يجد اثنان من الغرباء أنفسهم مرتبطين بطريقة غريبة. عندما يتشكل اتصال ، هل ستكون المسافة هي الشيء الوحيد الذي يجعلهم منفصلين؟

تدور أحداث الفيلم في فترة ما قبل الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية حول رجلٍ أمريكي حر ذي بشرةٍ سمراء من أصلٍ أفريقي، يٌدعى سولومن، يعيش مع زوجته وأطفاله في نيويورك، ويكسب قوت يومه من النجارة وعزف الكمان. في أحد الأيام يتم اختطافه وبيعه في سوق الرقيق ليصبح من ذات اليوم عبدًا لمالك العبيد القاسي إدوين إب. يظل سولومن يناضل من أجل البقاء واستعادة حريته حتى يلتقي بمناهضٍ كندي للعبودية يُدعى باس، ومن هنا يبدأ سولومن في تغيير مسار حياته إلى الأبد.

A chronicle of the production problems — including bad weather, actors' health, war near the filming locations, and more — which plagued the filming of Apocalypse Now, increasing costs and nearly destroying the life and career of Francis Ford Coppola.

عندما يبرز عدو غير متوقع ويهدد سلامة وأمن العالم، نيك فوري، مدير وكالة حفظ السلام الدولية المعروفة باسم .S.H.I.E.L.D ، يجد نفسه في حاجة إلى فريق يسحب العالم من حافة الكارثة. من مختلف أنحاء العالم، يبدأ جهد التوظيف!

Fifteen years after the smash, Tony-winning Broadway run of "Spring Awakening," the original cast and creative team reunite for a spectacular, one-night only reunion concert to benefit The Actors Fund. Chronicling their whirlwind journey back to the stage, this documentary follows the players as they reconnect and rediscover the beauty and timelessness of the hit musical.

يتناول العمل قصة جولي، والتي تمر بفاجعة كبيرة حينما يموت زوجها وابنتها في حادث سيارة، فتدخل في محاولة للبحث عن بداية جديدة في حياتها على الرغم من خسائرها الكبيرة.

A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he's investigating.

يخفي مسؤول تنفيذي ثري للخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية في نيويورك غروره البديل المضطرب نفسيًا عن زملائه في العمل وأصدقائه بينما يتعمق أكثر في تخيلاته غير المنطقية وغير المبررة.

In 1850 Oregon, when a backwoodsman brings a wife home to his farm, his six brothers decide that they want to get married too.

SG-1 searches for an ancient weapon which could help them defeat the Ori, and discover it may be in the Ori's own home galaxy. As the Ori prepare to send ships through to the Milky Way to attack Earth, SG-1 travels to the Ori galaxy aboard the Odyssey. The International Oversight committee have their own plans and SG-1 finds themselves in a distant galaxy fighting two powerful enemies.

يدور العمل في المستقبل القريب، حيث يسافر فريق من الصحفيين عبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حين تصبح على وشك حرب أهلية مميتة بين مواطنيها.

An African prince decides it’s time for him to find a princess... and his mission leads him and his most loyal friend to Queens, New York. In disguise as an impoverished immigrant, the pampered prince quickly finds himself a new job, new friends, new digs, new enemies and lots of trouble.

A meek millionaire masquerades as a boxing star to win a girl's heart.

Embezzler, shill, all around confidence man S. Quentin Quale is heading west to find his fortune; he meets the crafty but simple brothers Joseph and Rusty Panello in a train station, where they steal all his money. They're heading west, too, because they've heard you can just pick the gold off the ground. Once there, they befriend an old miner named Dan Wilson whose property, Dead Man's Gulch, has no gold. They loan him their last ten dollars so he can go start life anew, and for collateral, he gives them the deed to the Gulch. Unbeknownst to Wilson, the son of his longtime rival, Terry Turner (who's also in love with his daughter, Eva), has contacted the railroad to arrange for them to build through the land, making the old man rich and hopefully resolving the feud. But the evil Red Baxter, owner of a saloon, tricks the boys out of the deed, and it's up to them - as well as Quale, who naturally finds his way out west anyway - to save the day.

يصطدم جندي سابق ومراهق وشرطي في نيو أورلينز أثناء بحثهم عن المصدر وراء حبة جديدة خطيرة تمنح المستخدمين قوى خارقة مؤقتة.

After railroad agents forcibly evict the James family from their family farm, Jesse and Frank turn to banditry for revenge.

In a world in decay, a woman collects her dead animals and restores them to life by filming them images by image.

Buster and a woman are mistakenly married and her initially unfriendly family begins to treat him nicely when they come to believe he has a large inheritance awaiting him.

A narrator tells the story of how the Western pioneers (all being Goofy lookalikes) are travelling in covered wagons across the frontier. They run into some Indians (who are also Goofy lookalikes) and battle breaks out between them. Suddenly a tornado comes by and sweeps up the covered wagons, dropping them into various states such as "Wash", "Organ", and "Californy."

Nazi propaganda film contrasting Germany in the days of the Weimar Republic with contemporary Germany under Adolf Hitler.