Energetic priest Don Camillo returns to the town of Brescello for more political and personal duels with Communist mayor Peppone.

Recorded during the band's 2009 sell out UK tour on April 30 at the legendary Roundhouse in London. The Return to Eden tour was the first time that the classic Ultravox line-up of Midge Ure, Billy Currie, Criss Cross and Warren Cann had performed together in over two decades, and was followed by a highly successful European and festival tour that ran through the summer and into the Autumn.

Set in the African savannah, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the 'Lion Guard'. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life, while also introducing viewers to the vast array of animals that populate the prodigious African landscape.

Hitman Returns was filmed before a sold out crowd last year at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. The lineup of talent, lead by Foster as maestro of ceremonies, includes performances by Seal, Donna Summer, Martina McBride, Earth, Wind & Fire, Natalie Cole, Ruben Studdard, All-4-One,'Glee' star Charice, Chaka Khan, Jackie Evancho, Lara Fabian and other artists whose careers have been touched by Foster, a 15-time Grammy winning producer and songwriter.

After a successful heist at the race track, talented thief Lupin has his sights set on a valuable diamond set to be displayed in seven days. His plan is complicated when he saves a young girl named Michelle from a group of thugs. Michelle's father is very rich and connected to the diamond; her father also enlists an old mercenary friend of Jigen to persuade Jigen to work for him. Goemon has also been hired by Fujiko to assist her in her own plans for the diamond. With no one to turn to and double-crosses galore, can Lupin pull things together in a week?

A year after the first movie, the four friends are enjoying their lives to the fullest, get in trouble once again with Bholi, who is released from prison earlier than expected and is broke.

Stolen from the famous "secret" Air Force base, Area 51, Lupin's most recently stolen treasure holds a secret. Four "Bloody Angels," the toughest women Lupin has ever faced, want the treasure for their own terrorist purposes. Meanwhile Zenigata teams up with a female police officer to hunt Lupin and the terrorists down.

A warrant’s been issued for an arrest but this time, it’s not for Lupin. Authorities are after Inspector Zenigata as they suspect Pops has been in cahoots with the master thief all along. In an effort to vouch for Zenigata’s innocence, Lupin is challenged to steal the curious Time Crystal. As Lupin and his gang go after the famed diamond he’s confronted with the unexpected betrayal of his most trusted partner.

Príbeh nás privádza do Elrondovho domu. Tu sa práve odohráva oslava 129. narodenín hobita Bilba. Bilbo kedysi vlastnil prsteň, ktorý ho dokázal spraviť neviditeľným, ale daroval ho svojmu najbližšiemu príbuznému, Frodovi. Bilbo sa na oslave dozvedá, že Frodo už nemá prsteň a chce počuť, čo sa sním stalo. Frodo mu rozpovie príbeh o tom, ako sa on aj so svojím verným priateľom Samom vydali naprieč Mordorom, zemou zla a orkov, aby prsteň zničili v plameňoch Hory Osudu, lebo prsteň bol ukovaný, aby slúžil zlu a bolo ho treba zničiť.

Obľúbení hrdinovia animovaného príbehu Atlantída: Tajomná ríša sa vracajú. Pri prvej spoločnej výprave objavil Milo Thatch a jeho spoločníci legendárne podmorské mesto, zachránil jeho obyvateľov a celé kráľovstvo pred nenásytnými dobyvateľmi. Teraz sa Milo, Kida a ich priatelia pripravujú na ďalšiu a ešte bláznivejšiu výpravu, pri ktorej budú čeliť tajomným a neznámym silám. Ceste ich povedie od prašných púšti na juhozápade až po ľadovce v severných horách. Budú čeliť gigantickej morskej príšere, tajomným duchom a mocným legendám. Kida naviac spozná skutočnú silu…

Noah Wyle sa vracia ako Flynn Carsen, náš známy Knihovník. Po tom, ako už raz zachránil ľudstvo, spočíva osud sveta opäť na Flynnových pleciach. Záhadná mapa ukazujúca cestu k legendárnym baniam kráľa Šalamúna je jeho jediným kľúčom k posvätnej Knihe Šalamúnovej. Keď ho prepadnú a túto mapu ukradnú, vydá sa Flynn do Maroka, kde stretáva svoj osud v podobe krásnej profesorky Emily Davenportovej (Gabrielle Anwarová), ktorá je veľmi cieľavedomá a bystrá ako Flynn, ak nie ešte viac. Spoločne sa vydávajú nájsť tajomné bane kráľa Šalamúna a snažia sa byť jeden krok pred neznámymi protivníkmi, ktorí majú v úmysle zneužiť moc ukrytú v Knihe Šalamúnovej.

