A teacher, in search of inspiration, travels to the most remote school in the world, where he ends up realizing how important his job is and appreciating the value of yak dung.
1973 m., kai Frankas Bledsou ir jo 18-metė dukterėčia Beta išvyksta į kelionę iš Manhatano į Krykvilą, Pietų Karoliną, į šeimos patriarcho laidotuves, prie jų netikėtai prisijungia Franko mylimais Volidas.
Sung-hyun returns after 3-years of studying abroad. All alone in a 14-day self-quarantine, he begins to watch the vlogs of Soo-jin, the woman he was dating before he left. Each wonders if they should reconnect.
Irena, a Ukrainian woman, comes to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.
An ad executive and a fashion designer-blogger don't believe in love, so they place a bet to make the other fall head over heels - with unusual tactics.
Andrė – tipiškas nevykėlis. Jis nemoka normaliai bendrauti su žmonėmis, visą laiką meluoja, savo idiotiškiems projektams skolinasi pinigus iš banditų, didžiules sumas išeikvoja be jokios naudos. O kartą jį apvogė – jis neteko visų savo kreditinių kortelių ir dokumentų. Dabar visiškai aišku, kad vaikinui jau nepavyks išsikapstyti, nes jo skola siekia protu nesuvokiamą sumą, o kreditoriai – didžiausi Paryžiaus niekšai - laukti nebeketina. Paskutinis gelbėjimosi šiaudas gali būti...angelas.
Nuo to laiko, kai Matas pirmą kartą mato Lizą, tai tampa jo apsėstu. Ji eina priešais parduotuvės, kurioje dirba Čikagos Wicker Park kaimynystėje, langą, ir jis yra užsikabinęs; ji seka paskui jį, jie susitinka ir netrukus įsimyli. Viskas jų santykiuose atrodo tobula, kol vieną dieną ji dingsta be pėdsakų.
Nikas Velsas užsidirbdavo pragyvenimui atlikdamas nešvarius darbelius. Tai buvo įvairios aferos, neįtikėtinos apgaulės ir kruopščiai suplanuotos vagystės. Vieną gražią dieną vyrukas nusprendžia atsikratyti savo kriminalinės praeities ir džiaugtis ramiu gyvenimu kartu su mylima stiuardese Diana. Jis įgyvendina didžiausią savo svajonę – įkuria jaukų džiazo klubą Monrealyje. Tačiau šis sumanymas nepatinka senam Niko pažįstamam ir geram draugui.
Bernardas Meidofas, amerikiečių biržos makleris ir patarėjas investicijų klausimais, atsiduria nemalonumų pasaulyje, kai jo nesąžiningi būdai atsisuko prieš jį patį.
Four ambitious and beautiful young women. From four very different corners of Mexico. Just like hundreds of others, they are caught up in the frenzy that sweeps the nation when Alejandro Mateos, one of the country's most powerful producers, dreams up a nationwide talent search to cast the lead in his next big movie. But all this is news to Alejandro's on-again, off-again lover, Eva Gallardo, a diva of epic proportions, who expected to get the part. While Eva schemes to nail down the role, our four leads begin their own journey on the road to fame.
Meet Joel Goodson, an industrious, college-bound 17-year-old and a responsible, trustworthy son. However, when his parents go away and leave him home alone in the wealthy Chicago suburbs with the Porsche at his disposal he quickly decides he has been good for too long and it is time to enjoy himself. After an unfortunate incident with the Porsche Joel must raise some cash, in a risky way.
After getting mixed up with a dangerous crime syndicate, an undercover cop wakes up to discover he is missing his partner, his wife, and three days of his life.
The Simpsons host a Disney+ Day party and everyone is on the list… except Homer. With friends from across the service and music fit for a Disney Princess, Plusaversary is Springfield's event of the year.
Jauna moteris bando kovoti su depresija per savo pirmuosius metus Harvarde.
Unlucky in love, chemist Paul Matthews visits gypsy Madame Rosa for help. Quickly realizing he is a hopeless nerd, she gifts him with Love Potion No. 8, which makes anyone who wears it irresistible to the opposite sex for four hours. Paul and animal psychologist coworker Diane Farrow decide to test it on themselves. The awkward pair suddenly find themselves alluring to anyone they approach, but soon realize they are most attracted to each other.
Emilia, a law-school graduate, falls in love with her married boss, Jack. After Emilia marries Jack, her happiness turns unexpectedly to grief following the death of her infant daughter. Devastated, Emilia nonetheless carries on, attempting to forge a connection with her stepson William and to resist the interference of Jack's jealous ex-wife.
At a cabin deep in the wilderness, a weekend of hunting turns to mayhem and a fight for survival when a pack of wolves attack a man, his female best friend and her fiance.
Sliver Haits miestelis turi viską, ko tik gali norėti mergina: puikią panoramą, sporto klubą ir būsto savininką su Edipo kompleksu. Čia apsigyvena Carly Norris, 30-metė moteris, kuriai nelabai sekasi susirasti vyrą. Busto savininkui ji krenta į akį.
In a dull village where nothing ever happens, a boy finds a living mummy in his room. It's the start of an amazing friendship.
A Southern California kid named Calvin Fuller is magically transported to the medieval kingdom of Camelot through a crack in the ground caused by an earthquake. Once there, he learns he was summoned by the wizard Merlin, who needs Calvin to save Camelot. Using dazzling modern inventions, can Calvin help King Arthur retain his crown and thwart the evil Lord Belasco?