Splash into action with seafaring sleuths Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues from a vanished crew in Hassle in the Castle! Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are then captured by Redbeard the Pirate in Go Away Ghost Ship. Zoinks! If the case isn’t solved soon, somebody’s going to walk the plank! And when Scooby and friends get lost in a swamp, they meet up with the Harlem Globetrotters and Redbeard the Pirate – again! – for a swashbuckling adventure worth a treasure chest full of Scooby Snax!

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

Cleo lives in Marseilles and works as a waitress in a waterfront dive. A stranger entices her into coming to Paris to take dancing lessons, but instead she is taken to a baron, who betrays her. In spite of this inauspicious start, Cleo becomes a successful and renowned actress, but her feelings about men have never recovered. She loathes them and uses them only for the money they offer her, which she then hands over to a penniless girl.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

Alice预见了Volturi即将到了,大家猜到一是因为Renesmme,二是因为Volturi不满Cullen家族的壮大,他们想维护自己的权威与声望。Volturi的首领Aro一直都很想把Alice和Edward收归旗下,Alice和Ed的叛逆已经让Aro心存不满。Bella心烦意乱,Cullen家族也很紧张。Bella头一次看到一贯平静优雅的Charlisle出现担忧的神情,对于Volturi那段恐怖的在Bella还是human的时候的那段记忆让Bella更加恐惧,她担心Renesmme早于不测。但没有人能估到Volturi什么时候来。Edward和charlisle商量着对策,而这时候Bella和Jacob带着Renesmme去hunting,却与Tanya三姐妹中的Irina不期而遇。Irina是Tanya三姐妹中的一员,虽然没有直接服务于Volturi,但对这个有几千年历史的V氏家族一贯衷心,Irina没有等Bella解释,便认定Cullens创造了一个baby vampire,疾速感到意大利Volturi家族报告。这一刻开始,Bella知道,一场毁灭性的灾难将要来临……

The police have arrested a Latino teenager caught pawning a murdered attorney's stolen Rolex. To complicate matters, the suspect's sister wants McBride to defend her brother - despite the fact that the victim was a close friend of McBride's.



在電影版【小查與寇弟的頂級冒險】當中,Cody 想趁春假加入實驗專案實習,以利於之後申請大學,沒想到卻和女友 Bailey 因誤會而吵架,心情整個低落到谷底,加上實習機會也被 Zack 搞破壞,原本的計畫全部泡湯了,雙胞胎之間也因此吵得不可開交,甚至說出決裂的話。這時有個專門研究雙胞胎的科學計畫找上了他們,他們在沒有選擇的餘地下加入了此一研究,居然發現他們之間首次出現雙胞胎的心電感應,這項新感應讓這對雙胞胎首次能夠彼此感同身受,也因此更了解對方,但沒想到他們也意外發現此一研究背後原來另有陰謀,雙胞胎要如何大顯神通度過危機呢?

The author Thomas meets his childhood friend Hoffman on an autumn night in 1997. They decide to let a dream come true: to make a film of a play by Thomas, Veranda for a Tenor, with Hoffman in the lead role. The story takes us back to the summer of 1961, which changed their lives. The writing of the script awakens memories and forbidden questions are answered. Their friendship is put to the test a final time. Veranda for a tenor is a film about male friendship, but also about love. Their love for the same woman...


Saddam Hussein's regime left many homes broken, families dead, and orphans left with no hopes for a good future. Homelessness in Iraqi-Kurdistan has risen, despite the implementation of orphanages. There is more that needs to be done. Ruwayda Mustafah, a political activist, returns to her homeland with ideas for improvement.

  慵懒搞怪的加菲猫又回来了!这次加菲和主人乔恩(Breckin Meyer 布瑞金•梅耶 饰)远赴英国旅行,一路上它花招不断,主仆俩闹出不少的笑话。巧合的是,伦敦有一只出身名门的猫和加菲长得极其相似,阴差阳错之下它们互换了身份,加菲因此享受了一把它梦寐以求的奢侈而豪华的生活。贵族猫继承了主人的泼天财富,引起了主人贪心亲戚达吉斯(Billy Connolly 饰)的忌恨。达吉斯坏招频出,意欲置其于死地,我们的假贵族加菲面对这个凶险的敌人该如何招架呢?

Adel is an honest secretary at the prosecutor office, while raising his son Ahmad after the death of his wife. When Tamer, the son of a millionaire is arrested for drug addiction, Tamer's lawyer tries bribe Adel to find a way to get him out, but to no avail. In order to change his mind, he uses all ways possible.

Spit and Ashes is a reimagining of the historical violence waged against women by patriarchal forces in the name of religion, medicine and family. The High Priestess embodies the wild, sexual and grotesque - the un-tamable hunger of female desire and the ultimate threat to male power. The Midwife is the spirit of all women who sought knowledge and agency over their own bodies and paid for their agency with their lives. Through a series of erotic and brutal rituals these women come together to reclaim their bodies and prepare for the fight ahead.

Karim, a young Lebanese man, goes looking for his bride - who abandoned him on their wedding day - in the neighbourhoods of Beirut. Through his inner monologue, we discover his mixed feelings towards Beirut.