The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Borisas ir Ženia – jauna pora skyrybų įkarštyje. Ženia laisvalaikį leidžia su nauju vyru, pasiturinčiu verslininku. Borisas taip pat turi kitą moterį, besilaukiančią jo vaiko. Vienintelis abu vienijantis dalykas – bendras butas, dėl kurio pardavimo jie nuolat pykstasi. Tiesa, dar yra 12-metis sūnus Alioša. Netyčia išgirdęs, kad jį planuojama atiduoti į vaikų namus, kitą dieną berniukas dingsta. Tai negailestingas trileris, kur visuomenės egzistencinės krizės analizė susipina su šiuolaikinės Rusijos kritika. Kino teatruose nuo 2018 m. sausio 26 dienos.

The archenemies of the Winx Club, the Trix witches, team up with the evil nymph Politea and find out that, to defeat the fairies once and for all and become invincible, it takes very little: a Pearl hidden in the Deep of the Infinite Ocean! As small as powerful, the Pearl of the Depth gives enormous powers to those who possess it! For the Winx there is not a minute to waste: how will they stop the plans of their enemies before it's too late? Get ready: the most dangerous mission of the Winx is about to begin!

Po tarnybos kare, Makas grįžta namo kartu su savo bendražygiais ir pasiūlo jiems apsistoti pas jį. Netrukus šie pastebi, kad visame kaime sklando kalbos apie vaiduoklį. Pasak jų, kaimą terorizuojantis vaiduoklis - tai jų draugo Mako žmona. Istoija paremta Tajų tautosaka.

Bilal is 17 years old, a Kurdish boy from Iraq. He sets off on an adventure-filled journey across Europe. He wants to get to England to see his love who lives there. Bilal finally reaches Calais, but how do you cover 32 kilometers of the English Channel when you can't swim? The boy soon discovers that his trip won't be as easy as he imagined... The community of struggling illegal aliens in Calais

A drama about the less known aspects of the trading activity inside one of the biggest banks in the world - Société Générale. The movie tracks the rise and fall of anonymous trader turned superstar turned escape goat - Jérôme Kerviel - just as the 2008 financial crisis was unfolding

In the Old West, a 17-year-old Scottish boy teams up with a mysterious gunman to find the woman with whom he is infatuated.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

In a digital world, can analogue find true love? It is the wise old gramaphone who has the answers for a lovesick loner.

Mažas miestelis Normandijoje. Septynerius metus čia ramiai gyvenusio duonos kepėjo kaimynystėje apsistoja iš Didžiosios Britanijos atvykusi pora. Garbingo amžiaus Martenas jau senokai nesidairė į svetimas moteris, bet dieviškai graži Džema gundo vyrą. Jis greitai pastebi, kad jaunoji dama nuobodžiauja, tad pasiūlo privačias kepimo pamokas. Žinoma, taip jis nori suvilioti kaimynę. Marteno lūkesčiai dūžta į šipulius, kai Džema užmezga romaną su jaunu aristokratu. Martenui nebelieka nieko kito, tik slapčia stebėti kaimynės gyvenimą, kuris jam – visai kaip Gustave’o Flaubert’o ponios Bovari. Gyvenimo džiaugsmą patirti trokštanti Džema akivaizdžiai neskaitė romano, bet elgiasi visiškai kaip romano herojė. Kadaise pats priklausęs Paryžiaus bohemai, Martenas dabar užsibrėžia tikslą išgelbėti kaimynų šeimą nuo įmanomos tragiškos lemties.

Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives alone in the middle of Patagonia. Several decades later, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come to convince him to sell the lands they share by inheritance.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

After going through a failed heist, 5 friends, apparently back to their normal lives, are involved in an opportunity to pull off another one.

Vincent Miles, a gunsmith and shooting instructor at the National Police, is an expert in combat shooting who stubbornly refuses to join a field brigade, a choice which their colleagues do not understand. When he meets Milo Cardena, a mysterious and skilled cop, his life changes in such way that he cannot ignore his true nature anymore.

Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?

Mažame miestelyje vyksta Helovyno šventė. Žmonės apsirengę siaubingais kostiumais ir nusiteikę linksmai praleisti laiką. Tačiau kanibalų šeimynėlė nutraukia jų linksmybes, kai apsilanko pas grupelę studentų.

Malo and Stéphane are two students who are kind of losers and have just started high school. Their plan to become popular: to host a German exchange student with a lot of style. Too bad for Malo, who gets stuck with a Goth who will make his life hell.

Su šia gyvate susiję nemažai mitų ir legendų, tačiau vienai ekspedicijai teks patirti, kad gyvatės-mutantės, ne žmonių vaizduotės kūrinys, o kraupi realybė. Be abejo atsiras ir žmonių, norinčių uždirbti iš neregėto trofėjaus. Tačiau niekas rimtai neįvertino kuo tai gali baigtis. Šis trofėjus negailestingai šlavė nuo savo kelio, viska kas pasimaišė, nekreipdamas dėmesio nei į ugnį, nei į sprogimus...