Pārkers Vilsons dzelzceļa stacijā atrod pamestu suni. Viņš to aizved mājās, cerot atrast suņa saimnieku, un dod jaunajam draugam vārdu Hačiko. Taču suņa saimnieks tā arī neuzrodas, un Pārkera ģimene nolemj to paturēt. Šī ir aizkustinoša filma par uzticību un īpašajām, nesaraujamajām saitēm, kādas negaidīti var izveidoties starp cilvēkiem un dzīvniekiem.

Katram bērnam ir jābūt savam draugam. Par tādu var kļūt lielisks robots, kurš prot kustēties, runāt un, kuram ir pieslēgums internetam. Šādi roboti ir visiem skolniekiem, bet tikai ne kautrīgajam Bārnijam. Visu izmaina dzimšanas diena, kad viņš saņem ilgi gaidīto dāvanu, taču robots Rons izrādās brāķēts un viņa jaunais īpašnieks nolemj pašrocīgi iemācīt robotam visu, ko zina un prot pats.

Nemo stāv uz dzelzceļa perona, no kura tūdaļ aties vilciens. Viņam jāizdara neiespējama izvēle: braukt līdzi mātei, vai palikt pie tēva. Līdzīgi „taureņa efektam" viņa lēmums var noteikt visai atšķirīgus dzīves ceļus. Sirmā vecumā Nemo, atceroties savu dzīvi, iztēlojas laulību ar Elisu un abu trīs bērnus. Taču viņš tikpat labi redz sevi kā veiksminieku, kurš precējies ar Džeinu un sasniedzis visu, ko dzīvē kārojis - naudu, veiksmi, lielu baseinu, taču nekas no tā viņam nav svarīgs. Trešais Nemo cer satikt savu mīlestību Annu, ar kuru viņš tika izšķirts pusaudža vecumā. Atmiņas jaucas ar iztēli, un Nemo vairs nav pārliecināts, kas bijusi realitāte un kas iztēle...

Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal. The disparate group includes rebel John, princess Claire, outcast Allison, brainy Brian and Andrew, the jock. Each has a chance to tell his or her story, making the others see them a little differently -- and when the day ends, they question whether school will ever be the same.

In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humankind.

On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.

A successful, attractive, intelligent and brilliant advertising executive is longing to finally find emotional stability in his life, and decides to propose to his girlfriend. After she refuses his proposal, his life takes a turn when a new young lady enters his life.

Šoreiz Ītenam Hantam piedāvā kārtējo "neiespējamo" misiju – atgūt trīs plutonija bumbas, kas ir nozagtas krieviem. Pēc tam, kad Ītena Hanta un viņa IMF komandas jaunais uzdevums cieš pilnīgu fiasko, viņam kopā ar komandas biedriem un citiem sabiedrotajiem ir jādara viss, lai labotu kāda pagātnē pieņemta nepareiza lēmuma tālejošās sekas.

Susan Morrow receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband – a man she left 20 years earlier – asking for her opinion of his writing. As she reads, she is drawn into the fictional life of Tony Hastings, a mathematics professor whose family vacation turns violent.

A young Austrian girl is kidnapped and held in captivity for eight years. Based on the real-life case of Natascha Kampusch.

Filmas darbība notiek uz patiesu vēsturisku notikumu fona un stāsta par Bruklinas advokātu Džeimsu Donovanu, kurš attopas aukstā kara epicentrā, kad CIP viņu nosūta veikt praktiski neiespējamu uzdevumu – vienoties par PSRS notvertā izlūklidmašīnas U2 amerikāņu pilota atbrīvošanu.

70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin.

Amid a future war between the human race and the forces of artificial intelligence, a hardened ex-special forces agent grieving the disappearance of his wife, is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI who has developed a mysterious weapon with the power to end the war—and mankind itself.

The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up—Peter Pan—does just that, becoming a soulless corporate lawyer whose workaholism could cost him his wife and kids. During his trip to see Granny Wendy in London, the vengeful Capt. Hook kidnaps Peter's kids and forces Peter to return to Neverland.

In 1947, long-retired and near the end of his life, Sherlock Holmes grapples with an unreliable memory and must rely on his housekeeper's son as he revisits the still-unsolved case that led to his retirement.

Kriss Faradejs ir izbijis kontrabandists, kurš kādreiz nodarbojās ar preču nelikumīgu ievešanu valstī. Viņš pameta šo nodarbi pēc tam, kad apprecējās. Bet tad Krisa svainis iesaistījās darījumā ar narkodīleri Brigsu. Darījums izgāžas un Brigss pieprasa svaini atlīdzināt zaudējumus, taču viņš nav spējīgs to izdarīt. Tāpēc, lai segtu Endija parādu, Kriss ir spiests atsākt nodarboties ar kontrabandu, jo tas viņam padodas vislabāk. Krisa kontrabandista gaitas ir leģendām apvītas, tāpēc ar labākā drauga Sebastiana palīdzību viņam ātri izdodas savākt komandu, un viņi dodas uz Panamu cerībā atgriezties ar miljoniem viltotu banknošu.

In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to strange horns sprouting from his temples.

Sophia, a new high school student, tries to make friends with Barbara, who tells her that “she kills giants,” protecting this way her hometown and its inhabitants, who do not understand her strange behavior.

When a greedy outlaw schemes to take possession of the "Patch Of Heaven" dairy farm, three determined cows, a karate-kicking stallion and a colorful corral of critters join forces to save their home. The stakes are sky-high as this unlikely animal alliance risk their hides and match wits with a mysterious band of bad guys.

Everyone always knew that Max had a wild imagination, but no one believed that his wildest creations -- a boy raised by watchful great white sharks and a girl with the force of a volcano -- were real. Now, these two pint-sized action masters will show Max that even an ordinary kid has what it takes to be extraordinary.