A documentary film detailing Glen Campbell's final tour and his struggle with Alzheimer's disease.
After his gay cousin dies from hepatitis, young Laurent, who lives with his best friend Carole, falls in love with Cedric, a plant scientist. He's afraid to inform his conservative parents that he is gay.
Rikas gyvenime vadovaujasi tais pačiais principais, kaip ir regbio aikštelėje, jis agresyvus, veržlus ir net žiaurus. Visa tai jį nuveda tiesiai tarp kaleimo sienų. Kur žaidimas ne azartas, o išgyvenimo būdas...
West Philadelphia basketball star Sergio Taylor deals with the pressures of fame while his brother and sister have their own issues with ambition.
Jaunas vaikinas Eisas dirba valykloje ir gali tik pasvajoti apie geresnį gyvenimą. Tačiau kartą valykloje apsilanko vienas iš Harlemo narkotikų mafijos bosų - Lulu. Susipažinęs su Lulu, Eisas nusprendžia taip pat griebtis nelegalaus verslo. Nusipirkęs narkotikų didmeninėmis kainomis, vaikinas pradeda juos platinti savo kvartale. Pinigų išties padaugėja, tačiau kiekviena diena prisipildo pavojų, baimės ir mirties kvapo.
Self-described misanthrope Elle Reid has her protective bubble burst when her 18-year-old granddaughter, Sage, shows up needing help. The two of them go on a day-long journey that causes Elle to come to terms with her past and Sage to confront her future.
Jerzy is a writer and a heavy drinker. We meet him at the point when he believes that he can beat his addiction. He falls in love with a young girl and finally feels that he has got the person and the reason to live for. But soon he yields to his addiction.
Šioje kriminalinėje istorijoje susitinka 2 „Oskarų“ savininkas Gene Hackmanas, komikas Danny De Vito ir charizmatiškasis Samas Rockwellas. Režisierius Davidas Mametas, kino bendruomenės palankumą užsitarnavęs scenarijais filmams „Uodega vizgina šunį“ ir „Hanibalas“, savo herojus įpainioja į tikrą šantažo voratinklį. Džo Muras – vagis, besimėgaujantis prabangiu gyvenimu. Bet vieną dieną Džo užfiksuoja apsaugos tarnybos kamera ir garsiam vagišiui ima svilti padai. Ant kulnų lipa policijos pareigūnai, o mylima žmonelė pasprunka pas kitą. Dabar vienintelė išeitis – dar vienas apiplėšimas, kurį įvykdyti pasiūlo niekšelis Bergmanas. Kuris šį kartą bus gudresnis?
Rachel Carson, a best-selling crime novelist, is devastated and filled with guilt over the accidental death of her son. Hoping that a change of scenery will help alleviate her suffering, she leaves her home in the city and moves into a vacant country house owned by a friend and begins a relationship with charming local Angus. But, just as her life is taking a turn for the better, Rachel realizes she's being romanced by a ghost, leading her to doubt her own sanity.
Embarking on a journey to fulfill her dreams as a dancer, a young girl discovers a new style of dance that will prove to be the source of both conflict and self-discovery.
Amy, a naive college graduate who believes she's destined to be a great poet, begrudgingly accepts a job at a sex shop while she pursues a mentorship with reclusive writer Rat Billings.
Perauklėjimo mokyklos mokiniai, maištingi turtuolių vaikai, ima reikalus tvarkyti patys, kai stovyklos teritoriją užima nusikaltėlių grupuotė.
Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.
Alisa Harvei yra turtingo rašytojų agento dukra, kuri būdama paauglė mėgo rašyti ir svajojo tapti rašytoja, tačiau suaugusi ji visiškai išsisėmė. Bedirbdama redaktore vienoje iš Niujorko knygų leidyklų, Alisa stengiasi iš naujo atrasti save kaip rašytoją. Tačiau, kai staiga jos paprašoma vadovauti bestselerio naujam išleidimui, kartu su šio bestselerio autoriumi Milanu Danekeriu į jos gyvenimą grįžta praeities šešėliai. Besiblaškanti tarp praeities ir dabarties, Alisa privalo surasti savyje jėgų, kurios padėtų atsikratyti skaudžios praeities, kurioje ji tėra bereikšmė ir vieniša. Su geriausios draugės pagalba Alisa pradeda pamažu atrasti save, pasitikėti savimi ir keisti savo gyvenimą. O ką jau kalbėti apie tai, jog jos gyvenime atsiranda vyras, dėl kurio verta peržengti per save.
A gay cocky young man travels to Oregon to work on an apple farm. Out of his element, he finds his lifestyle and notions being picked apart by everyone who crosses his path.
A grown man is still caught in the crossfire of his parents' 15 year divorce. He discovers he was unknowingly part of a study on divorced children and is enlisted in a follow-up years later, which wreaks new havoc on his family.
Based on the wraparound story penned by Clive Barker in the author's "Books of Blood" collection, the story centers on a paranormal expert who, while investigating a gruesome slaying, finds a house that is at the intersection of "highways" transporting souls to the afterlife.
On holiday in the south of France, chic Parisian sophisticate Violette meets life-loving IT geek Jean-René. Against all odds, there’s a real chemistry between them and at the end of the summer, Jean-René wastes no time in joining his beloved in Paris. But there’s trouble in paradise, and a third party swiftly appears to shatter the couple’s idyll: Lolo, Violette’s ultra-possessive 19-year-old son, who is determined to get rid of his mother’s lover, whatever it takes…
When Hollywood starlet Morgan Carter passes out from alcohol poisoning on the red carpet of her movie premiere, she is whisked away to rehab, then sent to live with an aunt to complete her recovery in rural Indiana. There, she attends high school - changing her name and look to fit in-and live the life of a typical teenager, complete with the mysteries of geography, gym class, real friendship, love and jealousy.
During a layover in Albuquerque, work colleagues Les and Natalie discover more about each other than they ever thought possible. Anxious and irritable, Les is drawn back into the city by past experiences he can’t forget (even if he doesn't really remember the particulars of his previous drunken adventure). Natalie, refusing to leave his side, follows along as her own secrets are slowly revealed, leaving her feeling both vulnerable and unbound.