When Fujiko secures a file that documents the location of the fabled Columbus Egg – a mystical relic that controls the weather – she quickly recruits Lupin and the gang to track down the long-lost treasure. Unfortunately, her memory of Lupin and his friends are wiped out almost entirely. Can the gang restore Fujiko’s memory before the Egg falls into the hands of a madman?

Muži z troch mexických dedín sú odvlečení ozbrojenými pištoľníkmi mocného Franka Lorca. Medzi rukojemníkmi je aj Chico, bývalý spolubojovník obávaného pištoľníckeho hrdinu Chrisa. Ten okolo seba zhromaždí mužov, s ktorými mieni Chica a jeho spolutrpiteľov z rúk brutálneho tyrana Lorcasa oslobodiť. Chris a jeho muži „slávnej sedmy“ na pištoľníkov narazia v jednom zničenom hniezde na hraniciach s Mexikom.

Tentokrát sú na rade chlapíci, ktorí sa zmocnili tajného zariadenia nazvaného Pandorina skrinka, s ktorého pomocou sú schopní vám až z obežnej dráhy hodiť vybraný vojenský satelit priamo na hlavu. S presnosťou jedného metra. Plus mínus. Pri niekoľkotonovej družici zas na nejakom tom metre nezáleží… Keďže oficiálne vládne zložky si s tým nevedia rady, je načase, aby Xander Cage dal dokopy tím jemu čo najpodobnejších šialencov, ktorí neriešia služobné postupy, legálnosť zvolených prostriedkov a varovný výstrel vypáli až na konci akcie. Alebo nikdy. Jediný rozkaz, ktorý sú ochotní si aspoň vypočuť, znie „Nakopte im zadok.“ Našťastie Xander a jeho partia stoja väčšinou na tej správnej strane ľudstva a naviac sa vedia lyžovať v pralese, surfovať na motorke, pobiť sa v stave beztiaže, alebo zneškodniť padajúci satelit dopravným lietadlom.

Leo Bernardi is a successful and acclaimed Italian director. He’s approaching the end of his career but he cannot accept his slow decline. He has just finished shooting his last movie and he’s deeply sad. The movie is inspired by the novel about Casanova written by Arthur Schnitzler, a character so similar to the director, even more than he could imagine. Schnitzler’s Casanova is aged, glory days are over: he lost his charm and his attraction to women, he’s broke and no more eager to travel through Europe. After a long exile, he just wants to go back to Venice, his homeland. While traveling home Casanova meets a girl, Marcolina. She reawakens his desire, lost for years. So, he tries to seduce her but that leads him to a tragic understanding: he’s an old man now. It’s not by chance that Leo Bernardi decided to tell this story right now, in a pivotal moment of his life and career. The destiny of both Casanova and his director leads them to a final confrontation.

Joanna Mills has a successful career but feels her personal life is spinning out of control. She has few friends, an estranged father, and a crazy ex-boyfriend who is stalking her. Joanna begins having terrifying visions of a woman's murder, and it seems that she is the killer's next target. Determined to solve the mystery and escape her apparent fate, Joanna follows her visions to the victim's hometown and finds that some secrets just do not stay buried.

Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town. Or that's what McIntock says he'll do with the money...

James Bataille utečie z väzenia, aby našiel svoju snúbenicu Conciu. Ale práve keď sa chystá dosiahnuť svoj cieľ, objavia sa mimozemšťania podobní chobotniciam a zmaria sľubný vývoj udalostí. Po boji so šťastným koncom James a Concia utečú do paralelného sveta.

Stuck all night on a yacht with a damsel in distress, Gopal lies to his soap opera junkie wife to avoid drama. This sets off a chain of chaotic events that ultimately land him smack dab in the middle of a police case.

In the waning years of the Ming Dynasty, the Bruneian Empire offers a rare creature to the nation as a gift. Ocean, a member of the Imperial Secret Police, has been tasked to tame the beast. Though the furry beast appears ferocious on the outside, Ocean discovers that it is kind by nature. Not wanting to turn the beast into a killing machine on the battlefield, Ocean secretly releases the beast into the wild and elopes with Frigid, the daughter of a man executed on false charges.