Riccardo, a brilliant pianist studying in Rome, falls in love with Germaine, a young and pretty French tourist.

Italy, 1916. Oreste Jacovacci and Giovanni Busacca are called, as all the Italian youths, to serve the army in the WWI. They both try in every way to avoid serving the army.

Сорди притежава изключителен драматичен талант, но досега не го беше използвал пълноценно. Според мен той е най-добрият актьор в днешното италианско кино, но просто не е имал смелост да излезе извън рамките на своя персонаж, на своя мит. Струва ми се, че в ролята на Джовани тук успях да го възпра да осъществи връзката на симпатия със зрителите. Джовани трябва да изглежда такъв, какъвто е и какъвто твърде често се среща - едно чудовище... Марио Моничели

Забавен и комичен филм, който ни пренася в италианското Средновековие. Епохата е пресъздадена не учебникарски, а със средствата на плебейското лукавство и хумор, подсказани от италианския фолклорен епос. Така филмът става очевидно неавтентичен, но любопитен и забавен, като приказка за "славните времена" на странствуващите рицари, с обезлюдените от чума градове, свирепо отдаващите се на удоволствия жени, сраженията с разбойници и срещите с пътуващи християни...

March on Rome (Italian: La marcia su Roma) is a 1962 comedy film by Dino Risi with Vittorio Gassman and Ugo Tognazzi, aimed at describing the March on Rome of Benito Mussolini's black shirts from the point of view of two newly recruited, naïve black shirts

An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.

Nando Moriconi is a young Italian living in Rome obsessed with all-things American.

Giovanni and Raffaella are happily married from ten years, but their relationship goes into crisis when Raffaella falls in love with Valerio Mantovani, a handsome forty-year-old man she knew during the concerts of chamber music she weekly attends with her mother.

Comedy about the flawed Italian healthcare system of the time and a doctor's expeirence with it.

Set halfway through the 17th century, a church play is performed for the benefit of the young aristocrat Cosimo. In the play, a grotesque old woman gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. The child's older sister is quick to exploit the situation, selling blessings from the baby, and even claiming she's the true mother by virgin birth. However, when she attempts to seduce the bishop's son, the Church exacts a terrible revenge.

The lives of two local professional dancers change suddenly as American soldiers stop in their town hoping to be entertained in accordance with the Broadway style. Effectively, they perform up to their expectations. However, as the army men have to march northward, their moment of glory finishes heartlessly.

Story of an ambitious young doctor through unethical means intend to make a quick career. Now is primary in a luxury clinic where administers the sick with the same cynicism of his young years.

Pietro Marchetti, a mature Roman taxi driver, has countless and interesting meetings while he is on duty with his car "Zara 87".

Armando is the daddy, Cristiano is the adult son. Each of them lives his life in a different way respect the other: Armando is an old play-boy and often he "buys" his women with his money; Cristiano is a shy guy who lives in a community with other guys like him. The movie proceeds showing us, ironically, the differences, the different ways to think, to act, to treat the women between father and son.

"Последният магнат" е последният незавършен роман на Франсис Скот Фитцджералд, издаден и довършен от приятеля му - литературния критик Едмънд Уилсън с помощта на оставените от писателя записки и бележки. Романът, замислен по форма и съдържание като "Великият Гетсби" носи много по-сложно и дълбоко послание и Фицджералд е бил на път да го осъществи. "Последният магнат" остава като завещание на неговия литературен гений. През 1993 г., в Кеймбриджското издание с творби на Фицджералд под редакцията на Матю Дж. Брюколи, за първи път романът се появява със заглавието "Любовта на последния магнат", което според критиците е било намерението на автора.

A gang of thieves lure a man out of his home so that they can rob it and threaten his wife and children. The family barricade themselves in an interior room, but the criminals are well-equipped for breaking in. When the father finds out what is happening, he must race against time to get back home.

Four friends to the discovery of the most fun and romantic of Europe: Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam and finally Scotland. A road trip that will bring our protagonists to know each other better and to fall in love.

During World War One an English adventurer, an American elephant poacher and the latter's attractive young daughter, set out to destroy a German battle-cruiser which is awaiting repairs in an inlet just off Zanzibar. The story is based on a novel by Wilbur Smith, which in turn is very loosely based on events involving the light cruiser SMS Königsberg, which was sunk after taking refuge in Rufigi delta in 1915.

A pregnant teen allows her mother to pass her secret baby off as her own.

Elvio Battistini works as a ticket taker in the local cinema of the small town where he lives. He has a prosthesis in one leg, the result of an accident, but he tells anyone who will listen it is a war injury. Giuseppe Mondardini, is also an older man living alone in what was the splendid family home. When Elvio and Giuseppe meet, they hit it off immediately. A trip to a cooler area is in order, so Mordardini unveils his ancient automobile.