu zemlju Nedođiju. Tamo upoznaju Izgubljene dečake i Indijance plemena Vučje Jabučice koju je Petar spasio, bore se s gusarima i otimaju im brod nakon što su svi poraženi. Poletjeli su s tim brodom i zabavljali se sve do povratka kući.
A little wooden puppet yearns to become a real boy.
When the diabolical Professor Ratigan kidnaps London's master toymaker, the brilliant master of disguise Basil of Baker Street and his trusted sidekick Dawson try to elude the ultimate trap and foil the perfect crime.
Fed up with being single on holidays, two strangers agree to be each other's platonic plus-ones all year long, only to catch real feelings along the way.
It's time to laugh like crazy as Mickey, Goofy and Donald fight against raging gears, twisted springs, deafening bells and a sleeping stork. Watch them reach new heights of humor as their valiant efforts to clean a bell tower turn into a real circus!
Bugs Bunny vs. a famous opera singer at the Hollywood Bowl.
When a giant threatens the land, the cityfolk mistake Mickey's boast of killing seven flies with one blow to be giants. He is then forced to fight the giant for real.
When the nephews come to Donald's house in their Halloween costumes he dumps water on them and laughs at his trick. A witch sees this and decides to help the kids. By magic she gives Donald a bad time and the kids finally get their treats.
Mickey buys a boat kit, and enlists Goofy and Donald to help assemble it. The plans say, "so simple a child could do it", so of course, they have their share of troubles. But before long, they're ready to launch the Queen Minnie, with appropriate fanfare, at which time, all the collapsible parts collapse.
Porky puts his cats out in the snow, but then they put him out and have a party. Expelling them again, Porky goes to bed, only to be terrorized by the felines' mock Martian invasion.
U jednom kraljevstvu u 14. stoljeću priređeno je veliko slavlje: kralj i kraljica dobili su kćer, princezu Auroru, nazvanu po zori. Iako je još uvijek malena, već je predodređena da se uda za princa Filipa, sina kralja druge zemlje. Uz brojne čestitare, povorci se priključuju i tri dobre vile od kojih joj svaka udijeli lijepi dar. Slavlje prekida vještica Zlurada, razočarana što je nisu pozvali na slavlje i baca zlu čaroliju na princezu, proričući da će se u šesnaestoj godini ubosti na vreteno i umrijeti. Ne bi li se spriječilo zlo proročanstvo, vile odluče zaštititi djevojku sakrivši je u šumsku kućicu, a kralj zapovijedi da se spale sva vretena u kraljevstvu. Princeza će bezbrižno izrasti u lijepu seosku djevojku ne sluteći tko je, no urok je vrlo opasan i teško ga je izbjeći.
Donald continually heckles Mickey's magic act, but Mickey bests him at every turn. Donald shoots off a magic pistol that causes all the stage props to fall down on them at the finish of the act.
A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?
In Disney's take on the Alexander Dumas tale, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy want nothing more than to perform brave deeds on behalf of their queen (Minnie Mouse), but they're stymied by the head Musketeer, Pete. Pete secretly wants to get rid of the queen, so he appoints Mickey and his bumbling friends as guardians to Minnie, thinking such a maneuver will ensure his scheme's success. The score features songs based on familiar classical melodies.
When a depressed woman is burglarized, she finds a new sense of purpose by tracking down the thieves alongside her obnoxious neighbor. But they soon find themselves dangerously out of their depth against a pack of degenerate criminals.
Sve što Clara (Mackenzie Foy) želi je da pronađe ključ, jedinstveni ključ koji će otključati kutiju u kojoj se nalazi neprocjenjivi poklon od njene umrle majke.Zlatna nit, koja joj je pokazana od strane kuma Drosselmeyer-a (Morgan Freeman) tokom godišnjih praznika, vodi je do željenog ključa – koji odmah nestaje u čudnom i misterioznom paralelnom svijetu.U tom svijetu Clara susreće vojnika Phillip-a (Jayden Fowora-Knight), bandu miševa i namjesnika koji predsjedava nad tri kraljevstva: Zemlja sniježnih pahuljica, Zemlja cvijeća i Zemlja slatkiša. Clara i Phillip moraju da idu u četvrto, zloglasno carstvo, da pronađu ključ i nadaju se da će se vratiti u normalni svijet …
Mickey dreams of marrying Minnie and having about 20 children. For all the possible joys of children, a brood this size turns the dream into a nightmare, especially when they get into the open cans of paint strewn about the house.
A woman's search for her missing sister leads her to the jungles of New Guinea, where she and an expatriate guide encounter a cult leader and flesh-hungry natives.