Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Socialite Vita Sackville-West and literary icon Virginia Woolf run in different circles in 1920s London. Despite the odds, the two forge an unconventional affair, set against the backdrop of their own strikingly contemporary marriages.

In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?

Marie, an independent and militant woman, has never needed anyone's help, including when it comes to raise her son. When the latter is expelled from his certificate of professional competence training class, Marie cannot accept it. Dreaming of a brighter future for him, she decides to enroll him in one of the best cooking schools in France.

Disfunkcionalni par se odpravi v oddaljeno kabino, da se ponovno poveže, vendar ima vsak namen ubiti drugega. Preden lahko uresničita svoje načrte, pridejo nepričakovani obiskovalci in soočena sta z večjo nevarnostjo.

Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.

Skrivnostno življenje profesionalne parfumarke Anne Walberg je zadovoljna ženska srednjih let, ki obvlada svet parfumov. Narava jo je obdarila z edinstvenim nosom in to svojo izredno specialiteto uspešno prodaja podjetjem, ki jo najemajo tako za vonjanje in izdelavo parfumov kot za nenavadne detektivske naloge. Živi kot diva, zaradi narave svoje službe je samozadostna, premožna, ekscentrična. A njeno skrbno vzdrževano ravnovesje pretrese prihod novega osebnega voznika Guillauma, edinega človeka, ki se Anni drzne postaviti po robu. Namesto da bi tujca zaradi njegove predrznosti odpustila, ga obdrži v svoji bližini in med njima se razvije posebno prijateljstvo.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

When a tech blogger lands an interview with a tech guru and stops an attack on him, he finds a mysterious ring that takes him back 57 seconds into the past.

When deadly attacks from a nearby forest beset a secluded retirement community, it is up to a blind army veteran to discover what the residents are hiding.

Simona is a single mother in her early ‘40s who is wholly devoted to her son, Filippo. To get over her insecurities as a parent and make her son happy on his eighth birthday, she decides to throw him a birthday party in their small flat and invite over his school friends and their parents. For Simona, this birthday is about to pose quite the surprising dilemma between allowing her son to embrace his true self and a mother’s fierce desire to protect her child from their potentially cruel surroundings. This is the last conundrum she was expecting to have to face on a day that is already rife with anxiety.

Voznica tovornjaka je prisiljena v prevoz nezakonitega tovora, da bi lahko tako brata rešila pred nevarno zaporniško tolpo. Z operativci FBI-ja za svojim hrbtom je njena vest izzvana, ko se izkaže, da je ta tovor v bistvu najstnica.

Ko se razkrije nezvestoba ženske in njenega ljubimca, morata sprejeti sprevrženo psihološko igro njunega ugrabitelja, da bi rešila člane svojih družin pred smrtjo. Oddih za konec tedna se nenadoma spremeni v nočno moro psihološke groze, kjer morata storiti vse, da bi preživela. V eksplozivnem trilerju se srečajo resnica in laž ter ljubezen in sovraštvo.

Fred Bartel is the charismatic boss of a trendy Parisian communication agency, Happy Few. After a heated tax audit, he was forced by the administration to relocate overnight his company in La Courneuve. Fred and his team meet Samy, a young suburb who will quickly propose to teach them the rules and practices to adopt in this new environment.

A disgraced parole officer is indebted to a local gang leader and forced to pull off a series of dangerous drug heists within twelve hours in order to pay the $2 million dollars he owes, rescue his kidnapped pregnant wife, and settle a score with the city's corrupt police chief, who is working with the gang leader and double-crossed him years ago.

Obenem vedra in grenko-sladka komična drama režiserja Cédrica Kahna s slavno Catherine Deneuve v glavni vlogi preiskuje trdnost in zanesljivost družinskih vezi. Deneuvova je matriarhinja Andréa, katere družina se zbere na poletni dan, da bi praznovali materin 70. rojstni dan. Pri družini njenega krepostnega in dobro vzgojenega sina (Cédric Kahn) se zdi vse v najlepšem redu, prav tako tudi pri njenem drugem, malce bolj svobodomiselnem sinu (Vincent Macaigne), ki namerava s kamero ovekovečiti družinsko srečanje. A ko se po treh letih odsotnosti nepričakovano pojavi njena umsko neuravnovešena hči Claire (Emmanuelle Bercot), pridejo na površje stare zamere, zlasti s strani najstnice (Luàna Bajrami), ki jo je Claire zapustila.

At the dawn of her thirties, Mona tries relentlessly to take off as an actress. Time passes and proposals do not arrive. Short of resources, she is forced to move to Sam, her younger sister.

A comedy of errors wherein four men help each other to fool their prospective father-in-laws creating a cascade of confusion and mayhem.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.

We are in 2030, and on vacation we go to Mars! Having made his wife and son Giulio lose his tracks for years, Fabio (Christian De Sica) is about to marry the wealthy Bea on Mars. But what could happen if during an excursion into space, something goes wrong and Giulio suddenly becomes a sprightly old man (Massimo Boldi)? Between hilarious unexpected events and amusing misunderstandings, Fabio will find himself dealing with a seventy-year-old son and a marriage that is in danger of jumping ...