Constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage, this documentary centers on the personal life and career of the controversial football player Diego Maradona who played for SSC Napoli and Argentina in the 1980s.

Auguste Maroilleur, an elderly farmer, exploits 400 hectares of crop land with the help of his family, over which he rules with an iron hand. Things go awry the day he discovers one of his grandsons is involved in drug traffic. To make matters worse, the reckless youth has hidden the white powder in the Maroilleur farm. Without a moment's hesitation, Auguste gets rid of the toxic substance but, of course, the mob has different views...

Anna Fritz is a beautiful and famous actress. Suddenly her body is found in a hotel and the news of her death goes around the planet. The young, shy caretaker Pau works at the hospital where they carried the body of Anna Fritz. He and his friends decide to take pictures of the body of Anna Fritz. They decide they could make love to her and nobody would know. They are in front of Anna Fritz ... and can do with it what they want.

A sumptuous and sensual tale of intrigue, romance and betrayal set against the backdrop of a defining moment in European history: two beautiful sisters, Anne and Mary Boleyn, driven by their family's blind ambition, compete for the love of the handsome and passionate King Henry VIII.

When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of their victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back.

Kad sešpadsmitgadīgais Džons Pols Getijs III tiek nolaupīts, viņa izmisusī māte Geila lūdz jaunekļa vectēvu, naftas magnātu, samaksāt izpirkumu. Kad miljardieris Getijs atsakās, Geila visiem spēkiem mēģina viņu pārliecināt, jo dēla nolaupītāji kļūst arvien brutālāki. Kamēr zēna dzīvība karājas mata galā, negaidīti par Geilas sabiedroto šajā cīņā kļūst Getija konsultants Flečers Čeiss, bijušais CIP darbinieks.

Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?

New York fashion designer, Melanie Carmichael suddenly finds herself engaged to the city's most eligible bachelor. But her past holds many secrets—including Jake, the redneck husband she married in high school, who refuses to divorce her. Bound and determined to end their contentious relationship once and for all, Melanie sneaks back home to Alabama to confront her past.

Patiess stāsts par britu pētnieku Persiju Fosetu, kurš 20.gadsimta sākumā dodas uz Amazones džungļiem, kur atrod pierādījumus iepriekš nezināmai, attīstītai civilizācijai, kas savulaik, iespējams, apdzīvojusi šo reģionu. Neskatoties uz izsmieklu, ko viņam velta zinātniskās aprindas, kas šos pamatiedzīvotājus uzskata par “mežoņiem”, Fosets ir cieši apņēmies atgriezties džungļos un pierādīt savu taisnību. Saņēmis sievas, sava dēla un drauga atbalstu, viņš dodas ekspedīcijā, taču 1925.gadā noslēpumainā kārtā pazūd bez vēsts.

An infant disappears from his parents sight in a mysterious but haunting forest after a punishment.

Rookie police officer Jessica Loren has been assigned the last shift at a closing police station and must wait for a hazmat crew to collect biomedical evidence. Ordered not to leave the station under any circumstances, Jessica comes to learn that it's more than just an outdated station, it's home to the ultimate embodiment of evil and his devoted bloodthirsty followers. Jessica is left to fend for herself in the Devil's playground.

Stranded backpackers in remote Australia fall prey to a murderous bushman, who offers to fix their car, then takes them captive.

Pēc tam, kad viņas mazais dēls iet bojā traģiskā negadījumā, kāda sieviete uzzin par rituālu, kas palīdzēs viņu atgriezt šaisaulē, lai atvadītos, tomēr viņa nepakļaujas svētam brīdinājumam un izjauc līdzsvaru starp dzīvību un nāvi.

Guillaume and his friends have planned to attend the biggest electronic music festical to celebrate their passing school… but Guillaume has to take the test once again and has to go over everything over the weekend.

While walking home from her latest OB appointment, a very pregnant Esther Woodhouse is brutally attacked and disfigured by a hooded assailant. This horrible event seems to be a blessing in disguise when Esther finds consolation in a support group. Her life of sadness and solitude is opened up to friendship, understanding, and even acceptance. However, friendship and understanding can be very dangerous things when accepted by the wrong people.

The four turtles travel back in time to the days of the legendary and deadly samurai in ancient Japan, where they train to perfect the art of becoming one. The turtles also assist a small village in an uprising.

FBI agent Joel Campbell, burnt-out and shell-shocked after years spent chasing serial killers, flees L.A. to begin a new life for himself in Chicago. But five months later, Joel's best laid plans are abruptly cut short when his new hometown becomes the setting for some particularly gruesome murders--murders that could only have been committed by one man: David Allen Griffin. One of Joel's most elusive and cunning nemeses, Griffin has followed his former pursuer to Chicago in order to play a sadistic game of cat and mouse. Taunting Joel with photographs of his intended victims and leaving his crime scenes meticulously free of clues in order to keep the police at bay, Griffin derives as much pleasure out of watching Joel react to every movement as watching his victims die. But when Griffin moves into Joel's inner circle, Joel must quickly find some way to stop him before someone close to him becomes the next one to die.

Jennifer, an Australian girl on the run from her past, turns up in Amsterdam and, in a desperate attempt to blend in, joins a coach-load of tourists on a tour of Holland's old windmills. When the bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere, she and the other tourists are forced to seek shelter in a disused shed beside a sinister windmill where a devil-worshiping miller once ground the bones of locals instead of grain. As members of the group start to disappear, Jennifer learns that they all have something in common – a shared secret that seems to mark them all for doom.

Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of a close friend that survived them, we see them rise to infamy through drugs, sex and murder.

A woman enters an underground bunker where gifted children use augmented reality technology to wreak havoc.