În Viena postbelică, Austria, Holly Martins, un scriitor de western-uri, sosește fără bani ca oaspete al prietenului său din copilărie Harry Lime, dar află că acesta a murit într-un accident de circulație și că este îngropat chiar în acea zi. Scriitorul nu este la capătul surprizelor sale. La cimitir, este abordat de maiorul Calloway, pentru care Lime nu era decât un traficant vulgar, un ticălos. Șocat, Martins decide să investigheze moartea. În curând îl întâlnește pe misteriosul baron Kurtz, unul dintre cei doi martori ai accidentului, celălalt fiind un român pe nume Popescu...

While vacationing in the countryside at his childhood home, a woman suddenly reveals to her husband that she is expecting a child – but not his.

The final 17 years of American singer and musician Karen Carpenter, performed almost entirely by modified Barbie dolls.

In a secluded valley in Iceland, Gummi and Kiddi live side by side, tending to their sheep. Their ancestral sheep-stock is considered one of the country’s best and the two brothers are repeatedly awarded for their prized rams who carry an ancient lineage. Although they share the land and a way of life, Gummi and Kiddi have not spoken to each other in four decades. When a lethal disease suddenly infects Kiddi’s sheep, the entire valley comes under threat. The authorities decide to cull all the animals in the area to contain the outbreak. But Gummi and Kiddi don’t give up so easily – and each brother tries to stave off the disaster in his own fashion: Kiddi by using his rifle and Gummi by using his wits.

The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.

Hayley’s a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff’s a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an impromptu fashion shoot back at Jeff’s place. Jeff thinks it’s his lucky night. He’s in for a surprise.

Gloria is a 58-year-old divorcée. Her children have all left home but she has no desire to spend her days and nights alone. Determined to defy old age and loneliness, she rushes headlong into a whirl of singles’ parties on the hunt for instant gratification – which only leads to repeated disappointment and enduring emptiness. But when Gloria meets Rodolfo, an ex-naval officer seven years her senior, she begins to imagine the possibility of a permanent relationship.

Filmul, bazat pe un caz real, este un omagiu adus curajului avut de un cuplu interrasial, Richard și Mildred Loving, care a petrecut primii 9 ani de căsătorie luptând pentru dreptul de a trăi ca o familie în orașul natal. Cazul lor civil, Loving vs. Virginia, a ajuns până la Curtea Supremă, care în 1967 a reafirmat drepturile fundamentale ale căsătoriei, transformând povestea lor într-una care a inspirat cuplurile de pretutindeni.

A family lives in the Mexican countryside raising fighting bulls. Esther is in charge of running the ranch, while her husband Juan, a world-renowned poet, raises and selects the beasts. Although in an open marriage, their relationship begins to crumble when Esther falls in love with an American horsebreaker and Juan is unable to control his jealousy.

The true story of Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets had some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.

Six Californians start a club to discuss the works of Jane Austen. As they delve into Austen's literature, the club members find themselves dealing with life experiences that parallel the themes of the books they are reading.

O surferiţă rănită eşuată pe o geamandură, trebuie să se întoarcă la țărm, dar Marele Rechin Alb care o urmărește, are alte idei.

Between a four-year gap in the murder of a young girl, the daughter of a well-known sculptor is discovered dead, and her parents conduct an investigation, only to discover they are in over their heads as the body-count keeps rising.

Friends, family, and lovers struggle to find love, forgiveness, and meaning in an almost war-torn world riddled with comedy and pathos. Follows Solondz's film Happiness (1998).

In 1950s Los Angeles, a special crime squad of the LAPD investigates the murder of a young woman.

Three American college students studying abroad are lured to a Slovakian hostel, and discover the grim reality behind it.

The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple. What they expect to be their biggest payday turns into a terrifying fight for survival.

Lou, a creative and dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives alone with her mother in an orange building with tons of little balconies that give access to the roof. Mina has been her best friend since kindergarten, and Lou has been in love with Tristan, one of her neighbors, since elementary school. Her mother has relinquished her own personal happiness of late so as to devote herself to her daughter, but their little bubble bursts when Mom meets a man and Lou at last dares speak to Tristan.

Dr. Jane Mathis (Vinessa Shaw) este un psihiatru excepţional care trece prin momente dificile când o tânără pacienta se sinucide iar acest coşmar continua să o bântuie. Prin încercarea de a-şi repara greşeală ea acceptă un pacient nou, dar el are propria lui istorie terifiantă.

A documentary filmmaker travels to a UFO convention in New Mexico where he meets a local artist with a dark secret. As they follow a trail of clues they discover disturbing sightings and question all they believe when they become immersed in the enigmatic culture of the Pueblo Indians.