The residents of San Francisco are becoming drone-like shadows of their former selves, and as the phenomenon spreads, two Department of Health workers uncover the horrifying truth.

When Lenny and his wife, Amanda, adopt a baby, Lenny realizes that his son is a genius and becomes obsessed with finding the boy's biological mother in hopes that she will be brilliant too. But when he learns that Max's mother is Linda Ash, a kindhearted prostitute and porn star, Lenny is determined to reform her immoral lifestyle. A Greek chorus chimes in to relate the plot to Greek mythology in this quirky comedy.

The summer break is over and the twins returned to Lindenhof. That has now changed a lot. Because Mrs Theobald had to travel, Mademoiselle Bertoux has taken the lead.

Warwick Wilson is the consummate host. He carefully prepares for a dinner party, the table impeccably set and the duck perfectly timed for 8:30 p.m. John Taylor is a career criminal. He’s just robbed a bank and needs to get off the streets. He finds himself on Warwick’s doorstep posing as a friend of a friend, new to Los Angeles, who’s been mugged and lost his luggage.

Jonesovci sú stelesnenie amerického sna - veľký dom, drahé autá, s priateľmi sa stretávaju v kluboch, na golfových inriskách a u módnych dizajnérov. Kým ich známi berú ako skutočné šťastie to, že si môžu kedykoľvek dopriať šalát za 20 dolárov, oni pochopili klišéovitosť „sna“ a snažia sa z toho čo najviac vyťažiť. Oni tento život propagujú. Všetko to, čo ich materská spoločnosť práve potrebuje predať, si oblečú, zjedia alebo inak použijú. Nie sú ani skutočná rodina, produkt predsa najlepšie predá profesionál, ktorý všetko dokonale zahrá. Čo sa však stane, ak musia žiť vo svojej úlohe nonstop?

V Romerovej desivej predstavivosti sa zrodila Krajina mrtvych, miesto, v ktorom svet, tak ako sme ho poznali, je len spomienkou. Pozostatky ludskej civilizacie prezivaju vo vnutri opevneneho mesta, zatial co zivi mrtvi sa potuluju pustatinou, ktora ho obklopuje. Vo vnutri mesta ale tiez existuju dva oddelene svety. Ti vyvoleni obyvaju mrakodrap Fiddler's Green, v ktorom si uzivaju absolutny luxus, ti menej stastni potom zivoria na uliciach. Obe dve skupiny su ale zavisle na time zoldnierov, ktori v obrnenom transporteri pravidelne vyrazaju z mestskych bran do krajiny mrtvych, aby v nej doplnili zasoby. V ich cele stoja dvaja muzi, ktori sa navzajom lisia ako voda a ohen. Chol (John Leguizamo) si chce nebezpecnymi vypravami zaistit vstupenku do Fiddler's Green, Riley (Simon Baker) tuzi najst svet bez zombie a bez plotov. Konflikt, ktory sa medzi nimi rozhori, ohrozi nielen ich samych, ale aj poslednu bastu ludskej civilizacie.

A student babysitter has her evening disturbed when the phone rings. So begins a series of increasingly terrifying and threatening calls that lead to a shocking revelation.

Michael Harding (Penn Badgley) sa vracia z vojenskej školy domov, kde na neho k jeho údivu čaká šťastne zamilovaná matka (Sela Ward) a s ňou aj jej nový priateľ. Volá sa David (Dylan Walsch) a s Michaelom sa tak trochu poznajú. Postupom času začína mať Michael z nového prehnane ochotného obyvateľa domu stále zvláštnejšie pocity. Je naozaj tak dokonalý, ako ho vidí matka, alebo snáď skrýva aj svoju temnejšiu tvár?

Confronted by Apartheid and a father who was Minister of Censorship, Ingrid Jonker searched for a home, searched for love. With men like Jack Cope and André Brink she found much love, but no home. Later, in his first speech to the South African Parliament Nelson Mandela read her poem "The Dead Child of Nyanga" and addressed her as one of the finest poets of South Africa.

A group of people have just signed up to be camp Councillors at a foreign country. They expect the camp to be the place for a memorable summer. Instead, something strange is going on and some of the campers begin to act strange. Things go terribly wrong real fast as a terrible game of tag has the campers running for their lives or going after the campers.

Beautiful Mandy Lane isn't a party girl but, when classmate Chloe invites the Texas high school student to a bash in the countryside, she reluctantly accepts. After hitching a ride with a vaguely scary older man, the teens arrive at their destination. Partying ensues, and Mandy's close pal, Emmet, keeps a watchful eye on the young males making a play for Mandy. Then two of the students are murdered.

Five friends set out to a cabin in the woods for a fun weekend getaway that is, until extraterrestrial visitors turn it into a fight for their lives. The group is pulled from their reverie when a flickering object crashes deep in the woods. As they investigate, the friends stumble across an alien spacecraft, and its inhabitants have not arrived in peace.

A weekend cruise on a luxurious party yacht goes horribly wrong for a group of old high-school friends when they get stuck in the water many miles from shore and a happy reunion turns into a fight for survival.

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.

Keď v okolí malého mestečka na Aljaške začne šarapatiť neľútostný zabijak - medveď grizly, šerif Beckett sa vydá do hôr za svojou manželkou, ekologičkou Michelle, aby ju varoval a ochránil. Namiesto nej však narazí na svojho brata Rowana, bývalého zločinca, s ktorým si už dávno nemá čo povedať. Ale aj to sa už čoskoro zmení, keď na nich zaútočí obrovský medvedí zabijak a obaja muži sa ocitnú v ohrození života. Na miestach, kde prežili svoje detstvo, im teraz hrozí smrť. A to je už dobrý dôvod, aby obaja odcudzení bratia zabudli na minulosť a spojili svoje sily v boji na život a na smrť s obrovskou šelmou, ktorá ich začala prenasledovať a je im neustále v pätách. Z lovcov sa stane lovná zver. Kto koho uloví, aby prežil?

In the place between what you know, and what you fear, demons rule. All hope is stripped away as demonic forces overcome you. Dr. Harry Ballard has just unearthed the essence of evil. He’s a marked man, a living sacrifice, thrown to the depths of the demon world. At his side is a beautiful young woman – an ex-cult member who’s experienced their immeasurable power.

Príbeh piatich priateľov, ktorí odpočívajú v odľahlej chate na jazere a chcú si iba užiť pár pekných dní. Netušia, že Zem napadla mimozemská civilizácia a jej obyvateľom hrozí zotročenie.

An innocent woman, accused of murdering her son and hanged as a witch, curses a tree and the children who play around it. The effects of this act of revenge echo through the years .....

In the early part of the 21st Century, an unknown virus began spreading among the populous. Within weeks it had engulfed the entire planet, from the smallest communities to the greatest cities. Upon the death of its host, the virus would reanimate the corpse until it was no longer able to support itself. Soon the planet was infested with a new threat - the undead. So begins our journey into the dystopian world of the zombie diaries.